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GECOM’s Preliminary List of Electors…“Never in history did Guyana have a list of over 550,000 electors” – PPP

August 26, 2014, By KNews, Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


“Never in its history did Guyana have a list with over 550,000 electors. We (PPP) deserve a forthright and logical explanation from GECOM. The PPP stands firm as regards the integrity of the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) and remains strong in its belief that the List in its present form is unacceptable. On several occasions the Party has expressed concerns over the inputting of data into the National Register of Registrants (NRR) and the subsequent compilation of the PLE.”


PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee

PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee


This sentiment was expressed by People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary Clement Rohee during the Party’s weekly press briefing at Freedom House yesterday.

Rohee noted that the nation was told that GECOM’s IT department manages this process however, the Party said it has a number of questions.

“Who inputs data and who supervises the process at GECOM; What quality control mechanism is in place at GECOM to ensure the integrity and security of data; Is there still a vacancy at GECOM for an IT Manager; Why the refusal by GECOM to use the services of the Joint International Technical Assistance (JITA) and establish an International Monitoring Unit?” questioned Rohee.

Rohee said the People’s Progressive Party, (PPP) since the commencement of the sixth Cycle of Continuous Registration, made several calls for GECOM to prepare a list free of discrepancies so as not to disenfranchise eligible Guyanese anywhere in the country.

He added that over the past several weeks the Party has had cause to write GECOM outlining the findings of many irregularities with respect of the PLE which activists have unearthed while conducting field work.

The General Secretary further noted that there is an astronomical increase in new registrants amounting to almost 80,000, compared to the previous annual increase of approximately 11,000. Requests have been made to GECOM to provide a breakdown of the names of these persons and their origins.

To date, Rohee said GECOM has failed to act.

“It was indeed shocking to note GECOM’s public statement, just a few days into the Claims and Objections period, accusing the PPP of using Community Service Officers (CSOs) attached to the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs to pose as GECOM officers in Region One to verify names on the PLE. Further, what boggles the mind is the recent irresponsible and uninformed outburst by APNU’s Winston Felix accusing the PPP of allowing its activists to pose as GECOM staff members in Region Five. The Party wishes to remind APNU of the length and depth of the PPP’s reach throughout the length and breadth of our country,” Rohee emphatically said.

He added that the PPP upholds the right of political parties to scrutinize the PLE in whatever method or manner they choose providing it is done within the meaning of the law it is established to practice. “The Parties must be free to report their findings of irregularities to GECOM for further verification and corrective actions. In the circumstance, therefore, we view the unwarranted criticism by GECOM and APNU as a deterrent to our work on the ground and the placing of our activists at risk while they go about their legitimate duties.”

Further, Rohee explained that the Party has discovered a significant number of persons who are still to make corrections as regards their particulars. This concern was already communicated to GECOM in the Party’s request for an extension of seven days to the current Claims and Objection period.

“While we welcome the seven days extension granted by GECOM, it’s sad to note APNU’s stand in not supporting this request; once again the opposition has displayed its characteristic narrow politics they are known for. Having regard to the relentless efforts of APNU in opposing our efforts to sanitize the PLE, one must wonder whether they stand to benefit from a perverted electoral process which allows for confusion on Election Day and consequently questioning of the results.” Rohee asserted.

Underscoring that the PPP is calling on all eligible voters to register as the sixth cycle comes to an end, Rohee explained that the Party is of the view that GECOM has the responsibility to ensure that persons are listed in the correct registration unit. “There should be no excuse from GECOM on this crucial aspect of the registration process.”


Source -- http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....550000-electors-ppp/

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Claims and objections exercise extended

– Rohee says Party pleased with positive response

By Vanessa Narine, August 26, 2014, Source - Guyana Chronicle


Claims and objections exercise extended
Mr Clement Rohee, Minister of Home Affairs

DEPUTY Chief Elections Officer (DECO), Mr. Vishnu Persaud yesterday confirmed that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has granted the extension of the claims and objections exercise, as requested by the ruling party.The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) last Thursday wrote to the Commission requesting a one-week extension of the ongoing Claims and Objections period, which started on August 4.


In a statement on the issue, the PPP claimed that an extension, at this “critical” time, is necessary to ensure most, if not all eligible Guyanese are on the list of electors and not disenfranchised whenever elections are called. The ruling party added that it has received “valuable information” from its extensive field work countrywide, which indicated that there are many persons who are still to effect transfer of their particulars from one list to another, especially in new housing schemes.

The DECO told the Guyana Chronicle that, in line with the expressed concerns, the Claims exercise will now come to an end on August 31st and the Objections will end on September 3rd.

“The entire exercise will end on September 7th; the additional days will allow the Commission to address the issues raised during the claims and objections process,” Persaud said.

According to him, as at Sunday, there were a total of 2,071 new transactions, 1,955 transfers, owing to issues related to change of address, etc., and 888 changes/ corrections to existing registration information.

Responding to the extension, PPP General-Secretary, Mr. Clement Rohee, stated that the party is pleased at the positive response from GECOM.

“We welcome the extension…we had a very good basis for calling for the extension and it was on that basis that we wrote to GECOM, making representation on that matter,” he said in an invited comment.

Rohee noted that with the extension, efforts on the ground will be intensified by the party to ensure that “what was not completed” is completed within the one-week extension.

He said, “It is now necessary for us to encourage those who have not affected transfers to do so and for all of the stakeholders to be part of this exercise. There is a strategic objective in the call for the extension.

“…we will concentrate our efforts to ensure that every legitimate voter is on the Preliminary List of Electors. We will also work to ensure that every eligible voter on the National Register of Registrant is moved to the PLE.”

The General-Secretary contended that the extension will assist in ensuring a credible voters’ list.

As the process rolls out, objections can be made for persons who died, or for people who do not meet the eligibility requirements for inclusion on the Official List of Electors.

The Claims period will allow persons to do the following business, if needed:
Register as a New Registrant, if he/she would be 18 years old or older and if his/her name is not on any of the GECOM’s Preliminary Voters’ Lists;
Make changes and corrections to the information which is on the list for him / her;

Move his/her particulars from one List to the List for the area where he/she is now living;

Apply for a new ID card to replace the one which was lost or misplaced; and collect one’s National Identification Card if this has not been done as yet from the nearest GECOM office.

GECOM’s hotline numbers are 225-0278-9, 226-6557 or 223-9650.



Source --

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

GECOM’s Preliminary List of Electors…“Never in history did Guyana have a list of over 550,000 electors” – PPP

August 26, 2014, By KNews, Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


“Never in its history did Guyana have a list with over 550,000 electors. We (PPP) deserve a forthright and logical explanation from GECOM. The PPP stands firm as regards the integrity of the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) and remains strong in its belief that the List in its present form is unacceptable. On several occasions the Party has expressed concerns over the inputting of data into the National Register of Registrants (NRR) 

You got wan good point here DemGuy.


Well please ask the PPP to clean up the list, they get extra weeks from GECOM.


There must be more than 600,000 people with Guyana as their place of birth who are allowed to vote. It seems strange that the PPP thinks that the voting population is far lower. Did they miscount in how many people they had murdered?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

GECOM’s Preliminary List of Electors…“Never in history did Guyana have a list of over 550,000 electors” – PPP

August 26, 2014, By KNews, Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


“Never in its history did Guyana have a list with over 550,000 electors. We (PPP) deserve a forthright and logical explanation from GECOM. The PPP stands firm as regards the integrity of the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) and remains strong in its belief that the List in its present form is unacceptable. On several occasions the Party has expressed concerns over the inputting of data into the National Register of Registrants (NRR) 

You got wan good point here DemGuy.


Well please ask the PPP to clean up the list, they get extra weeks from GECOM.

Are you confused, perhaps, on the role of GECOM and political groups?


PPP's incompetence in full flow, who has been managing the contracts and paying for all the consultants to do work for GECOM preparing it to be a fine institution to this day?


Not the PPP? They have been refining and refining the past 22 years and tuning GECOM now they are complaining about GECOM but producing no evidence?


Anyone call haul facts or numbers out of their ass just ask DG he does that like how Fujiyama does pray 7 or 8 times a day.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

GECOM’s Preliminary List of Electors…“Never in history did Guyana have a list of over 550,000 electors” – PPP

August 26, 2014, By KNews, Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


“Never in its history did Guyana have a list with over 550,000 electors. We (PPP) deserve a forthright and logical explanation from GECOM. The PPP stands firm as regards the integrity of the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) and remains strong in its belief that the List in its present form is unacceptable. On several occasions the Party has expressed concerns over the inputting of data into the National Register of Registrants (NRR) 

You got wan good point here DemGuy.


Well please ask the PPP to clean up the list, they get extra weeks from GECOM.

Are you confused, perhaps, on the role of GECOM and political groups?

Not confused at all.


In 1992, it was the PPP that single handedly clean up the list with ZERO help from GECOM and the PNC.


They can do it again.


Didn't the PPP pay consultants from jamaica to remove or identify this sort of thing in the software moons ago with money from GWI?


so why are we having this same issue yet again?


It seems like the PPP can never get their act together these are failures. It is time for them to be sent packing. The PPP is incompetent, what was  bud mangal and the rest of these goons doing at GECOM the past 22 years?


They just woke up?


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