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Former Member

Please take a note of this. It is crass pandering using the state resources. The car has the tag "PPP" implying that this is the benefaction of the PPP and not of the state. Hope you folks do not let the PPP hand out state resources as a continuance of their patronage scheme to supplant democracy. These people are not given a hand out. They are partaking of their rightful dues and the PPP are merely administrators of the process not the benefactors. Guyana is not their grand fathers legacy. It is ours, the Guyanese people and must reflect that.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Looks like the alleged bukman fish he self up again. Those with small minds will think small. This fool always looking for opportunities to lambaste the PPP. And he is not even a real Guyanese, but yet he continue to use personal pronouns as WE. hahahaha

I would not put anything pass these crooks. Their crony is audacious to leverage fees for using our river as though they own it so it is not beyond them to pull any sleight of hand tricks. Crooked is what crooked does.

Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Looks like the alleged bukman fish he self up again. Those with small minds will think small. This fool always looking for opportunities to lambaste the PPP. And he is not even a real Guyanese, but yet he continue to use personal pronouns as WE. hahahaha

I would not put anything pass these crooks. Their crony is audacious to leverage fees for using our river as though they own it so it is not beyond them to pull any sleight of hand tricks. Crooked is what crooked does.

Indeed, D2 


Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

The PPP plates is the latest in the private vehicle number series.

Tch! Tch! Tch! Are  you  conceding  that 2012  is  the  year  of  the  PPP.


This budget show great promise for the people of Guyana. The positive outlook growth of the economy is impressive.


The combined opposition need to keep a close eye on ministers of the government and make valuable contributions in parliament for the good of all Guyanese.


The AFC need not forget that they were elected to create a balance in parliament. At the current pace, it may appear that the AFC will disappear since they have adopted an "old school" political atmosphere.


"Same old" politics by the AFC does not bode well for their future. Is the AFC now the official small brother of the PNC ?


It is now time for them to prove otherwise.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

The PPP plates is the latest in the private vehicle number series.

Tch! Tch! Tch! Are  you  conceding  that 2012  is  the  year  of  the  PPP.


This budget show great promise for the people of Guyana. The positive outlook growth of the economy is impressive.


The combined opposition need to keep a close eye on ministers of the government and make valuable contributions in parliament for the good of all Guyanese.


The AFC need not forget that they were elected to create a balance in parliament. At the current pace, it may appear that the AFC will disappear since they have adopted an "old school" political atmosphere.


"Same old" politics by the AFC does not bode well for their future. Is the AFC now the official small brother of the PNC ?


It is now time for them to prove otherwise.

Same old politics is to recycle the same lot of incompetents from the old administration. The People held them suspect and there base was eroded. Nothing was done to instill confidence that change is to come. Insisting the other side is worse than you ( when you are the template) is not going to garner votes but induce further erosion of the base.


Berbicians in NY are paying close attention to how the AFC will vote on the Budget this Friday. Any wrong move on the part of the AFC will result in severe ostracism of this party by PPP faithfuls who voted for them in the last elections.


There is serious disagreements within the ranks of the AFC on issues of passing the budget to outright support for the PNC to remove the PPP from office permanently.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Berbicians in NY are paying close attention to how the AFC will vote on the Budget this Friday. Any wrong move on the part of the AFC will result in severe ostracism of this party by PPP faithfuls who voted for them in the last elections.


There is serious disagreements within the ranks of the AFC on issues of passing the budget to outright support for the PNC to remove the PPP from office permanently.


 As I said, the opposition is not in place as the PPP rubber stamp. The budget will be scrutinized and and any nebulous line item will be flagged. The nation cannot afford another Fip. 


Removing the PPP is not a bad goal. Actually, the AFC played to win and that inevitably meant removal of the PPP. Guyana is not their legacy it is a competitive economic and political space and all are entitled to aim to be in office. We are after all not as the PPP imagined, a Leninist state; we are supposed to be in transition to democracy and the PPP is the boulder in the way.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

And D2 embarrasses himself once again

A rare occurrence for D2, but as for you....

Gerhard the putrid smell of your mouth is embarrassing......i experienced it first hand. And i bought you a few packs of matches to 'bun you outta that green shirt'




You need to pull your head out of the sand. Guyana is not a Leninist State by any means. The RED ARMY is not there to control the press and exile critics like Freddie to some Gulag in the Jungles. If you believe Guyana is a Soviet type state then I have say you have been brainwashed. Drink a cold glass of Mauby and come back to yourself. Guyana is a democracy and thriving economic power house that is quickly becoming the envy of the Caribbean. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



You need to pull your head out of the sand. Guyana is not a Leninist State by any means. The RED ARMY is not there to control the press and exile critics like Freddie to some Gulag in the Jungles. If you believe Guyana is a Soviet type state then I have say you have been brainwashed. Drink a cold glass of Mauby and come back to yourself. Guyana is a democracy and thriving economic power house that is quickly becoming the envy of the Caribbean. 

 PPP is a Leninist party grounded ideologically in the dogma of the third Leninist congress. Their party is run on democratic centralism and absolute power is their creed. The sale of the ideology of a the beyond reproach vanguard party equip them with the entitlement to demand they are always right. Their opaque, tight-fisted clan-like  strangle hold on all agency of office is as corrupt as any in the old soviet era. Our capitalism is as Suharto was to Indonesia...crony capitalism. If caribbean leaders envy us it would be for the free rein to steal. Those nations balance budgets on their earnings. We do so on our begging.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

And D2 embarrasses himself once again

A rare occurrence for D2, but as for you....

Gerhard the putrid smell of your mouth is embarrassing......i experienced it first hand. And i bought you a few packs of matches to 'bun you outta that green shirt'


This is quite a laugh coming from a scumy person as yourself there Mr Unconscious.

The posters here know you well as a a friggin lying dirtbag for the PPP.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



You need to pull your head out of the sand. Guyana is not a Leninist State by any means. The RED ARMY is not there to control the press and exile critics like Freddie to some Gulag in the Jungles. If you believe Guyana is a Soviet type state then I have say you have been brainwashed. Drink a cold glass of Mauby and come back to yourself. Guyana is a democracy and thriving economic power house that is quickly becoming the envy of the Caribbean. 

You make Iman laff with this BS about Guyana being the envy of the Caribbean. HAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!

Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Looks like the alleged bukman fish he self up again. Those with small minds will think small. This fool always looking for opportunities to lambaste the PPP. And he is not even a real Guyanese, but yet he continue to use personal pronouns as WE. hahahaha

I would not put anything pass these crooks. Their crony is audacious to leverage fees for using our river as though they own it so it is not beyond them to pull any sleight of hand tricks. Crooked is what crooked does.

Indeed charging fees to cross a natural causeway is unconventional, especially from a private organization. This might be unconstitutional, sound like a lawsuit in the making here. In the US all bridges that encumber the waterways of the nation must raise their bridges free of charge, not necessarily on demand but at least at some scheduled time. 


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