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The Women and Gender Equality Commission (WGEC) on Tuesday presented a report to Speaker of the National Assembly Dr. Barton Scotland with a list of recommendations, chief among them is paternity leave for men.

The report is titled ‘Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,’ and was presented by Chairperson Indra Chandrapal.

“There will be provisions for the lobbying of Paternity Leave to be introduced to the law through contracts of employment etc,” Chandrapal told the media in Parliament Buildings.

According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, Paternity Leave “is a period of time a father is legally allowed to be away from his job to spend time with his new baby.”

“These are pretty new, groundbreaking, but we believe… you need to start somewhere and hopefully, we can engage people, get people to start having the discussion. We’re hoping, ultimately, this can become a reality,” Chandrapal said.

Guyana’s laws only allow mothers to go on three months maternity leave and does not cater for fathers.

The report was prepared by International Legal Consultant Malinda Janki as a follow up to information gathered from their ‘Access to Justice Program.’

The Commission visited all ten administrative regions and gave women a chance to voice their challenges.

The report also addresses the many gaps that exist in the legal system that promote or allow gender discriminatory acts against both men and women while providing stern effective solutions.

Other issues addressed include the establishment of a sexual harassment Policy at all places of work and educational institutes, banning all music in the public domain that violates the dignity of women, the provision of public facilities for child care, Guyana should provide ongoing specialized training for the Sexual Offences Act and the Juvenile Offences Act and Guyana should improve access to justice for rural women by having mobile courts.

“It is a pleasure to receive this study; women’s issues are the country’s issues, we are not separate women and men but we are a country of people, the strength of one enhances the strength of the other,” Dr. Scotland said upon receiving the report.

The report will be laid in the National Assembly at its next sitting.

Fathers need to be in the delivery room to learn how a baby is being made before he can appreciate and hopefully love his newborn in more meaningful ways. Maternity leave for men should come with guidelines of how to spend quality time with wife and newborn. It's NOT a time to drink and get drunk and trying to make more babies before the wife is recuperated. When I read this article, I thought them dhall belly men will be forced to lose some pounds by special remedies called male maternity leave.   


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