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I know something is missing in me and I think it may be that Indians used to show 'desire' for me when I was little.

The women where I live don't show any 'desire' for me even though I'm showing all the desire. I believe when they show 'desire' they will be exposed of their evil.

The status quo doesn't want me to have innate feelings and this is programmed in their Corona vaccine.

They like to show false empowerment with their races but we can show true empowerment with our Indian race. They out number us but we can persevere. My system DacDad will protect us. They are protecting themselves by preventing us from being negative because that is what they are doing, harm. They have a lot to hide especially love and they don't want us to expose it. Their love with God has caused my mental illness and the Hindus will not like it.

I'm worried that children cannot be themselves in the present environment and this is unhealthy and no psychiatrist is talking about it; am I right.

Ronald Anthony Arjune

I know something is missing in me and I think it may be that Indians used to show 'desire' for me when I was little.

The women where I live don't show any 'desire' for me even though I'm showing all the desire. I believe when they show 'desire' they will be exposed of their evil.

The status quo doesn't want me to have innate feelings and this is programmed in their Corona vaccine.

They like to show false empowerment with their races but we can show true empowerment with our Indian race. They out number us but we can persevere. My system DacDad will protect us. They are protecting themselves by preventing us from being negative because that is what they are doing, harm. They have a lot to hide especially love and they don't want us to expose it. Their love with God has caused my mental illness and the Hindus will not like it.

I'm worried that children cannot be themselves in the present environment and this is unhealthy and no psychiatrist is talking about it; am I right.

Ohhh Gawd!

@Prashad posted:

Ron has got a point. The Hindu females are into white skin and the Benjamins. (Cash money) because of Bollywood garbage. They don't have time for the brown Hindu men.

Don't worry about it, Prash! Depends on who's top in the game of power! India, in the past, was too into religion! That's why and how India was conquered! New age coming with India now turning to matter instead of religion! Look at who is in charge of many powerful US companies, for instance, Microsoft! Look to the Dravidians, the most intelligent in India! Have you seen the video on the difference between Chinese and Indian calculations? The Indian girl finished in half the time the Chinese girl took with old fashioned Western multiplications! My fear is that India starts throwing its weight around and some wanting to take revenge for the past! My other fear is for my black brothers in Guyana who are not into acquisitiveness like IndoGs! They are too into the here and now! Like Jesus and even Gandhi advised!

Last edited by Former Member

Look at the coalition, for example! We have only one chance to steal as much as we can with only a one seat advantage! So let's! To hell with the voters! What do they know? Instead of doing all they could do for ALL the voters so they would have a majority come next elections! Now, is what mattered to them! No thinking and planning for the future!

They even had the Vulgar woman to alienate any would-be Indo voters!

Last edited by Former Member

The Americans are ignoring the Indian immunity of concern.  They control the Indian as a disease in this country. I see them yelling at people when they're not thinking about what they're doing although that is a quality of the Indian. The Indian mind is like a flower and they don't like the flowering of that mind wondering how to be.. Like when you walk in the elevator before them. Or when you make a left turn with your car when left turns are not permitted. They like you to follow the rules of behavior although the Indian may be incoherent of that at times. Our characteristics are being assaulted in America and possibly elsewhere around the world which I have not experienced. Would you like someone telling your mother or father not to eat the things he/she wants to eat or to talk the way they want to talk? Like speaking Hindi. This is a threat to the peaceful psychological processes of the Indian. What is the exact conclusion I am trying to reach that eludes me? Are they seeing us as a disease to their structure? They don't want us to be inconclusive to their expectations? I know, they want us to worry all the time about whatr behavior is required by assuming.

Ronald Anthony Arjune

Ron you have to look at it this way. Many of these racist whites cannot distinguish between a  brown Guyanese East Indian person and a West African black person. Therefore our people (Guyanese East Indians and Douglas) in these majority white countries are seen as blacks but we don't have the benefit of being black. So it could have been one of our own Guyana East Indian or Dougla brothers there instead of George Floyd.

Last edited by Prashad

I consider myself mixed! It's right on my birth certificate! Do blacks consider me black unless I have negroid hair? Blacks can be just as racist as any Indo or Chinese or Amerindian or white! And I have all their ethnicities! The Amerindians are descended from the Mongols like the Chinese! Let's not kid ourselves!

As for Trump, he'll be back, if he helps the DemocRATS show their hypocricy!

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

Good that you realize that Prashad, there are many around who dispose blacks so much (some were/are right here) who don't think of themselves as black, I guess they consider themselves white, who back these racist police along with trump and his band of merrymen.

Brother Cain I know that you are passing for white in Canada but in the South and Western USA it could have been you also.

@Ramakant-P posted:


Go try marrying one now and see how hard it is. They don't want brown Guyanese East Indian man anymore. Guyana brown East Indian man mean that they have to work hard, save their money, cook, do house work , have a job and have a dark brown husband. That is not what those fancy girls in Bollywood movies do.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

Brother Cain I know that you are passing for white in Canada but in the South and Western USA it could have been you also.

How do you know that Cain doesn't pass successfully for white in the Southern and Western USA? His white part may be predominant! 'Race' is about power and who has it! And if he even passes for white, what does it have to do with either you or me? He only pissed me off when he boasted about  'my people beat your people'! My own father was a white Rajput whose ancestors probably came over from Russia centuries before! The British were concerned about more of these barbarians coming over into India! Caucasian doesn't only mean European! He, like Cain's father,  probably chose my mother because she was closest in colour to the girls he left behind! Who cares? You? I don't! Should I care about my parents' actions? I once told my father "I didn't ask to be born!" His response? "Oh, I asked to be born, nuh?" I was stumped for an answer, which should have been, "The parent is responsible for the child's being born and ever after until maturity, always!"

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

How do you know that Cain doesn't pass successfully for white in the Southern and Western USA? His white part may be predominant! 'Race' is about power and who has it! And if he even passes for white, what does it have to do with either you or me? He only pissed me off when he boasted about  'my people beat your people'! My own father was a white Rajput whose ancestors probably came over from Russia centuries before! The British were concerned about more of these barbarians coming over into India! Caucasian doesn't only mean European! He, like Cain's father,  probably chose my mother because she was closest in colour to the girls he left behind! Who cares? You? I don't! Should I care about my parents' actions? I once told my father "I didn't ask to be born!" His response? "Oh, I asked to be born, nuh?" I was stumped for an answer, which should have been, "The parent is responsible for the child's being born and ever after until maturity, always!"

Because Brother Cain will hear " Carlos get your bag and head back over the Rio Grande".

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

Ron you have to look at it this way. Many of these racist whites cannot distinguish between a  brown Guyanese East Indian person and a West African black person. Therefore our people (Guyanese East Indians and Douglas) in these majority white countries are seen as blacks but we don't have the benefit of being black. So it could have been one of our own Guyana East Indian or Dougla brothers there instead of George Floyd.

Kamala Devi Harris is considered to be black. She herself refers to herself as black despite the fact that she is half Indian.

Indians in Guyana were laughed at by blacks who chastise them for eating Dholl and rice, and not pork and beef. I know I was.

@Prashad posted:

I got a Portuguese Uncle from Guyana. The man is married to my aunt.  The man white like chalk. But the man had a black grandmother.  She uses to sell black pudding in waterloo street.

Aw, that's nothing, Prash! I know a white girl who had twins! One white, the other black! How come? Yuh unkle granmudder had tuh uze wite kasin fuh.mek de black puddin, yuh kno!

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I remember a rape when I was about 8 in New amsterdam. The village was something like the spelling sprastanally. I was excited to see a black woman coming with black pudding often. I would then ask mom or dad to buy it.

See what happens when you deprive a lil chile uv gud ol' BG black puddin, Rama?

Last edited by Former Member

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