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Originally Posted by Tall Man:

$$$ Businessman Gerhard  Ramsaroop must provide information that he is paying NIS for his workers.

It has already been said that he is paying very low wages even by Guyana standard.

 Who the hell are you to ask t hat? Let the state do that through their agencies.  You PPPite hacks do not want any such proofs. YOu simply need to poison the well. This tactic was used already by you to question roopnarine. Who the hell are you freaks? I am beginning to believe that if this is the modus operandi then what people say about the PPP blacklisting travelers is true. You are truly a vindictive lot. That is the reason you can never again wield autocratic powers in the state. You are Stalinist monsters.

Originally Posted by Tall Man:

Please control yourself MADAM. Have some self respect. You sound like you being paid by AFC to be here or maybe you are related to Gerhard the German EXPLOITER of Guyanese people. Lots of businessman don't pay the NIS so why are you getting upset for.

Are you a supervisor at Gerhard flower farm?

and you sound like those worms employed by the PPP. There is nothing to gain by coming here and being an ass otherwise.

Originally Posted by Tall Man:

$$$ Businessman Gerhard  Ramsaroop must provide information that he is paying NIS for his workers.

It has already been said that he is paying very low wages even by Guyana standard.

Guyana has minimum wage laws and it is illegal not to pay NIS for permanent staff.  If I am paying my staff what you all claim I am, then I should be investigated, yes?  After all, the PPP is a working class party and would not stand for the exploitation of workers, yes?  Or is it that the PPP prefers there to be illegalities and exploitation just so they can score political points against opponents?


The big boys can just bribe a magistrate and everything is pushed to side. The judiciary is a corrupted institution inherited from the old regime. The PPP has not been successful in reforming this institution. These crooks in the system are getting bolder and bolder as the opposition now has the upper hand in parliament. The saddest thing could happen to Guyana is a return to power by the PNC. All the AFC's effort will, in the end benefit the wrong people.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The big boys can just bribe a magistrate and everything is pushed to side. The judiciary is a corrupted institution inherited from the old regime. The PPP has not been successful in reforming this institution. These crooks in the system are getting bolder and bolder as the opposition now has the upper hand in parliament. The saddest thing could happen to Guyana is a return to power by the PNC. All the AFC's effort will, in the end benefit the wrong people.

Now it's the judiciary.  Pathetic, pathetic.  I have some connections in this area and I can tell you, you are dead wrong.  You have no idea of what you speak and it's pathetic you would go down this path.  Who will be your next target, the pope?


Gerhard, Christopher Ram et al critics of the Govt. would jump at anything illegal done by others and right they are.  But them modern day massa treat workers a little bit better than slavery. My guess is that Gerhard would duck this NIS and paying taxes question with some fancy typical excuses like "meh can cuss dem but dem nah gat cuss fuh meh"


There are many persons in the private sector who proclaim high and low that they fully support the PPP/C government. How many of them truthfully declare and remit income taxes and capital gains taxes to the same government's Guyana Revenue Authority?

In 1994 I asked the late RPA General Secretary Fazal Ali to recommend a rice miller whom I could interview. He sent me to Windsor Forest to meet a man whom he assured me was "a good comrade." When I turned up at the man's rice mill, introduced myself and told him I wanted to write an article on him, he declined to be interviewed. I asked him to explain his refusal. He told me plainly he didn't want the "income tax people" to go after him. There you go; this "good comrade" was giving lip service to the PPP/C government. He didn't want to put his money where his mouth was.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Tall Man:

$$$ Businessman Gerhard  Ramsaroop must provide information that he is paying NIS for his workers.

It has already been said that he is paying very low wages even by Guyana standard.

 Who the hell are you to ask t hat? Let the state do that through their agencies.  You PPPite hacks do not want any such proofs. YOu simply need to poison the well. This tactic was used already by you to question roopnarine. Who the hell are you freaks? I am beginning to believe that if this is the modus operandi then what people say about the PPP blacklisting travelers is true. You are truly a vindictive lot. That is the reason you can never again wield autocratic powers in the state. You are Stalinist monsters.

Indeed, Stormborn.  And now that I have challenged them to come after me they point to the failure of the agencies that they have had control over for almost 20 years!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The big boys can just bribe a magistrate and everything is pushed to side. The judiciary is a corrupted institution inherited from the old regime. The PPP has not been successful in reforming this institution. These crooks in the system are getting bolder and bolder as the opposition now has the upper hand in parliament. The saddest thing could happen to Guyana is a return to power by the PNC. All the AFC's effort will, in the end benefit the wrong people.

Now it's the judiciary.  Pathetic, pathetic.  I have some connections in this area and I can tell you, you are dead wrong.  You have no idea of what you speak and it's pathetic you would go down this path.  Who will be your next target, the pope?

I notice during my visit in April, start a conversation on politics and talk about the PPP failures like the skeldon factory, the amalia falls US15 mil scam or the Pradovill 2 squatters and instantly you get accuse of not being PNC but AFC and you get the exact same line everytime "ayuh guh mek the PNC tek ovah"

 The sad thing the PPP through their media monopoly  is very successful with selling the PNC boogie man propaganda crap to the majority....   

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Now it's the judiciary.  Pathetic, pathetic.  I have some connections in this area and I can tell you, you are dead wrong.  You have no idea of what you speak and it's pathetic you would go down this path.  Who will be your next target, the pope?

I notice during my visit in April, start a conversation on politics and talk about the PPP failures like the skeldon factory, the amalia falls US15 mil scam or the Pradovill 2 squatters and instantly you get accuse of not being PNC but AFC and you get the exact same line everytime "ayuh guh mek the PNC tek ovah"

 The sad thing the PPP through their media monopoly  is very successful with selling the PNC boogie man propaganda crap to the majority....   

Fear of a PNC take over is real for many Indians, they view it as an existential threat given the real nexus between the PNC and GDF.  It will take a very decent leader in the PPP to rise up and do what's right within the context of this fear.  The PPP will continue to do what they please and the people will not rise up, the Indian masses will vote for them and bear up until they get out when possible.  Then they will become nostalgic supporters from afar.


On the PNC side, they could make moves to alleviate this concern by pushing for constitutional reform removing the GDF from the political equation and placing them under some type of judicial control with prescriptive and joint oversight mechanism governing deployment.  The PNC could show good faith.


However, I dont think this will happen as even in the last election it was clear ex-GDF played a major role in the PNC campaign.  These people told their supporters if they from the Govt, they will use the GDF to never leave power again.


So all in all, we are stuck between callous and corrupt PPP, a PNC who seems hell-bent on a return to their old ways and the fear of the people which, by all counts, seem real and justified.  The AFC cannot change this historical and national dynamic.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The question and concern is GR a sincere person? Is he a LIAR and an EXPLOITER of the POOR?? His openness can answer all these questions. He is the one who claimed to have employed the People and also stated how much he is paying them.

I have already stated that I pay NIS on behalf of my workers.  By the way, Nehru, farm workers are not considered permanent employees and they are responsible for their own NIS. Also, whenever NIS is paid, the employer is only supposed to pay a part.  I pay the entire sum for my workers.  You are free to take what I have said to the highest authority and ask that it be verified.  The PPP would only be too happy to show that I exploit my workers.


Now that we have these accusations against me in the public domain, the PPP would be shirking its duty to the working people of Guyana by not investigating me.  Yes?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai, I am not here to investigate you. You have clearly stated now that you do pay for your fulltime Employees and that part timers are responsible for theirs. That is all I need to know. So you have proven you are NOT a Liar/Exploiter.

You don't fool no one here...all yuh want fuh do is use the man info against him and stab him in the back...backstabber..

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai, I am not here to investigate you. You have clearly stated now that you do pay for your fulltime Employees and that part timers are responsible for theirs. That is all I need to know. So you have proven you are NOT a Liar/Exploiter.

You don't fool no one here...all yuh want fuh do is use the man info against him and stab him in the back...backstabber..

Ok, if you say so.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai, I am not here to investigate you. You have clearly stated now that you do pay for your fulltime Employees and that part timers are responsible for theirs. That is all I need to know. So you have proven you are NOT a Liar/Exploiter.

That is not what I said.  I said I pay NIS for my farm workers even though they are considered seasonal workers.  I also pay the full sum, making no deductions from their salaries.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai, I am not here to investigate you. You have clearly stated now that you do pay for your fulltime Employees and that part timers are responsible for theirs. That is all I need to know. So you have proven you are NOT a Liar/Exploiter.

That is not what I said.  I said I pay NIS for my farm workers even though they are considered seasonal workers.  I also pay the full sum, making no deductions from their salaries.


Originally Posted by redux:

"Tall Man" the stink mouth lout has run away from 'his' thread . . .; NEHRU the simple-minded troll busy applying lotion to his ass after receiving a stiff kick from Gerhard.


Good times . . .


Originally Posted by PRK:

Gerhard did a good job clearing up this. Let us see if the government will now do a proper investigation since senior officials of the PPP are here making spurious accusations. 


Gerhard did not need to justify anything since we know this is meant to distract from NICL and other more serious issues.



The AFC's Gerhard Ramsaroop admitted that he pays an Amerindian family of four a total of $40,000 to $60,000 Guyana dollars per month to provide labour on his Flower farm. This amounts to $500 to $750 Guyana dollars per day, or $US2.25 to $US3.75 Isn't this hypocritical of an opposition politician who thinks the Government minimum wage of US$200 per month is repressive?
Added to that we are told that the Amerindian family of four which provides his labour live under less than favourable conditions along with 6 others on Gerhard's farm.


Dude, this is a political milk cow. If you were so concerned what happened to the kids that accused those people traffickers of rape and slavery? YOu paid them off! The police admits they tried to hide them but since then we heard nothing of it.


This PPP under Ramotar is poisonous. It is what will consume itself on that account.

Originally Posted by Guest:

flower business is not seasonal. The farm is in Guyana. You think we are illiterate Gerhard.Seasonal simply poorly paid.

Did I say the flower business is seasonal?  I said farm workers are considered seasonal/part time workers.  The bottom line is, I pay NIS for my farm workers without making any deductions to their salaries.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC's Gerhard Ramsaroop admitted that he pays an Amerindian family of four a total of $40,000 to $60,000 Guyana dollars per month to provide labour on his Flower farm. This amounts to $500 to $750 Guyana dollars per day, or $US2.25 to $US3.75 Isn't this hypocritical of an opposition politician who thinks the Government minimum wage of US$200 per month is repressive?
Added to that we are told that the Amerindian family of four which provides his labour live under less than favourable conditions along with 6 others on Gerhard's farm.

So what is the PPP doing about these allegations other than milk it on the internet?  Is this how they represent the working people of Guyana?  Where are your cameras and reporters (not to mention the Ministry of Labour)?  Or is that only for propaganda work and reporting on AFC activities?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Dude, this is a political milk cow. If you were so concerned what happened to the kids that accused those people traffickers of rape and slavery? YOu paid them off! The police admits they tried to hide them but since then we heard nothing of it.


This PPP under Ramotar is poisonous. It is what will consume itself on that account.

Indeed, they will consume themselves, brother.


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