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ksazma posted:

Well that could have been the case if the PNC had even a fraction of an ounce of decency in them.

Why.  Just because Jagdeo wants his hands on oil so wasted time on his failed NCV when other issues, like a new constitution was more important.

Now we see the PPP screaming "Burnham canstitushun good so we mus obey it!"


Plus the PPP screaming about decency is a joke.

1.  They worked so close to a criminal who allegedly killed a PPP minister.  When he was captured Jagdeo began weeping and calling T&T and Suriname traitors for letting the USA "kidnap" an "outstanding" Guyanese citizen.

2. Several officials of the PPP regime were banned from entry into the ABC nations because of their involvement with drug/human/gun traffickers.

3.  A PPP minister gets into a brawl with a  PPP supporter over a female and then pistol whips him.  His "punishment" was to be sent to Brazil as ambassador.

4. A PPP minister drove drunk and hit someone, then paid hush $ to cover it up.

5.  the son of a PPP official raped a woman and an police officer was paid off to "hide" the case.

This is your "decent" party.


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