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GECOM needs to publish SOPs for all to see – Former APNU+AFC Minister Dominic Gaskin

Former Business Minister in the APNU+AFC coalition government Dominic Gaskin last evening in a post on his Facebook page expressed that he is not “sufficiently convinced” the results declared by the Returning Officer of Region Four “accurately reflect” those recorded on the various statements of poll collected from the district’s 879 polling stations.

Former Business Minister, Dominic Gaskin

Gaskin also said that he also had difficulty accepting that “all the persons and organizations who have so far deemed the process to lack credibility have somehow gotten it wrong”.
Below is the full post made by the former Minister last night.
“I am no fan of Bharat Jagdeo or Irfaan Ali. I campaigned vigorously against them and for the APNU + AFC coalition in these, and in previous, elections.

I consider the new smaller parties to be a mixed bag of decent Guyanese, political opportunists, and disgruntled persons – i.e. no different from any other party. For the record, I consider Jonathan Yearwood to be a decent Guyanese and a person I respect. I was sorry to see what happened to him today.

I believe I am a rational person capable of independent thinking, despite my political affiliation. Given all that has taken place over the last twelve days, I am not sufficiently convinced that the results of the Region 4 elections as declared by the GECOM RO last Thursday (March 5th) accurately reflect the results recorded on the various statements of poll collected from the 879 polling stations.

I have difficulty accepting that all the persons and organizations that have so far deemed the process to lack credibility have somehow gotten it wrong.

I have a difficulty understanding why GECOM, specifically the Region 4 RO, would not be bending over backward to convince the various observers that his tabulation process was sound and all his results credible.
If our election results are as widely rejected as they appear likely to be, then there can be no winners. We all lose. This is not what I campaigned for.

GECOM needs to publish their SOPs for all to see. If not, it can never hold credible elections in Guyana again.
Unfortunately, none of us can prevent GECOM from taking this process to its obvious conclusion, however, I believe the nation deserves to see all the numbers on which GECOM intends to base its final declaration.
There are many more good Guyanese than there are rotten ones. It is a shame that good Guyanese are now turning on each other simply because a few rotten eggs are attempting to pull us apart. Time to tone down the hate, accept that we’re all in the same s**t storm, and work our way out of it.”


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Claudette Singh should have done this a long time to erase the shadow of doubts on the election 2020. If she was afraid to do it before, she can do it now so the Guyanese voters can get full closure.  


SORs were publicly announced to all present and then recorded by GECOM staff during the recount process.

Of particular reference all duly authorised persons at the process must see see each statement.

Copies were published at each poling station for political party agents and other individuals, organizations plus individuals to collect.

Official copies of the SORs were provided to GECOM.


The only usefulness of the SOPs is they will show how Mingo mutilated them with his alterations. Legally, the SORs have overtaken the SOPs so they are not needed for any closure. Closure came on August 2, 2020 when GECOM declared the PPP winners and the Chancellor swore in Ali as President. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

It's now water under the bridge.  What does Gaskin know about business?

GECOM is not his business. The man can't run a cake shop. He should now stay out of the people's business.

Biography of H.E. Mr. Dominic Gaskin;

MP Minister of Business and Investment of Republic of GUYANA, South America

• Gaskin is the Owner of a Georgetown Jewelry Store.

• He has had formal training in Diamond Grading and Gemology combined with 25 years’ experience in the various Arts of Handcrafting Precious Jewelry.

• He is currently the President of the Guyana National Association of Goldsmiths and Jewelers.

• He has a Wife and the couple have two children both of whom attend school in Guyana.

• He is an Active Member of the Queen’s College Old Students Association and is their Representative on the Queen’s College Board of Governor



Then how come, Gaskin didn't do anything to enhance the business environment in Guyana.  Commerce and small businesses were the Businessmen's own initiatives. How many jobs did he create? Did he pay his taxes?


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