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Some students and staff of the University of Guyana’s Turkeyen Campus along with the members of the public yesterday braved the inclement weather as they protested in front of the Administration Department over the recent termination of lecturer Freddie Kissoon.

Some 50 protesters, comprising a few students who were on campus, lecturers and members of the public were all angry at the abrupt dismissal of Kissoon and said that if he were to be terminated for poor performance, he should be given a fair hearing.

The protesters chanted, β€œWho must go? Council must go! When they must go? Long ago!” and β€œStop the firing!

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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Gerhard cant stop now he gat too much Snakeoil stored in his Basement. He has to try and sell them before the next Election. yippie yippie

I hope he knows what he is getting into.

Di man doin' a good jab foa Guyanese. Yuh nah gafa agre wid everyting, but di man keepin' da PPP pon dem toes lil bit.
Inaction in Freddie’s firing will inevitably lead to more victimization – TAKE ACTION NOW
January 29, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,

If people in Guyana, especially the stakeholders at UG, do not take drastic action now in the form of boycotting classes, petitions and demonstrations and Freddie’s firing simmers down and blows over, more heads are going to roll in the days to come.

The government is testing the waters to see how much they can get away with. Such blatant discrimination must be opposed immediately. Meetings and statements are not going to get results. These hypocrites are going to let people have their say, but they are going to have their way. This did not just start; it was happening for over five decades.

People with communist training should see that even Cuba is changing, but some of them are not flexible enough to adapt to changes; thus their dictatorial mode of operation.

It happened in Burnham’s time (though he was not fully communist) and in Jagan’s time and even more so under Jagdeo. . American President John F. Kennedy himself, after a meeting with Dr. Jagan in 1962, expressed doubts as to whether Dr. Jagan would be able to sustain his position as a parliamentary democrat. β€œI have a feeling,” he said, β€œthat in a couple of years he will find ways to suspend his constitutional provisions and will cut his opposition off at the knees…Parliamentary democracy is going to be damn difficult in a country at this stage of development…it’s going to be almost impossible for Jagan to concentrate the energies of his country on development through a parliamentary system”A THOUSAND DAYS John F. Kennedy In The White House by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. (1965) p. 777.

Thus Jagan with his bull-headed stubbornness, advised by his wife, was ousted with the help of the CIA. He still did not learn and though he had good intentions was flawed strategically, which PPP apologists find hard to digest.

The present minority government will be more iron handed if they are not opposed. This is overreaction due to insecurity similar to what happened during slavery and apartheid during minority rule. I am surprised that some bloggers are glad about what happened.

Freddie has done more for Guyana in terms of exposing wrongdoings and taking action than all of them combined. Many people have not changed their attitude over the years. In 1989 when teachers at Anna Regina Multilateral School were arrested by the police, under the pretext that they were being escorted to the education office, many of their colleagues blamed them for striking, even avoiding them. Those same people had also agreed to strike but changed their minds and went to work instead. Most people want others to face the fire, then they will step in later and enjoy the benefits.

The politicians do not care about the students being without classesβ€”they just want to show who is boss. In 1989 when the police arrived, I told the headmaster that I was giving a test. He said to leave it; so that did not matter. Submitting was paramount to them.

The students at UG should learn from the Essequibo students of 1989. They picketed and demonstrated for days and classes were not possible during that time . Eventually, after a long court case, we were reinstated, but most of the six of us had already taken up jobs abroad.
Freddie should not have to do that. His greatest contribution is in Guyana where he wants to be. AFC, APNU, UG students, faculty and staff, trade unions and others should immediately start boycotting, demonstrating and petitioning. This is not a matter for negotiating. It is blatant discrimination and more people will lose their jobs, get unrequested transfers, be superseded and suffer if this injustice is allowed unchecked.

Since 1809 the Junta Tuitiva of La Paz proclaimed that, β€œWe have maintained a silence closely resembling stupidity”

The people of Guyana must show that they are not stupid. Take action now !!!

Karan Chand

Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Gerhard cant stop now he gat too much Snakeoil stored in his Basement. He has to try and sell them before the next Election. yippie yippie

I hope he knows what he is getting into.

Di man doin' a good jab foa Guyanese. Yuh nah gafa agre wid everyting, but di man keepin' da PPP pon dem toes lil bit.

I don't think so. he is being reeled into the
PNC's culture.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

I woulda removed Goadiebanna post.

Howdy nuh GerHard mah man?
I deh meh bruddah. How tings wid you?

Tings half okay but taking it day by day.
Keep up the good work.
It will get better, brother. Keep the faith. And thanks bro flag
I hear that the big belly flower shop man going on a diet and working on phase II of his plywood computer.

If a university is not free to terminate dead wood staff like Freddie then how can the institution provide the best education for its students?

The man working with a contract, if he chose to write trash in Kaiteur and protest with Benschop instead of writing lesson plans then he deserves to be terminated. hahahahaha

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