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Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

You are not only naive BUT also A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
There will be no mall built. Who is going to put up the money to finance some thing like that. If you are willing to invest your money in this venture then I got a bridge in San Francisco to sell to you fools.

The market was ok during the years of the PPP. Why a new one now? Ain't nobody got time for a new market. As usual, they can peddle their stuff at the side of the streets.

Hey Skelly, yuh rass fram Berbice, you don't know wha we talking bout. At the back of Stabroek Market is a walled and roofed wharf where vendors sold water coconut, oranges, bora, sumutu and tings like dat.

Da wharf rotton now and the new mall is going to be built in its place, that is, right behind Stabroek Market. Nobaddy closing down Stabroek Market.

Gilly, you rass right. I don't really cared for GT. I went there twice before coming to America. First time I went and applied for a student visa and the second time I went to uplift my visa. My first visit I stayed at a family friend's house. I sat there at the window and about seven PM, I saw a man got robbed of his felt hat. What a city!

Seriously, I don't care for crowded places. Berbice is just right.

It got to be you dem bais does talk about when dey seh wan man bin come to GT and when he see the street lights he asked he GT friend " ah how ayuh gat so muh moon hay and abee only have one moon weh me ah live.

Too much choke and rob.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

You are not only naive BUT also A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why worry with the idiot? He has never seen Guyana since he was 16 and yet he writes here as if he lives in Guyana. The man talks about crossing the Berbice River bridge takes about 30 minutes. I have crossed the bridge about 6 times and it takes less than 10 mins. He should stick to cassava bread and piwari. An occasional cvassava pone.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

You are not only naive BUT also A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why worry with the idiot? He has never seen Guyana since he was 16 and yet he writes here as if he lives in Guyana. The man talks about crossing the Berbice River bridge takes about 30 minutes. I have crossed the bridge about 6 times and it takes less than 10 mins. He should stick to cassava bread and piwari. An occasional cvassava pone.

HEHEHEHE I dont worry with IDIOTS, just love putting them to their places.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

You are not only naive BUT also A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why worry with the idiot? He has never seen Guyana since he was 16 and yet he writes here as if he lives in Guyana. The man talks about crossing the Berbice River bridge takes about 30 minutes. I have crossed the bridge about 6 times and it takes less than 10 mins. He should stick to cassava bread and piwari. An occasional cvassava pone.

And you know this not having visited that long? Also, I was speaking of those people in rosignal who go to berbice high o BEI or who have to travel an hour vs 10 mins by boat for a third of the price cheaper. Now go back to dhal and biganni and sada rotie if that is your preferered fare.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

You are not only naive BUT also A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why worry with the idiot? He has never seen Guyana since he was 16 and yet he writes here as if he lives in Guyana. The man talks about crossing the Berbice River bridge takes about 30 minutes. I have crossed the bridge about 6 times and it takes less than 10 mins. He should stick to cassava bread and piwari. An occasional cvassava pone.

And you know this not having visited that long? Also, I was speaking of those people in rosignal who go to berbice high o BEI or who have to travel an hour vs 10 mins by boat for a third of the price cheaper. Now go back to dhal and biganni and sada rotie if that is your preferered fare.



Listen to this non resident Guyana buckman. He knows shit about Guyana and pains us with his verbose general garbage. You need to be in the garbage industry. That's where you belong.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

You are not only naive BUT also A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why worry with the idiot? He has never seen Guyana since he was 16 and yet he writes here as if he lives in Guyana. The man talks about crossing the Berbice River bridge takes about 30 minutes. I have crossed the bridge about 6 times and it takes less than 10 mins. He should stick to cassava bread and piwari. An occasional cvassava pone.

And you know this not having visited that long? Also, I was speaking of those people in rosignal who go to berbice high o BEI or who have to travel an hour vs 10 mins by boat for a third of the price cheaper. Now go back to dhal and biganni and sada rotie if that is your preferered fare.



Listen to this non resident Guyana buckman. He knows shit about Guyana and pains us with his verbose general garbage. You need to be in the garbage industry. That's where you belong.

Are you a resident there dalit? What has you demonstrated here that qualifies you as a cognoscenti of the Guyanese social political or cultural landscape except your overt and obnoxious racism?


I see nothing wrong with being in the garbage industry. It is honest labor and easy money and the reason even the Mafia is in it  There is no status lost there for you either since your ancestors   were some 6000 years in the shit hauling business in India as Sudra

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

You are not only naive BUT also A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why worry with the idiot? He has never seen Guyana since he was 16 and yet he writes here as if he lives in Guyana. The man talks about crossing the Berbice River bridge takes about 30 minutes. I have crossed the bridge about 6 times and it takes less than 10 mins. He should stick to cassava bread and piwari. An occasional cvassava pone.

And you know this not having visited that long? Also, I was speaking of those people in rosignal who go to berbice high o BEI or who have to travel an hour vs 10 mins by boat for a third of the price cheaper. Now go back to dhal and biganni and sada rotie if that is your preferered fare.



Listen to this non resident Guyana buckman. He knows shit about Guyana and pains us with his verbose general garbage. You need to be in the garbage industry. That's where you belong.

Are you a resident there dalit? What has you demonstrated here that qualifies you as a cognoscenti of the Guyanese social political or cultural landscape except our overt and obnoxious racism? I see nothing wrong with being in the garbage industry. There is no status lost there for you wither since your ancestors   were some 6000 years in the shit hauling business in India as sudras

Don't worry about my ancestors. They were smart to leave India. You should be bitter about Columbus cutting the arms off yours for not bringing enough gold. Why not rile about the Spanish people? At least my ancestors were smarter than yours. Mine did not get fooled by beads.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

You are not only naive BUT also A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why worry with the idiot? He has never seen Guyana since he was 16 and yet he writes here as if he lives in Guyana. The man talks about crossing the Berbice River bridge takes about 30 minutes. I have crossed the bridge about 6 times and it takes less than 10 mins. He should stick to cassava bread and piwari. An occasional cvassava pone.

And you know this not having visited that long? Also, I was speaking of those people in rosignal who go to berbice high o BEI or who have to travel an hour vs 10 mins by boat for a third of the price cheaper. Now go back to dhal and biganni and sada rotie if that is your preferered fare.



Listen to this non resident Guyana buckman. He knows shit about Guyana and pains us with his verbose general garbage. You need to be in the garbage industry. That's where you belong.

Are you a resident there dalit? What has you demonstrated here that qualifies you as a cognoscenti of the Guyanese social political or cultural landscape except our overt and obnoxious racism? I see nothing wrong with being in the garbage industry. There is no status lost there for you wither since your ancestors   were some 6000 years in the shit hauling business in India as sudras

Don't worry about my ancestors. They were smart to leave India. You should be bitter about Columbus cutting the arms off yours for not bringing enough gold. Why not rile about the Spanish people? At least my ancestors were smarter than yours.

If I am to be bitter about Columbus I would likewise extend that sentiment to carpetbaggers like you. However, we are loving and gracious people and know that hapless and the destitute are welcome to our excess. It is our nature.


Saying your ancestors are smarter than mine is a fair  measure of your intellectual worth. You are indeed the recognizable worm you are on account of it.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

You are not only naive BUT also A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why worry with the idiot? He has never seen Guyana since he was 16 and yet he writes here as if he lives in Guyana. The man talks about crossing the Berbice River bridge takes about 30 minutes. I have crossed the bridge about 6 times and it takes less than 10 mins. He should stick to cassava bread and piwari. An occasional cvassava pone.

And you know this not having visited that long? Also, I was speaking of those people in rosignal who go to berbice high o BEI or who have to travel an hour vs 10 mins by boat for a third of the price cheaper. Now go back to dhal and biganni and sada rotie if that is your preferered fare.



Listen to this non resident Guyana buckman. He knows shit about Guyana and pains us with his verbose general garbage. You need to be in the garbage industry. That's where you belong.

Are you a resident there dalit? What has you demonstrated here that qualifies you as a cognoscenti of the Guyanese social political or cultural landscape except our overt and obnoxious racism? I see nothing wrong with being in the garbage industry. There is no status lost there for you wither since your ancestors   were some 6000 years in the shit hauling business in India as sudras

Don't worry about my ancestors. They were smart to leave India. You should be bitter about Columbus cutting the arms off yours for not bringing enough gold. Why not rile about the Spanish people? At least my ancestors were smarter than yours.

If I am to be bitter about Columbus I would likewise extend that sentiment to carpetbaggers like you. However, we are loving and gracious people and know that hapless and the destitute are welcome to our excess. It is our nature.


Saying your ancestors are smarter than mine is a fair  measure of your intellectual worth. You are indeed the recognizable worm you are on account of it.

Go put some clothes on your ancestors and teach them not to cannibalise each other.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

You are not only naive BUT also A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why worry with the idiot? He has never seen Guyana since he was 16 and yet he writes here as if he lives in Guyana. The man talks about crossing the Berbice River bridge takes about 30 minutes. I have crossed the bridge about 6 times and it takes less than 10 mins. He should stick to cassava bread and piwari. An occasional cvassava pone.

And you know this not having visited that long? Also, I was speaking of those people in rosignal who go to berbice high o BEI or who have to travel an hour vs 10 mins by boat for a third of the price cheaper. Now go back to dhal and biganni and sada rotie if that is your preferered fare.



Listen to this non resident Guyana buckman. He knows shit about Guyana and pains us with his verbose general garbage. You need to be in the garbage industry. That's where you belong.

Are you a resident there dalit? What has you demonstrated here that qualifies you as a cognoscenti of the Guyanese social political or cultural landscape except our overt and obnoxious racism? I see nothing wrong with being in the garbage industry. There is no status lost there for you wither since your ancestors   were some 6000 years in the shit hauling business in India as sudras

Don't worry about my ancestors. They were smart to leave India. You should be bitter about Columbus cutting the arms off yours for not bringing enough gold. Why not rile about the Spanish people? At least my ancestors were smarter than yours.

If I am to be bitter about Columbus I would likewise extend that sentiment to carpetbaggers like you. However, we are loving and gracious people and know that hapless and the destitute are welcome to our excess. It is our nature.


Saying your ancestors are smarter than mine is a fair  measure of your intellectual worth. You are indeed the recognizable worm you are on account of it.

Go put some clothes on your ancestors and teach them not to cannibalise each other.

Skelly Bhai, Leave that Unemployed, Piwari IDIOT alone to BRAY like the DONKEY he IS!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Mayor did not see the NEED when the PPP was in Govt, I wonder why?????????

Dummy, yes he did. The PPP refuse to allocate the funds necessary to properly run the city our of racist spite. I do not care for Hamliton Green and pray he keels over and die in the next hour because he is a useless prick and the planet would be best serve with him gone but that is the fact.

You are not only naive BUT also A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why worry with the idiot? He has never seen Guyana since he was 16 and yet he writes here as if he lives in Guyana. The man talks about crossing the Berbice River bridge takes about 30 minutes. I have crossed the bridge about 6 times and it takes less than 10 mins. He should stick to cassava bread and piwari. An occasional cvassava pone.

And you know this not having visited that long? Also, I was speaking of those people in rosignal who go to berbice high o BEI or who have to travel an hour vs 10 mins by boat for a third of the price cheaper. Now go back to dhal and biganni and sada rotie if that is your preferered fare.



Listen to this non resident Guyana buckman. He knows shit about Guyana and pains us with his verbose general garbage. You need to be in the garbage industry. That's where you belong.

Are you a resident there dalit? What has you demonstrated here that qualifies you as a cognoscenti of the Guyanese social political or cultural landscape except our overt and obnoxious racism? I see nothing wrong with being in the garbage industry. There is no status lost there for you wither since your ancestors   were some 6000 years in the shit hauling business in India as sudras

Don't worry about my ancestors. They were smart to leave India. You should be bitter about Columbus cutting the arms off yours for not bringing enough gold. Why not rile about the Spanish people? At least my ancestors were smarter than yours.

If I am to be bitter about Columbus I would likewise extend that sentiment to carpetbaggers like you. However, we are loving and gracious people and know that hapless and the destitute are welcome to our excess. It is our nature.


Saying your ancestors are smarter than mine is a fair  measure of your intellectual worth. You are indeed the recognizable worm you are on account of it.

Go put some clothes on your ancestors and teach them not to cannibalise each other.

We wore what is relevant for where we were. In the Andes we wore fine boots and furs for the region. In the American great plains we were also quite diverse in apparel and even in the far north we produced what is still replicated and utilized for the region. 


You just  have to get educated so you may be informed as to who we are Incas, Oglala, Aleuts, Mayans, Hopis and all with deep spiritual connected to the land. The absence of such information informs your prejudices.


It is the pathetic emptiness of intellectual curiosity of the bigot that produces bigotry. It takes too much effort for his lazy mind to investigate the field of knowledge underpinning his prejudices. That would destabilize his entire intellectual foundation so like you he prefers to be self deluded.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Cosmetic changes is not the way to go. The entire Market needs to be demolished and replaced with a modern one.

I totally Agree BUT when you give incompetent FOOLS to run a Country, you will get CRAP..  Look how nice Guyana looked after 1992. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

I don't know what you guys are quarreling about, but the idea is a good one regardless of who develop it. The runaway at the airport is also a start. If they can improve all that the PPP did and complete them in record time without stealing the dough, It would go along way of creating an atmosphere of trust, but they will have to get rid of that deadbeat PM and that clumsy Khemraj.

APNU/AFC are doing what the PPP didnt do, and that is to focus on lengthening the runway and expanding the EXISTING terminal.


Guyana doesnt even have proper navigation aides for interior flights, and this has caused several crashes.  So why do we need MORE jetways than busy airports like St Maarten.  Even Barbados, which can have 5 jumbos simultaneously on the ground on a Saturday has NONE.


A longer runway will reduce the need for flights headed to North America to leave with empty seats.  This might even reduce fares, and allow service by carriers like Jetblue from JFK.  Maybe even BA from LON via Barbados.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Listen to this non resident Guyana buckman.

Interesting how so many Guyanese reduce Amerindians to the status of a wild animal, and then will boast that the PPP deserves their support.


Bet you Granger will lash any PNC supporter who uses the "B-M" word.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Don't worry about my ancestors. They were smart to leave India.

And yet they scream how "Indian" they are, and refuse to integrate with other Guyanese.  Disown their daughters if they decide to do exactly that.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
f it.

Go put some clothes on your ancestors and teach them not to cannibalise each other.

You do know that when the first set of Indians arrived, with their dhoti cloth hanging too wide, showing their testicles swinging from side to side (small as they were) the goodly Creole Guyanese women took serious offense and ordered the governor to tell these people to dress as befits a civioized society. 


They were promptly told to put on pants.  And to not even try to bring their "wife burning" rituals to BG.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Listen to this non resident Guyana buckman.

Interesting how so many Guyanese reduce Amerindians to the status of a wild animal, and then will boast that the PPP deserves their support.


Bet you Granger will lash any PNC supporter who uses the "B-M" word.

You cannot change the old and the useless and the deluded among the dalits. Some people like living in the muck. To those like him, one foot will always be in the loogie and communal shitting just a park away.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Listen to this non resident Guyana buckman.

Interesting how so many Guyanese reduce Amerindians to the status of a wild animal, and then will boast that the PPP deserves their support.


Bet you Granger will lash any PNC supporter who uses the "B-M" word.

You cannot change the old and the useless and the deluded among the dalits. Some people like living in the muck. To those like him, one foot will always be in the loogie and communal shitting just a park away.



I was warned not to shake hands with people like yuji as they often wiped their hands on the wall, or a tree, when finished.  No soap and water. Fecal matter under the finger nails.


Bet you that FreeDUMB House folks get terrified at the prospect of using a flush toilet.  They probably climb on top of it and then squat.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Listen to this non resident Guyana buckman.

Interesting how so many Guyanese reduce Amerindians to the status of a wild animal, and then will boast that the PPP deserves their support.


Bet you Granger will lash any PNC supporter who uses the "B-M" word.

You cannot change the old and the useless and the deluded among the dalits. Some people like living in the muck. To those like him, one foot will always be in the loogie and communal shitting just a park away.



I was warned not to shake hands with people like yuji as they often wiped their hands on the wall, or a tree, when finished.  No soap and water. Fecal matter under the finger nails.


Bet you that FreeDUMB House folks get terrified at the prospect of using a flush toilet.  They probably climb on top of it and then squat.


Yuji has no reason to even walk beside you much less shake your hand. If I see you, I would prefer to walk on the other side of the road.


You are indeed a true Chammar Untouchable KoKObeah.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Yuji has no reason to even walk beside you much less shake your hand. If I see you, I would prefer to walk on the other side of the road.


You are indeed a true Chammar Untouchable KoKObeah.

How relieved I am that I wouldnt have to be rude to you by refusing to shake your hand, or being forced to apply antibiotics afterwards.


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