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Baseman posted:

Total BS.  The fact that the appeal in court does not mean they should not have pursued the election goal from day 1.  

The opposition needs to make it clear that after the 90 day from Dec 21, the coalition is illegitimate and deal with the consequences. Don’t budge.  

thanks for your contribution

i suggest you drill deeper into the issue beyond shakeabatty

you seem to be chatting with the klown faction in the PPP



I believe elections preparation should continue regardless of ongoing court cases. Elections will NOT happen on March 19, 2019. It may happen in July 2019 if the appeals court upholds the CJ ruling and CCJ do the same. If something goes wrong by then, elections are constitutionally due in 2020, which is a few months away. This is my opinion, per se, buying time.  

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Total BS.  The fact that the appeal in court does not mean they should not have pursued the election goal from day 1.  

The opposition needs to make it clear that after the 90 day from Dec 21, the coalition is illegitimate and deal with the consequences. Don’t budge.  

thanks for your contribution

i suggest you drill deeper into the issue beyond shakeabatty

you seem to be chatting with the klown faction in the PPP


The issue is simple. The PNC is manipulating to delay as much as possible so they can get their 2020 plan in place.  

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

The issue is simple. The PNC is manipulating to delay as much as possible so they can get their 2020 plan in place.  

I wouldn't count on elections in 2020 either. We talking about the PNC now. They never cared for elections. They are more inclined to military supported rule.

BJ needs to break off dialogue and put the international community on notice that after Mar 19, the govt no longer represents the will of the people!  Let the chips fall.  


Hey hey hey...Snowie bai...dem PNC/ACDA blackman believe dem gat more right dan anybady because dem come fuss. Da man Phillips a quote false study foh seh dem Amerindian na come fuss. Dem peopkle gat foh re marginalise and re discriminate coolies like dem do before 1992. Ayoo create enough myth like how dem 400 innocent, virgin black yuths get kill because coolie wake up mainin, drink dem dhal and go kill blackman juss like dat. Blackman so innocent and holy one lovers dat dem didnt do nothing like stop bus, chop up mini bus passanga, rob passanga, kidnap and kill coolie farmer, shoot and kill elderly coolies in Mcdoom, shoot up rum shap and kill 5 peopkle and suh. Coolie muss staan quiet if de PNC security force refuse foh protect dem...hey hey hey...dem is one lovers so dem doan need foh do eleckshun...hey hey hey. 

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

The issue is simple. The PNC is manipulating to delay as much as possible so they can get their 2020 plan in place.  

I wouldn't count on elections in 2020 either. We talking about the PNC now. They never cared for elections. They are more inclined to military supported rule.

BJ needs to break off dialogue and put the international community on notice that after Mar 19, the govt no longer represents the will of the people!  Let the chips fall.  

De problem wid he is he shit stink baad. All he putin antics like get wan poor blackman foh pay de most expensive caribbean lawyer foh case at CCJ and now de Irfaan selection...hey hey hey. International community not goin to tek he serious. Only dem chinaman and russiaman go lissen to he. And dat is when de shit hit de fan if dem do dat again. Hey hey hey. 

Labba posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

The issue is simple. The PNC is manipulating to delay as much as possible so they can get their 2020 plan in place.  

I wouldn't count on elections in 2020 either. We talking about the PNC now. They never cared for elections. They are more inclined to military supported rule.

BJ needs to break off dialogue and put the international community on notice that after Mar 19, the govt no longer represents the will of the people!  Let the chips fall.  

De problem wid he is he shit stink baad. All he putin antics like get wan poor blackman foh pay de most expensive caribbean lawyer foh case at CCJ and now de Irfaan selection...hey hey hey. International community not goin to tek he serious. Only dem chinaman and russiaman go lissen to he. And dat is when de shit hit de fan if dem do dat again. Hey hey hey. 

Bhai, there was walk about meeting, with Irfaan and few others, not many people show up. Things ain't looking good for them.

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...Snowie bai...dem PNC/ACDA blackman believe dem gat more right dan anybady because dem come fuss. Da man Phillips a quote false study foh seh dem Amerindian na come fuss. Dem peopkle gat foh re marginalise and re discriminate coolies like dem do before 1992. Ayoo create enough myth like how dem 400 innocent, virgin black yuths get kill because coolie wake up mainin, drink dem dhal and go kill blackman juss like dat. Blackman so innocent and holy one lovers dat dem didnt do nothing like stop bus, chop up mini bus passanga, rob passanga, kidnap and kill coolie farmer, shoot and kill elderly coolies in Mcdoom, shoot up rum shap and kill 5 peopkle and suh. Coolie muss staan quiet if de PNC security force refuse foh protect dem...hey hey hey...dem is one lovers so dem doan need foh do eleckshun...hey hey hey. 

Dem bais gun she yuh racist. One can neva criticize wan blackman without being called wan racist. Dem prefer yuh mek excuses fuh blackman bad behavior.

Labba posted:

dem PNC/ACDA blackman believe dem gat more right dan anybady because dem come fuss. Da man Phillips a quote false study foh seh dem Amerindian na come fuss. Dem peopkle gat foh re marginalise and re discriminate coolies like dem do before 1992. Ayoo create enough myth like how dem 400 innocent, virgin black yuths get kill because coolie wake up mainin, drink dem dhal and go kill blackman juss like dat. Blackman so innocent and holy one lovers dat dem didnt do nothing like stop bus, chop up mini bus passanga, rob passanga, kidnap and kill coolie farmer, shoot and kill elderly coolies in Mcdoom, shoot up rum shap and kill 5 peopkle and suh. Coolie muss staan quiet if de PNC security force refuse foh protect dem...hey hey hey...dem is one lovers so dem doan need foh do eleckshun...hey hey hey. 

i can't say much in response to the above except to note loud echoes of the crude race baiting i last encountered in my readings on the verbal antics of Herr Goebbels 

ronan posted:
Labba posted:

dem PNC/ACDA blackman believe dem gat more right dan anybady because dem come fuss. Da man Phillips a quote false study foh seh dem Amerindian na come fuss. Dem peopkle gat foh re marginalise and re discriminate coolies like dem do before 1992. Ayoo create enough myth like how dem 400 innocent, virgin black yuths get kill because coolie wake up mainin, drink dem dhal and go kill blackman juss like dat. Blackman so innocent and holy one lovers dat dem didnt do nothing like stop bus, chop up mini bus passanga, rob passanga, kidnap and kill coolie farmer, shoot and kill elderly coolies in Mcdoom, shoot up rum shap and kill 5 peopkle and suh. Coolie muss staan quiet if de PNC security force refuse foh protect dem...hey hey hey...dem is one lovers so dem doan need foh do eleckshun...hey hey hey. 

i can't say much in response to the above except to note loud echoes of the crude race baiting i last encountered in my readings on the verbal antics of Herr Goebbels 

Awwww...yuh soh innocent, holy church going one lover...hey hey hey.

Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

dem PNC/ACDA blackman believe dem gat more right dan anybady because dem come fuss. Da man Phillips a quote false study foh seh dem Amerindian na come fuss. Dem peopkle gat foh re marginalise and re discriminate coolies like dem do before 1992. Ayoo create enough myth like how dem 400 innocent, virgin black yuths get kill because coolie wake up mainin, drink dem dhal and go kill blackman juss like dat. Blackman so innocent and holy one lovers dat dem didnt do nothing like stop bus, chop up mini bus passanga, rob passanga, kidnap and kill coolie farmer, shoot and kill elderly coolies in Mcdoom, shoot up rum shap and kill 5 peopkle and suh. Coolie muss staan quiet if de PNC security force refuse foh protect dem...hey hey hey...dem is one lovers so dem doan need foh do eleckshun...hey hey hey. 

i can't say much in response to the above except to note loud echoes of the crude race baiting i last encountered in my readings on the verbal antics of Herr Goebbels 

yuh soh innocent, holy church going one lover...hey hey hey.

nope . . . we simply watching alyuh and learning the proper lessons

the scent of ile money mekkin plenty of y'all liff up alyuh dress and throw 'caution' to the winds

uh huh

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...Snowie bai...dem PNC/ACDA blackman believe dem gat more right dan anybady because dem come fuss. Da man Phillips a quote false study foh seh dem Amerindian na come fuss. Dem peopkle gat foh re marginalise and re discriminate coolies like dem do before 1992. Ayoo create enough myth like how dem 400 innocent, virgin black yuths get kill because coolie wake up mainin, drink dem dhal and go kill blackman juss like dat. Blackman so innocent and holy one lovers dat dem didnt do nothing like stop bus, chop up mini bus passanga, rob passanga, kidnap and kill coolie farmer, shoot and kill elderly coolies in Mcdoom, shoot up rum shap and kill 5 peopkle and suh. Coolie muss staan quiet if de PNC security force refuse foh protect dem...hey hey hey...dem is one lovers so dem doan need foh do eleckshun...hey hey hey. 

Hey hey labbadda. Wuh kind dal yuh drink dis early marnin’.  Like it rass gah nuff nuff gera?

Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

dem PNC/ACDA blackman believe dem gat more right dan anybady because dem come fuss. Da man Phillips a quote false study foh seh dem Amerindian na come fuss. Dem peopkle gat foh re marginalise and re discriminate coolies like dem do before 1992. Ayoo create enough myth like how dem 400 innocent, virgin black yuths get kill because coolie wake up mainin, drink dem dhal and go kill blackman juss like dat. Blackman so innocent and holy one lovers dat dem didnt do nothing like stop bus, chop up mini bus passanga, rob passanga, kidnap and kill coolie farmer, shoot and kill elderly coolies in Mcdoom, shoot up rum shap and kill 5 peopkle and suh. Coolie muss staan quiet if de PNC security force refuse foh protect dem...hey hey hey...dem is one lovers so dem doan need foh do eleckshun...hey hey hey. 

i can't say much in response to the above except to note loud echoes of the crude race baiting i last encountered in my readings on the verbal antics of Herr Goebbels 

Awwww...yuh soh innocent, holy church going one lover...hey hey hey.

Can't say I didn't warn yuh. There is a tv show called Blackness. One of the directors was on tv this morning stating that people shouldn't treat every criticism of black people as racism. Unfortunately too many do and I think all those excuses poured on blacks are weighing heavy on them preventing them from getting up. But that is their life and their choice and their destiny.

ksazma posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

dem PNC/ACDA blackman believe dem gat more right dan anybady because dem come fuss. Da man Phillips a quote false study foh seh dem Amerindian na come fuss. Dem peopkle gat foh re marginalise and re discriminate coolies like dem do before 1992. Ayoo create enough myth like how dem 400 innocent, virgin black yuths get kill because coolie wake up mainin, drink dem dhal and go kill blackman juss like dat. Blackman so innocent and holy one lovers dat dem didnt do nothing like stop bus, chop up mini bus passanga, rob passanga, kidnap and kill coolie farmer, shoot and kill elderly coolies in Mcdoom, shoot up rum shap and kill 5 peopkle and suh. Coolie muss staan quiet if de PNC security force refuse foh protect dem...hey hey hey...dem is one lovers so dem doan need foh do eleckshun...hey hey hey. 

i can't say much in response to the above except to note loud echoes of the crude race baiting i last encountered in my readings on the verbal antics of Herr Goebbels 

Awwww...yuh soh innocent, holy church going one lover...hey hey hey.

Can't say I didn't warn yuh. There is a tv show called Blackness. One of the directors was on tv this morning stating that people shouldn't treat every criticism of black people as racism. Unfortunately too many do and I think all those excuses poured on blacks are weighing heavy on them preventing them from getting up. But that is their life and their choice and their destiny.

Bai me doan know which show yuh talkin bout. We talkin here bout Guyana politics and exposing dem one lovers like Granger and Snowie. Merika gat nuff, nuff powerful and rich blackpeople.  

ksazma posted:

There is a tv show called Blackness. One of the directors was on tv this morning stating that people shouldn't treat every criticism of black people as racism. Unfortunately too many do and I think all those excuses poured on blacks are weighing heavy on them preventing them from getting up. But that is their life and their choice and their destiny.

another 'expert' on Black people feeling his racist oats

amazing how the dumber they are, the more they feel empowered to bray insistent and imbecilic

ksazma posted:

I live in beautiful Pembroke Pines, a stone's throw from Miami, the largest county in Florida. It is not difficult to see who are struggling there. I suspect that Miami is not an outlier. So y'all keep making excuses and keeping y'all brothers and sisters down.

why speak in code bigot?

say what you wanna say like a man

the term "gratuitous" leaps out at me . . . speaking to your vile compulsions

there are many 'out' here who do not pose . . . you are not an "outlier"

link arms with them banna . . . even use n!gger if you feel so inclined

otherwise it's just cowardly


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