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Georgetown is infested with young criminals

Georgetown is infested with young criminals


I WAS just about to write on the “shot-in-the-mouth kid” when the incident involving the shooting death of felon Lloyd Hazel Jr. hit the headlines.From reports gathered, this 19-year-old and another youthful accomplice had robbed a businessman, and they were about to make good their escape when they were cornered by passing armed security, who shot and killed Hazel.

This latest incident comes on the heels of an incident involving another teen, who is accused of a similar offence but has somehow managed to get help from his criminal associates to now make up a story of police brutality. It is the usual criminal-turn-victim scenario that is a prominent feature of Region 4, Georgetown in particular.

However, lest I be sidetracked, let me return to the most recent of criminalities, that involving Lloyd Hazel Jr.), another youngster whose life could have been categorized as an “asset” to society had he engaged himself in a more productive existence.

Lloyd Hazel and accomplices were caught in the very act of armed robbery, and he paid the ultimate price, bringing to an end another sad chapter in what has become the criminal landscape of the capital city.

Now his family cannot craft an excuse for him, because the tell-tale facts in this case are too revealing; so let us try a few mitigating circumstances to shore up his horrible image. His mother says that she sent him to get some photographs which she wanted to send off to a friend in the United States. His father, on the other hand, gives a completely different story, in which he states that his son, who is the owner of a Toyota Premio, left his car at home and went to town in a minibus to buy cigarettes.

There are two contrasting stories, one from his father and another from his mother; so which is true? This is the million-dollar question only they can answer, but let us scrutinize these statements from the two parents.

For academic purposes, let us give both parents the benefit of the doubt: that the lad was indeed given two instructions, one from either parent. However, the question remains “What was he doing with a helmet on his head?” Is it the newest craze to cover one’s head with a helmet when one boards a bus? Certainly not! You do not wear a helmet to board a bus, you wear a helmet when you are riding a motor cycle; which in this case was the getaway vehicle.

How many times haven’t we heard of armed robberies committed around the Georgetown area and the vehicle used to flee the scene was a CG motorcycle? There have been numerous sightings of that very same motor cycle leaving the scene of a crime. So, here again, Papa and Mama Hazel need to be very careful with the statements they make, because in making those statements they might very well be giving their son away.

Even more revealing is the father’s testimony, whereby he asserts that his son, who is the owner of a Toyota Premio (very expensive car), left his car at home to go buy cigarettes. Well, that is a shocker: At 19 years of age he was the “proud” owner of such an expensive vehicle. By revealing one of his son’s assets to the public out there, he has unwittingly unearthed valuable information into his son’s criminal past.

He, in his haste to show that his son is not a thief because “he owns millions,” never stopped to think that questions would be raised as to the vile methods he employed to get the millions.

So it all goes to show how lucrative criminal enterprise is in the city, and that is why the age for such activities keeps getting lower and lower.

The point I am making is Georgetown is a haven for juvenile criminality – the city is infested with them. I must admit that law enforcement has a real hard task tackling this problem

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let us watch and see the AFC/PNC defend the actions of young criminals. Criminals are like roaches, wipe them out.

what specie of cockroach are you?


my roach-terminating heavy boots asked me to ask . . .

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let us watch and see the AFC/PNC defend the actions of young criminals. Criminals are like roaches, wipe them out.

what specie of cockroach are you?


my roach-terminating heavy boots asked me to ask . . .

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let us watch and see the AFC/PNC defend the actions of young criminals. Criminals are like roaches, wipe them out.

what specie of cockroach are you?


my roach-terminating heavy boots asked me to ask . . .

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let us watch and see the AFC/PNC defend the actions of young criminals. Criminals are like roaches, wipe them out.

You need to read more, yuji.

There is not a single country in the world where criminals have been wiped out.

Sociologists and criminologists will tell you that crime is the effect of societal shortcomings, or the symptom of social ills.

Wiping out the "roaches" will not solve the problem. Roaches survive and proliferate under certain unhygenic or environmental conditions.

Dealing with the underlying causes of crime would yield better results.


The Corrupt PPP/C Government breeds the criminality in those Kids, that you are referring to as criminals, and every year 15,000 comes to maturity, and no jobs no hope and nothing to do.


One day the guns will turn on those corrupted PPP/C

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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let us watch and see the AFC/PNC defend the actions of young criminals. Criminals are like roaches, wipe them out.

You need to read more, yuji.

There is not a single country in the world where criminals have been wiped out.

Sociologists and criminologists will tell you that crime is the effect of societal shortcomings, or the symptom of social ills.

Wiping out the "roaches" will not solve the problem. Roaches survive and proliferate under certain unhygenic or environmental conditions.

Dealing with the underlying causes of crime would yield better results.


I have read and seen with my own eyes. 


Take a look at Jane/Finch,  many Indo Guyanese started their roots there and are now worth millions. Afros, especially Black Jamaicans are dealing with drugs AND account for most of the crime in that neighbourhood. 


Everyone has the same access, why are only a majority of blacks in that neighbourhood with the most problems ?


I will give you an example, many years ago I went to a flea market there with my Benz and when I came out I saw two young black youths breaking off my Benz logo.


Why is it that some groups are more inclined to commit crime than others ?


Does it have to do with upbringing and social values ? I am certain about the facts that some groups need to take a close look at what they teach their children and what they want to become.


Does a very high rate of single mothers and missing father figures in most of these troubled homes have anything to do with this social epidemic ?


And please, let us stop using racism as an excuse.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Why is it that some groups are more inclined to commit crime than others ?


Does it have to do with upbringing and social values ? I am certain about the facts that some groups need to take a close look at what they teach their children and what they want to become . . .

dunno bai . . . me does wonder too why most of de big-time tiefman in Guyana are protected PPP Indos


wha "upbringing" and "social values" in play dere bai? . . . PPP?


all dem bhai and gyal in Richmond Hill too . . . wha happening to abee?


me scratching meh head too

Last edited by Former Member

You dodged the hard facts and questions:


Take a look at Jane/Finch,  many Indo Guyanese started their roots there and are now worth millions. Afros, especially Black Jamaicans are dealing with drugs AND account for most of the crime in that neighbourhood. 


Everyone has the same access, why are only a majority of blacks in that neighbourhood with the most problems ?


I will give you an example, many years ago I went to a flea market there with my Benz and when I came out I saw two young black youths breaking off my Benz logo.

Does a very high rate of single mothers and missing father figures in most of these troubled homes have anything to do with this social epidemic ?


And please, let us stop using racism as an excuse.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let us watch and see the AFC/PNC defend the actions of young criminals. Criminals are like roaches, wipe them out.

Criminals are like roaches and so once one has dirty conditions they will return every time you attempt to get rid of them.


Gajraj and his goons, killing the innocent and the guilty, are part of the problem.


You want to get rid of criminals.  Then have an EFFECTIVE and MINIMALLY corrupt police force and court system that people can trust o be fair and effective.


But when we have police men who are little different from the bandits then why be shocked that crime abounds?  The very people who are supposed to uphold the law and set an example behave no differently.

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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Take a look at Jane/Finch,  many Indo Guyanese started their roots there and are now worth millions.

The notion that most of them are worth millions is a joke, and we hear of enough criminality among Indo Guyanese there to know that they arent all angels.


Also the fact that kids are born to unmarried parents doesnt mean that the fathers are missing.   Many fathers maintain as much contact with their kids as do fathers who are divorced.



Also I wonder ifr you are in a position to determine whether every one has the same access.  Black Caribbean immigrants are among the most educated into Canada, certainly more so than are WHITE Canadians, and yet have the lowest household incomes.  This due to the Canadian immigration system which does NOT favor black immigrants, unless they are refugees.  So the ones who are allowed in are more credentialed than is the case for others.


Clearly there is some sort of institutional bias in the system.



Continue to live the fallacy that the mere fact that parents are married means that the family is functioing.  Drunken husbands beating up their wives and terrifying their kids isnt exactly an uncommon event in many Indo Caribbean homes.


Now as to your bashing ofr black Caribbean immigrants.  In the USA the average white American earns $60k, and the average Jamaican household earns $50k and Barbadian $53k.  Not far behind.  Something is wrong with Canada if Jamaicans living there are trapped in poverty.  The USA immigration system admits any one once they have family members who are qualified to act as sponsors. So the mix of black Caribbean immigrants into the USA is way LESS selective than that into Canada.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Why is it that some groups are more inclined to commit crime than others ?


Does it have to do with upbringing and social values ? I am certain about the facts that some groups need to take a close look at what they teach their children and what they want to become . . .

dunno bai . . . me does wonder too why most of de big-time tiefman in Guyana are protected PPP Indos


wha "upbringing" and "social values" in play dere bai? . . . PPP?


all dem bhai and gyal in Richmond Hill too . . . wha happening to abee?


me scratching meh head too

I am always amused by levels of racism pushed by the Indo KKK (PPP).  Frequently evidence of criminal behavior among Indians is shown.  Especially in Berbice, the victims virtually ALWAYS being other Indians, and yet he peddles the myth that Indians are some how angelic.


Why doesnt he address the fact that even though most Indian families are nominally two parent households, high levels alcoholism and spousal abuse also gives rise to increasing numbers of Indian youths ligving in dysfunction and becoming involved in crime.


The behavior of Indo Guyanese in RH is well known to many non Caribbean people.  The notion that some one describes them as angels will shock the cops who arrest many of them for drunken and lewd behavior, and also the fact that there are hard core criminals among them.  Indeed just a few weeks ago the cops in the Bronx were looking for some one "either Indian or Guyanese" who held up a bank.  Well we know that immigrants from India tend not to be bank robbers (their criminal focus is embazzlement and insider trading) as they tend to be educated people.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Sociologists and criminologists will tell you that crime is the effect of societal shortcomings, or the symptom of social ills.

Wiping out the "roaches" will not solve the problem. Roaches survive and proliferate under certain unhygenic or environmental conditions.

Dealing with the underlying causes of crime would yield better results.

Exactly.  Indeed some of the most dangerous countries in the Americas, Jamaica, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, and Brazil, are notorious for their paramilitary and/or renegade cops who attempt to "exterminate" who they think are the  cockroaches.  Problems is that no one knows who the policde and who the theives in these countries are.


Guyana sadly is following this very path, and the consequences will be dire.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You dodged the hard facts and questions:


Take a look at Jane/Finch,  many Indo Guyanese started their roots there and are now worth millions. Afros, especially Black Jamaicans are dealing with drugs AND account for most of the crime in that neighbourhood. 


Everyone has the same access, why are only a majority of blacks in that neighbourhood with the most problems ?


I will give you an example, many years ago I went to a flea market there with my Benz and when I came out I saw two young black youths breaking off my Benz logo.

Does a very high rate of single mothers and missing father figures in most of these troubled homes have anything to do with this social epidemic ?


And please, let us stop using racism as an excuse.


you might be the only one in jane and finch worth millions

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You dodged the hard facts and questions:


Take a look at Jane/Finch,  many Indo Guyanese started their roots there and are now worth millions. Afros, especially Black Jamaicans are dealing with drugs AND account for most of the crime in that neighbourhood. 


Everyone has the same access, why are only a majority of blacks in that neighbourhood with the most problems ?


I will give you an example, many years ago I went to a flea market there with my Benz and when I came out I saw two young black youths breaking off my Benz logo.

Does a very high rate of single mothers and missing father figures in most of these troubled homes have anything to do with this social epidemic ?


And please, let us stop using racism as an excuse.


you might be the only one in jane and finch worth millions



I visited Jane and Finch many years ago. I dare not visit that crime infested neighbourhood. It is not my kind of neighbourhood. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Take a close look at the type of folks living at Jane Finch and take a close look at crime figures in that neighbourhood.


Now you have the big picture.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Take a close look at the type of folks living at Jane Finch and take a close look at crime figures in that neighbourhood.


Now you have the big picture.

there's a cockroach posing hay that i need to step on to complete the "big picture"


yugee where are u?


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