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PPP condemns AFC campaign of violence, intimidationPDFPrintE-mail
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Sunday, 14 October 2012 21:04

THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has condemned the latest move by the Alliance For Change (AFC) in their ongoing campaign of violence and intimidation against innocent citizens of Guyana.




The part in a statement said after their devious agenda was exposed in Agricola on Thursday evening, the party has grown increasingly desperate in its attempts to suppress victims from speaking out about their experiences.
“This dangerous trend reached rock bottom yesterday when executive member of the AFC Gerhard Ramsaroop was observed with two unidentified individuals in a vehicle stalking the home of Mr. Majeed Hussein,” the party said
According to the PPP statement the AFC executive member in a dangerous precedent came out of his vehicle to confront Mr. Hussein who was at home with his family at the time.
“Neighbours in the area have also reported that they observed one of the individuals with Ramsaroop filming the home and surroundings. The party wishes to make it clear that it will hold the AFC directly responsible for any attack on the home or family of Mr. Hussein.”
“Mr. Hussein who is a Central Committee member of the party has spoken out publicly about the brutal attack and robbery he was subjected to during the AFC supported demonstration. Since his ordeal he has been recuperating at his home on the East Bank of Demerara.”
“The People’s Progressive Party wishes to state in no uncertain terms that it will not condone this campaign of terror by the AFC and encourages the security forces to take appropriate action to protect our citizens.”
The party said it is also encouraging all law abiding citizens and civil society organisations to speak out against this terror campaign bearing in mind the devastating consequences the last such campaign of destabilization and crime wave had on our nation.
A report on yesterday’s incident will be made to the Guyana Police Force as soon as Mr. Hussein overcomes this latest terrifying ordeal at the hands of the AFC, the PPP said.
The party said it is still to confirm whether other individuals who spoke out about their ordeal were targeted in a similar manner by the AFC.



This is a disgrace, why are the victims of the Agricola robbery last week being stalked and intimidated by the AFC.

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Emile_Mervin 3 hours ago

On the one hand, the corrupt and lawless PPP is accusing AFC executive member Gerry Ramsaroop, a former PPPite, of intimidating a current PPPite who was allegedly attacked during the Agricola protest.


On the other hand, Ramsaroop is saying the alleged victim is a friend of his from their PPP days and he went to visit the friend after hearing of the attack. Can people from opposite sides of the political divide not get along as friends?

Despite their differences, Forbes Burnham and Cheddi Jagan were closer than they let their supporters know. Bharrat Jagdeo was Robert Corbin's political opposite, yet, according to Wikileaks, Jagdeo reportedly expressed concern about a 'beleagured' Corbin being challenged by possible replacements. APNU, aka the PNC, is the PPP's political opposite, yet APNU is not the party taking the fight to the corrupt PPP. Ramotar and Granger, backed by Jagdeo and Corbin, may be on friendlier terms than we can ever imagine.


So why would Ramsaroop fabricate such an unnecessary lie about visiting a friend if he had an ulterior motive, such as harming his friend? He didn't! It is the corrupt PPP that is lying either for fear of losing another member to the AFC or to set the stage for attacks on the AFC.

Folks, the PPP is desperation mode, reminiscent of the PNC era, when attacks were stage-managed to generate a government or even party response. Interestingly, APNU, aka the PNC, is largely missing from all the action.



This act of intimidation by Gerhard based on the above article is unacceptable. AFC stooge and foul mouthed spokesperson Mitwah has consistently defended the action of the AFC.


The AFC actions are shameful and disgraceful.


Gerhard should respond on this forum.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This act of intimidation by Gerhard based on the above article is unacceptable. AFC stooge and foul mouthed spokesperson Mitwah has consistently defended the action of the AFC.


The AFC actions are shameful and disgraceful.


Gerhard should respond on this forum.

You are such an arseole. Here we go again the blaming game. First it was Nigel now it's Gerhard.  If the PPP/C are looking for  someone to blame they should look in the mirror.


So now the victim is a friend of Gerhard? And you expect us to believe this? Hahahahha.

What was he going to tell his "friend", sorry that holigans under gmoney's command robbed and beat him?


Mitwah, You are a foul mouthed liar.


Defending the actions of Gerhard should be done by Gerhard himself. If he can prove that this article is a lie then he is owed an apology, until then, we must take the article at face value.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah, You are a foul mouthed liar.


Defending the actions of Gerhard should be done by Gerhard himself. If he can prove that this article is a lie then he is owed an apology, until then, we must take the article at face value.


Your are an arseole to fall for this PPP/Crooks spin.


Let Gerhard speak and defend himself. You are a blind AFC stooge and water boy, your name is Mitwah not Gerhard. Let Gerhard speak for himself.


The AFC is on a desperate mission to save face in light of attacks on innocent citizens of Guyana.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Let Gerhard speak and defend himself. You are a blind AFC stooge and water boy, your name is Mitwah not Gerhard. Let Gerhard speak for himself.


The AFC is on a desperate mission to save face in light of attacks on innocent citizens of Guyana.

Listen arseole, this is a public forum and anyone can speak. Gerhard is my friend and I happen to know that he and Hussain are also buddy friends from their PPP days. Same with Ramjattan and many of the PYO boys here in TO. Perhaps the PPP is afraid of another defection to the AFC. 




You will eat crow on this Matter. Just wait and see. Let Gerhard speak for himself.

Being an AFC stooge, you are desperate to defend them but they must speak for themselves. As I said before, if this article is false than Gerhard is owed an apology.


Until then, we must take this article at face value. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You will eat crow on this Matter. Just wait and see. Let Gerhard speak for himself.

 Being and AFC stooge, you are desperate to defend them but they must speak for themselves. As I said before, if this article is false than Gerhard is owed an apology.


Until then, we must take this article at face value. 

You will eat my shit on this matter. Your PPP is in desperation mode. It's now common knowledge that it was the bereaved mother of the deceased youth that called out the residents to protest the incindiary statemment by Lunchman.


GR is simply being himself and showing his TRUE colors. I warned you Guys about these Snakeoil Salesmen. Despeerate, dangerous People who will do anything for Fame, Power and Wealth!!!!




Don't be that harsh on Gerhard so soon. He will have to speak on this matter himself and we should give him a chance to do so.


It is the new AFC boss Nigel who is creating these disturbances. We are yet to hear from Ramjattan. We might see a major rift in the AFC. Let us sit back and watch as events unfold.


It appears that Moses and Nigel are now calling the shots In the AFC. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Correct. There appears to be a power struggle in the AFC ranks. It is important that we sit back and watch as events unfold. We might have a few surprises.

“Gerhard Ramsaroop was once a member of the PPP/C  and a close friend of Majeed Hussein back in 1992 when they campaigned together for the PPPC under the candidacy of  the late Cheddi Jagan. Upon learning of the attack on his former political colleague and friend on Thursday last,
Mr. Ramsaroop took the humane step of visiting his friend and former political colleague for the purpose of commiserating with him by attending his home in Diamond” the AFC said.

Guess Gerhard went to offer prayers and words of encouragement to a former comrade of his. He had to walk with 2 other persons and they had to circle Majeed's home at least three or four times, taking pictures and videos so that he could determine the appropriate type of prayer and encouragement required. Gerhard is a devout Hindu and Majeed is a Muslim by the way ...........


Originally Posted by albert:
Guess Gerhard went to offer prayers and words of encouragement to a former comrade of his. He had to walk with 2 other persons and they had to circle Majeed's home at least three or four times, taking pictures and videos so that he could determine the appropriate type of prayer and encouragement required. 

Gerard "baby face" Ramsaroop is one of the AFC's most lethal terrorist---his mode of attack is FIRE.



Don't be surprised to see Majeed's home on fire in the near future---compliments of terrorist Gerard "baby face" Ramsaroop.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

This act of intimidation by Gerhard based on the above article is unacceptable. AFC stooge and foul mouthed spokesperson Mitwah has consistently defended the action of the AFC.


The AFC actions are shameful and disgraceful.


Gerhard should respond on this forum.

One of these days you all are going to have a PERSONAL defamation law suit against you.  GNI tolerates all sorts of nonsense when the person villified is not a PPPite, so might be named as well.


Its one thing saying things about govt officials (inclusive of parliamentarians).  Part of assuming these positions is that people will say what they feel like saying true or not.


It bcomes another thing when PRIVATE citizens are so villified.


Be careful.


The AFC seems to be in desperation mode, clutching at any straw for political relevance, the Guyanese populace are wise, and will never fall prey to the sinister motives of the AFC Cabal


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