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March 16 ,2022


The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) was forced to terminate the services of one of its registration clerks after it was discovered that they were a People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) polling agent, according to two Commissioners.

Both government-nominated Commissioner Sase Gunraj and opposition-nominated counterpart Vincent Alexander told Stabroek News that the issue came to light on Tuesday when the APNU+AFC met with GECOM.

Gunraj, who represents the PPP/C on the Commission, said that Chief Election Officer Vishnu Persaud immediately dealt with the issue when it was brought to his attention.

“This is not the first time we have had something like this on both sides. But the CEO has dealt with the matter immediately and he informed the Opposition when they raised it there,” he added.

However, Gunraj could not say when the matter was first brought to the attention of the CEO and efforts to confirm this with Persaud proved futile.

Meanwhile, Alexander told Stabroek News that apart from basic housekeeping matters, the entirety of GECOM’s weekly statutory meeting yesterday was dedicated to discussions with the opposition. He explained that several issues were raised with the Commission and the CEO undertook to have those investigated and addressed urgently.

“They made a complaint of an instance where a PPP polling agent was employ-ed as a Clerk II and that was brought to the CEO’s attention and he said that they took immediate action,” Alexander related.

A Clerk II is responsible for filling registration forms and verifying documents, among other responsibilities.

“One of the major concerns was the lack of public information on the process. They also made complaints of instances where processes were started involving the PPP and the APNU+AFC was left out. That was in relation to verification at the sub-office level.

“So basically the meeting was about identifying areas of concern in relation to the registration process. They also said that they want a subsequent meeting where they discuss issues such as the use of biometrics, RoPA etc. In that regard, [Commissioner] Bibi [Shadick] said to them that some of those issues they want to discuss are not for GECOM, they have to go to another level,” Alexander reported.

He further added that GECOM Chair, retired Justice Claudette Singh, wanted the opposition to put their concerns in writing even after they have a verbal discussion with the Commission. However, the Opposition delegation was adamant that their concerns in writing is not required and some of the issues should be addressed preliminarily while they await the outcome of a full investigation.

The APNU+AFC delegation was led by PNCR Chair Shurwayne Holder and AFC General Secretary David Patterson.

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@Django posted:

GECOM registration clerk fired after being identified as PPP/C election agent

March 16 ,2022


“So basically the meeting was about identifying areas of concern in relation to the registration process. They also said that they want a subsequent meeting where they discuss issues such as the use of biometrics, RoPA etc. In that regard, [Commissioner] Bibi [Shadick] said to them that some of those issues they want to discuss are not for GECOM, they have to go to another level,” Alexander reported.

He further added that GECOM Chair, retired Justice Claudette Singh, wanted the opposition to put their concerns in writing even after they have a verbal discussion with the Commission. However, the Opposition delegation was adamant that their concerns in writing is not required and some of the issues should be addressed preliminarily while they await the outcome of a full investigation.

Concerns are to be in writing so that there is an adequate and permanent information on the matter raised and to be addressed at meetings.


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