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Glad you mention it. I thought this was one of the most sobering and observant comment on a day when Obama put the two groups in perspective as only he can.

G. W. Bush said he would be a compassionate President and he helped Africa fight AIDS and said the right thing after 9/11 that the West is not at war with Islam. Too bad he was led by Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz to do the one thing that led to ISIS today - remove the Baathists from power and the military in one fell sweep. Paul Bremmer was the point man in this de-Baathification that sent all those military wolves and their armory into an embrace with Al Bhagdadi and his band of men who use some bastardized form of Islam to perpetrate their terror. There was decency in Bush nevertheless, but it is the one legacy the world will noit let him forget soon.

To Cribman and Ba$e......yes, it's a bastardized form of a religion, but it does not make the religion. Yes, Muslims all over despise and do not encourage this terror. The people who arm these goons and gave them their raison d'etre are not Muslims.

Cops interact with only bad people most of the time necessarily. That's why cops who go into dangerous situations fear their protagonists. It helps explain some as to why they overact. However, what white cops do to Blacks is just plain humiliating and the killings of defenseless people who are actually unable to defend themselves and sometime running away (thuis presenting no danger to cops) should be punished. And G. W. Bush really summed it up - for Blacks and Whites in America and for Muslims and the Trump supporters who hate Muslims and would like to do to them what white cops do to Blacks. Bush squared that circle brilliantly.


I do feel pity for Blacks in a confrontation with a White cop!  Blacks [except many Guyanese Blacks] are good and decent folks.  Guyanese Blacks are the worse racists around, would make Mandela and MLK cry in shame!!

ba$eman posted:

I do feel pity for Blacks in a confrontation with a White cop!  Blacks [except many Guyanese Blacks] are good and decent folks.  Guyanese Blacks are the worse racists around, would make Mandela and MLK cry in shame!!

You hit the nail on the head.


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