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GECOM to sanitise ballot boxes in another delaying ploy

Ballot recount

…restricts number of persons to be involved

The Moses Nagamootoo-led National COVID-19 Task Force has approved the use of the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC) for the recount of the March 2 General and Regional Elections, but has limited the number of persons allowed to take part in the process to no more than 132 persons, for the counting of each of the 2339 ballot boxes.

GECOM Public Relations Officer Yolanda Ward

The decision was communicated on Thursday by Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Public Relations Officer (PRO) Yolanda Ward, but experts have advised that the virus does not survive beyond one week on any surface and as such, this move can be seen as another delaying ploy.

However, providing an update to members of the media even as the Commission met, Ward disclosed that GECOM was in receipt of some

The containers with the ballot boxes

14 recommendations, in a report from the National Task Force.
According to Ward, while the Commission was looking to have no more than 14 persons present at each of the recount stations, this could not be done at two of the proposed ACCC rooms identified.
As such, the process at these two rooms has been limited to 10 persons, bringing the total number of persons approved for involvement in the process to 132.
Each of the other eight counting stations could be manned by 14 persons, according to the report.
These would include GECOM officials, party representatives, the Caricom delegation, and local and international observers.
There are 10 contesting parties in the still-to-be-declared 2020 General and Regional Elections.
According to Ward, included in the 14-recommendation report are the need for regular sanitisation, including of surfaces; general guidelines for waste disposal, and other COVID-19 preventative measures.
The GECOM PRO suggested this would inherently have to apply to the ballot boxes that are to be used in the recount.
She noted that “they (Task Force) haven’t spoken specifically to that, but given the recommendations in terms of the sanitisation of surfaces, I am sure that is part of our implementation plan.”
Ward explained, saying “as the boxes enter into the room, they will have some sort of protocol in terms of the sanitisation of those materials…”
Additionally, she told reporters there was no obligation for the persons taking part in the recount to be tested for COVID-19, as recommended in the report by the Task Force.
This, however, does not appear to apply to the expected delegation from the Caribbean Community (Caricom), since a decision by the Task Force to have those members be tested for COVID-19 in their respective home countries has already been communicated to Secretary General Irwin LaRocque.
That decision was taken following an intervention by ‘Caretaker’ President David Granger after Nagamootoo had originally demanded that the Caricom officials be subject to a two-week mandatory quarantine on arrival in Guyana.
Asked to pronounce on the likely start date for the recount, Ward disclosed that the Commissioners were in the process of finalising a draft order to be gazetted.
She noted, however, a likely start date for the recount of the elections would be influenced by the arrival date of the specially invited Caricom high-level delegation.
She was, however, unable to say whether Caricom has received a copy of the recommendations from the Task Force.
The recommendations by the Nagamootoo-led Task Force came after a team of health officials – along with GECOM Commissioners and Chairperson, Retired Justice Claudette Singh, toured the ACCC on Monday last with a view to ensuring the venue could be used for the recount, taking into consideration the Executive COVID-19 orders.
Speaking with media operatives on Monday following the special site visit, Justice Singh said the visit was organised with the health officials of the Task Force, since “we need to ensure and guarantee the safety of the Caricom team; as soon as that is finished, we have to communicate what we have done to ensure the safety [of the delegation] to the Secretary General.”
The GECOM Chairperson was adamant that “the people are virtually afraid of contracting the virus, so that is why we are leaving no stone unturned to ensure their safety”.

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GECOM’s Alexander plotting to scuttle recount, use existing declarations- Nandlall


Vincent Alexander.

People’s Progressive Party (PPP) executive member, Attorney-at-Law Anil Nandlall on Thursday night accused pro-coalition Elections Commissioner, Vincent Alexander of scheming to derail the planned recount of votes cast in last month’s general elections.

Nandlall’s position was in reaction to Alexander saying that the 10 declaration of results by the Guyana Elections Commission’s (GECOM) Returning Officers were still legal until they were replaced by the results of the recount that could start before month-end.

The former Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, who has been spearheading the PPP’s politically-related court battles, assailed Alexander for drafting a recount order, to be gazetted, that could eventually be used to deem the exercise illegal.

“Alexander is also hell- bent in including in the Order currently under review by the Commission, a host of matters which he hopes will cause the recount process to run afoul of the the law. He is doing so deliberately, knowing fully well, the likely consequences!,” Nandlall said.

Well-placed multiple sources confirmed that Alexander’s draft order refers to an informal agreement between President David Granger and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, something that the Court has already struck down in a case by A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) candidate, Ulita Moore, that no political agreement by external parties could instruct or require GECOM to take certain actions.

The sources also said Alexander’s draft order requires the Commission to consider a report of the recount instead of leaving it up to the automatic process under the Representation of the People Act for the Chief Elections Officer to submit a report to the Chairman for consideration by the commission.

“Alexander is not giving up. Clearly, he is hoping for some event to occur, which would, either prevent the recount from taking place, or if it takes place, rendering it a nullity, so that the status quo ante the recount will prevail,” Nandlall said.

Alexander said earlier Thursday that possibly Region Four’s declaration was questionable but then went on to say all 10 were legal, but Nandlall said Alexander was claiming the Region Four regional and national declarations by Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo was also legal.

“Today, we heard Alexander arguing that the infamous declarations made by Mingo is legal, although every international and local accredited observer team, all the political parties, the diplomatic community, CARICOM and the Governments of the ABC countries, have all condemned it as fraudulent. Alexander also wants to retain the fraudulent report prepared by Lowenfield to the Commission, which report contains Mingo’s fraud declarations,” said Nandlall.

The former Attorney General said no court has to necessarily pronounce on something as fraudulent, but from all available accounts it could be so deemed.

Contrary to Alexander’s position that the declarations were legal until replaced, Nandlall the seven-member GECOM Chairman, Retired Justice Claudette Singh had recognised the fraudulent nature of those two Region Four declarations and “did not accept the report” from Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield and tossed it aside.

Referring to Alexander’s position that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by several officers named by a GECOM Commissioner as people who should not be part of the recount process, Nandlall said her “refusal to remove identified toxic persons from the recount process, does not go down well.

He called on Singh to reject Alexander’s illicit strategy unconditionally.

The commission meets again on Friday to finalise the work-plan, agree on a draft order for the recount to be published in the Official Gazette and await word from the  Guyana-based Caribbean Community (CARICOM) headquarters on when the team of scrutineers would be coming to observe the recount and validate the results.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I never thought that Kaka Mootoo was that dumb.  During his daze with the PPP he used to read some racist speeches created by his hatred for black people.

His speeches were written by FH so-called intellectuals. 


It’s such hog-wash.  After that amount of time in storage, any virus is dead.  Especially given the heat.

Everyone knows what the PNC is doing. If they think they will change the dynamics and suddenly conjure up a victory, they are mistaken.

@Former Member posted:

So why not verify region 4?  Why ayuh running like cockroach?

Last time I checked Region 4 will be included in the recount--it will proceed as follows: Region 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.  Region 4 will be fourth on the list.  


GECOM should drink their sanitization liquid

@Totaram posted:

Last time I checked Region 4 will be included in the recount--it will proceed as follows: Region 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.  Region 4 will be fourth on the list.  

So you know how to count up to ten. Maybe you should teach your found skills to GECOM and your brothers in the PNC.

I had to put that in...

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

GECOM should drink their sanitization liquid

So you know how to count up to ten. Maybe you should teach your found skills to GECOM and your brothers in the PNC.

I had to put that in...

I was teaching you but you head haad!  


Guyana has a super Covid strain. It survived weeks out in the heat and humidity when all other strains the world over survive, at best, 72 hours in cool optimal conditions.

I think Guyana’s strain is more like the Black Plague!

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

When they had the Coolie Plague nuff blacks died and Guyana became the hub for running cocaine.

Listen banna.  Address the fact that GECOM wants to sanitize surfaces that have been in the hot tropical sun for six weeks with no human contact.  Since what Covid survive for that length of time.  Like Guyana got Covid-Gy. 

But at least dem nah gat Putagee flu to deal with!

Last edited by Former Member

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