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The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) meets from 13:00h today to decide on the declaration of the results from the vote recount which showed the Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) winning by 15, 416 votes.

The Constitution at Article 177 dictates that “if more votes are cast in favour of the list in which a person is designated as Presidential candidate that in favour of any other list, that Presidential Candidate shall be ‘deemed’ to be elected President and shall be so declared by the Chairman of the Elections Commission acting only in accordance with the advice of the Chief Elections Officer…”

The Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield has presented his report showing that more votes were cast in favour of the list headed by Irfaan Ali, and so he is deemed President and it is only left for the GECOM Chairman Justice (rt’d) Claudette Singh to declare him President.

Lowenfield’s report correctly showed the figures which were tabulated and certified as being valid during the vote recount. He attached to that report what was expected to be a summary of the observation reports that flowed from the recount.

It was instead a document highlighting the unsubstantiated allegations APNU+AFC made about the electoral process, adding that based on those allegations he could not be sure that the results of the elections could be considered credible.

APNU+AFC is pushing for the elections to be nullified based on Lowenfield’s opinion.

According to the recount order, GECOM is not obligated to consider the allegations made by Lowenfield. Its only duty is to consider the report containing the figures from the recount.

Paragraph 14 of the recount order states: “The Commission shall, after deliberating on the report…determine whether it should request the Chief Elections Officer to use the data compiled…as the basis for the submission of a report under section 96 of the Representation of the People Act (Chapter) 1:03.”

And so, the Commission does not have to consider the document Lowenfield presented apart from the report of the figures from the recount.

Former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran has described the document by Lowenfield as “uninvited and ultra vires opinion.”

Ramkarran, a Senior Counsel, versed in Guyana’s electoral laws, said Justice Singh must make a declaration of the results based on the recount and were she to accept any other suggestion would serve to destroy the electoral system and democracy in Guyana.

“Guyana will return to rigged elections, dictatorial rule, economic degradation, ethnic oppression, worse corruption, police harassment, imprisonment and killings, an unfree press, arrogance, vindictiveness and more, all of which Guyana experienced between 1968 and 1992.

“It will be another 25 to 50 years before Guyana wins its freedom again, if at all. Surely, this is not the legacy that Justice Singh wants to leave,” Ramkarran stated.Source

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Back in 2011 when I was with the AFC, I said if the PNC retakes power, even as a minority, Burnhamism will be resurrected in a jiffy.  I was told no, the PNC have changed, the true threat to democracy in Jagdeo and he must go. 

The current President relative even said to me if they take power, the AFC will be rewarded with control over Economic policy, Finance and some other areas.  The PNC will retain control of National Security and Foreign Services.

I was apprehensive to all this.  There were just too many old guard Burnhamites at the helm.


Base, the current situation might present a chance for the AFC to redeem itself; especially if a flash election is called. For the past 25years+ the PNC did not win an election on its own. 

@Mitwah posted:

Base, the current situation might present a chance for the AFC to redeem itself; especially if a flash election is called. For the past 25years+ the PNC did not win an election on its own. 

I don’t see that. The only person who stood for principle was Gaskin, not counting Charrandass of course!

The new 3rd force will be ANUG. Gaskin should join ANUG. 


Seems like ANUG now stands for A Nugget of Gold.

Somebody please help with a word for the U.

It’s situations like these which create leaders. ANUG was at the right place and right time and Jonas happens to be the right person. Not forgetting the others, Shuman, Kissoon, etc.

If you notice, what has been revealed, the majority of Guyanese are decent law abiding people. Everyone has held the same position, even Badal.  The PNC and their supporters are the stick-out sore thumbs.

This bodes well for Guyana. But this current gangsters and hoodlums must be extricated.


I was very impressed with Timothy Jonas.  I had no idea who he was until I saw him in videos speaking about the elections.  He appears as the most powerful voice in ANUG.  I still have hopes in Guyana when I see people like him stand and speak for what is right.  Hope he does not change and become an adversary of democracy like Raphael Trotman. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

I was very impressed with Timothy Jonas.  I had no idea who he was until I saw him in videos speaking about the elections.  He appears as the most powerful voice in ANUG.  I still have hopes in Guyana when I see people like him stand and speak for what is right.  Hope he does not change and become an adversary of democracy like Raphael Trotman. 

The huge difference between them and the AFC guys, is hatred for the PPP and Jagdeo.  They are more balanced which could lead to a better working relationship.


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