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Demerara_Guy posted:

Django ... while there can be discussions on the SOPs each political group has, the fundamental issue is ...

1. GECOM's official results must represent the SOPs.

2. Discrepancies of the results and SOPs must be adequately addressed.

Me thinks that will be the first step ,before recount.

Django posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Django ... while there can be discussions on the SOPs each political group has, the fundamental issue is ...

1. GECOM's official results must represent the SOPs.

2. Discrepancies of the results and SOPs must be adequately addressed.

Me thinks that will be the first step ,before recount.

Not the first step.

GECOM must either conduct a recount for all regions or conduct a new recount for Region 4, the area in dispute plus accept the counts already conducted for the other nine regions.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Django ... while there can be discussions on the SOPs each political group has, the fundamental issue is ...

1. GECOM's official results must represent the SOPs.

2. Discrepancies of the results and SOPs must be adequately addressed.

Me thinks that will be the first step ,before recount.

Not the first step.

GECOM must either conduct a recount for all regions or conduct a new recount for Region 4, the area in dispute plus accept the counts already conducted for the other nine regions.

Justice Singh, who is also a respondent in the cases, in an affidavit dated March 20th, had given an undertaking following a ruling delivered by Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire

that should there be discrepancies in the SOPs called by Mingo with those held by political parties, then such discrepancies would be noted at the end of the process if they could not be addressed then,

and she would endeavour to facilitate a recount at the level of the Commission.

Above is GECOM Chair statement.


Just like the coronavirus is a test for humanity, the 2020 election is a test for Guyanese. After one month there is no result and GECOM is studying the court ruling. I don't buy that for one minute. When is used to say Granger has many tricks up his sleeve, believe me. This is another ploy to stave off the election recount. 

Demerara_Guy posted:

Django; perhaps by early next week, we will know GECOM Chairman's approach to verify the results of the April 02, 2020 elections.

You are right D_G, this thing is becoming a April 2 election, May 2 election, June 2 election.....den March 2, 2021 election. 


Notice how the corruptor Claudette Singh jumped to the wishes of the Coalition Commissioners? She should have said to them come to the meeting and we and the other Commissioners will discuss your request. But NO. Claudette Singh is part and parcel of the rigging apparatus.

Dondadda posted:

Notice how the corruptor Claudette Singh jumped to the wishes of the Coalition Commissioners? She should have said to them come to the meeting and we and the other Commissioners will discuss your request. But NO. Claudette Singh is part and parcel of the rigging apparatus.

The lady is really trying. And whenever she announces the results, nobody cannot say they were not heard. She cannot speak until Lowenfield agrees to the counting and nobody raises any objections. But Lowenfield knows that there will be objections again because Mingo going to do something that is contrary. Dem ppl smart.



I knew from the date both Claudette Singh and Lowenfield were appointed that both of them were part of a massive rigging machine for the Coalition.

i said this publicly, as well. Jadgeo gave them both his blessings. It was like embracing two stinking jumbles.


in retrospect, Jadgeo/PPP/C knew that they so call APNU?PNC/R?/AFC? was *****footing to agree on the chairman selection.

So, in my opinion, he played their game.., hence the election machinery was able to get going.

Fast forward to present day...lots of undies showing to the whole wide world 

I rest my case 

djanjo/totaram/nuff will dislike and or delete this..

Last edited by Former Member

Django, you claim all the time that the PPP doesn't have all the SOPs for region 4. If the PPP is not in possession of all the SOPs from region 4, then let the PNC produce theirs and compare them with the PPP's and let's see what's missing and who is the fraudster. What do they have to lose?
If they are so confident that the PPP is lying, put all your cards on the table. This is not a poker game.


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