@Former Member posted:Not necessarily so.
Situation could arise that .....
1. Two or all of the government Commissioners can indeed stay away from the meeting.
2. In that case, the meeting must be cancelled for the rules explicitly states that; as a minimum; two Commissioners each from the government and the opposition sides must be present at the meeting.
Now another meeting can be called and the same situation may arise that two government commissioners continues to be absent. The Chairman of GECOM must wait for two days to call another meeting.
After the two-day period, GECOM Chairman can again call a meeting which can proceed if two or the three government commissioners are missing.
In other words ... after the calling of a few meetings where two or all of the government commissioners are missing; the Chairman then has the right under the laws and procedures for GECOM to call a meeting and proceed with business with the opposition members plus herself -- which is four - 4- members of the commission.
GECOM Chairman plus the three opposition members form a quorum and all matters taken at that meeting becomes valid.
That's only a supposition. not realistic.