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Former Member

The 10 regional declaration of results of last month’s general elections by the Guyana Elections Commission’s (GECOM) are “legal” and their  fate will not be catered for in an order for the recount that will be published in the Official Gazette, Commissioner Vincent Alexander said Thursday.

“In the face of legally made declarations, unless you have a process  that supersedes that in its finality, then you cannot repeal what exists,” he told reporters. Alexander added that “if the recount process brings us to the point of a new declaration, indeed it would be supersede that.”

Asked whether there was a chance that the declarations could still be used, ” he quipped: “the Lord knows, they are legal.” He added that he was not saying that they would be used but “I am not in the business of looking at something that is legal and crossing it out like that.”

“Its day to be to taken into consideration as to whether it would be used or not will come; it’s not today,” he said. The Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield has already submitted his report to the GECOM Chairman, Claudette Singh for her to present to the commission with a view to declaring the election results but she has said that she has committed to  a recount publicly and to the High Court.

Stressing that the 10 declarations are legal, he said if someone moves to the Court and secures a judgement to use them to declare a winner of the March 2, 2020 general elections. “We have to do what we have to do and if the processes of the court allows for something else to happen, so be it but until such time, if at all there will be such time, we have to, we have to do what we have to do,” he said.

Alexander, a former executive member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) which is the major party in the governing coalition, defended the decision to conduct a recount instead of declaring a winner. “Major stakeholders have posed questions, because a number of regions, including Region Four requested recounts. In some of those regions, the recounts were held in abeyance. For example in Region Five, the recount was held in abeyance, in Region Six the recount was aborted, in Region Three, the recounts were rejected. It is this question of how the recounts have been dealt with that is now the basis for this overall recount which we are now going to undertake,” he said.

The Elections Commissioner said the commission would Friday finalise the workplan and the order to be gazetted to pave the way for the recount when the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) high-level team of scrutineers arrives in Guyana.

Attorney-at-Law James Bond, who is a prominent PNCR member, has already said a recount would be illegal and he would concede defeat only if President David Granger does so. He has said that any challenge to the election results should be done through an elections petition.

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Mohabir Anil Nandlall

Vincent Alexander’s comments to the media today and the posture which he has assumed since the beginning of this process, makes him the unsophisticated chief representative of the rigging cabal within GECOM. He is the main architect of the fraudulent design which is currently being executed within the Commission, as well as the Secretariat. No doubt, a few days ago, he publicly defended Lowenfield in relation to Lowenfield’s 156 days plan. The plan was Alexander’s. Lowenfield was simply the conduit.

Today, we heard Alexander arguing that the infamous declarations made by Mingo is legal, although every international and local accredited observer team, all the political parties, the diplomatic community, CARICOM and the Governments of the ABC countries, have all condemned it as fraudulent.

Alexander also wants to retain the fraudulent report prepared by Lowenfield to the Commission, which report contains Mingo’s fraud declarations.

The fact is, obviously to the chagrin of Alexander, GECOM has decided to do a recount. The singular reason for this decision is a recognition by GECOM that Mingo’s declaration stinks of fraud. It is this very reason why the Chairperson did not accept the report from Lowenfield and tossed it aside: because that report is tainted with Mingo’s fraudulent declarations. But Alexander is not giving up. Clearly, he is hoping for some event to occur, which would, either prevent the recount from taking place, or if it takes place, rendering it a nullity, so that the status quo ante the recount will prevail.

Alexander is also hell- bent in including in the Order currently under review by the Commission, a host of matters which he hopes will cause the recount process to run afoul of the the law. He is doing so deliberately, knowing fully well, the likely consequences!

The Chairperson’s refusal to remove identified toxic persons from the recount process, does not go down well; neither is her entertaining of Alexander’s illicit strategy, rather than pull the mask from it and reject it unconditionally!


The PPP is desperately trying to prevent the sequential counting of the ten Districts as agreed by GECOM.  At today's meeting Gunraj proposed that Districts 1 and 4 be simultaneously counted at the start of the process.  If the PPP is confident of the results why try to disrupt the sequential recount.  There is something they are trying to hide.  

@Totaram posted:

The PPP is desperately trying to prevent the sequential counting of the ten Districts as agreed by GECOM.  At today's meeting Gunraj proposed that Districts 1 and 4 be simultaneously counted at the start of the process.  If the PPP is confident of the results why try to disrupt the sequential recount.  There is something they are trying to hide.  

Fake Coolie, the only region that was not credibly verified was region 4.  All other regions were verified without dispute.  Even the international observers agree with that.

Jagdeo blundered when he agreed to a total recount.  He should have only agreed to Region 4.  He is making mistakes with the PNC in agreeing piece-meal.

@Former Member posted:

Fake Coolie, the only region that was not credibly verified was region 4.  All other regions were verified without dispute.  Even the international observers agree with that.

Jagdeo blundered when he agreed to a total recount.  He should have only agreed to Region 4.  He is making mistakes with the PNC in agreeing piece-meal.

Dumb prick Baseless, you are too dumb to understand what I wrote and certainly can't respond intelligently.  What you wrote above is gibberish.

@Totaram posted:

Dumb prick Baseless, you are too dumb to understand what I wrote and certainly can't respond intelligently.  What you wrote above is gibberish.

Yes Fake Totaramayana, you too smart to know what the international community is saying!  When you have a fake liar to deal with, you respond appropriately!  But you too stupid to figure!


PPPC proposed  a recount in numerical order after the trouble Region #4 is done first . 

“At the completion of the count for Electoral District 4, the count shall resume with Electoral District 1 and will proceed in numerical order,” the PPP proposed.


This step forward had been anchored by an Aide Memoire signed by both leaders on 16 March 2020, and the Terms of Reference prepared by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to govern the role of the High Level Team on Sunday, 15 March 2020, for the supervision of the recounting of the ballots, not only in Region 4, but in all 10 electoral districts.


@Former Member posted:

PPPC proposed  a recount in numerical order after the trouble Region #4 is done first . 

“At the completion of the count for Electoral District 4, the count shall resume with Electoral District 1 and will proceed in numerical order,” the PPP proposed.

Jagdeo sometimes come across hapless and seem not to understand who/what he dealing with. The shot-gun approach of agreeing to this and that then asking for this and that afterwards is exactly what the PNC wants.

I stated before, this was a huge blunder on the part of BJ.  He giving the PNC lots opportunity to convolute the system and delay and delay and delay.....and delay!

@Former Member posted:

Yes Fake Totaramayana, you too smart to know what the international community is saying!  When you have a fake liar to deal with, you respond appropriately!  But you too stupid to figure!

Baseless , what are you trying to say?  It is all gibberish.  Fake this, fake that: only stupid people like Dave seem to understand the crap you write. GECOM will conduct the recount starting with District 1 and proceeding seriatim.  It doesn't matter what Jagdeo wants , it is GECOM's decision and they are likely to finalize the necessary order today.  

@Former Member posted:

PPPC proposed  a recount in numerical order after the trouble Region #4 is done first . 

“At the completion of the count for Electoral District 4, the count shall resume with Electoral District 1 and will proceed in numerical order,” the PPP proposed.

This is what happens when people cut and paste stuff without reading.  Things have evolved since April 9.  I was about to explain the developments to you but changed my mind because you are too lazy.  You need to do your homework.  However, if after doing your homework you still don't understand I will help you.

@Totaram posted:

This is what happens when people cut and paste stuff without reading.  Things have evolved since April 9.  I was about to explain the developments to you but changed my mind because you are too lazy.  You need to do your homework.  However, if after doing your homework you still don't understand I will help you.

You have an explanation?   


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