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Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by Streetsmart:
Hundreds turned out to listen to Cde Donald in teh Blazing heat.

Was this at the Tarmac? Today is market day at Lusignan and nearby Mon Repos. Hundreds of shoppers out there today.
spice girl it is leguan not lusignan you sound like a east coast girl
Originally posted by Streetsmart:
At Kitty there will be thousands

Oh do you intend to go into Tiger Bay and Albouystown promising people GY$50,000 if they show up in Kitty? Or is there a big show going on...artistes from Jamaica, Tdad and Bdos.

Last time you were in Kitty no one showed up, so what will be different this time.

Note to you. Please dont bus in a 95% Indo crowd and then boast that The PPP stands for unity. Kitty is a multi ethnic part of Gtwn but blacks are the largest group.

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