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Originally Posted by SUN-G:

Gerhard Ramsaroop posing likje he really for poor people but dose are not he facts. The man is a multi millionere in US dallas and he went to AFC to bright us business for the family because PPP kick him out on principle. At leas suh mi hare.

Well SUN-G, I hope that Gerhard can respond to some of your posts ? It raises a lot of questions about the working class and those apparently fighting for the working class.


To be fair, let Gerhard himself respond.


I believe in the same fairness that Gerhard talk about. When we done with the East Bank land we gon turn to the allocations that he gat at the Industrial Estate. He got the five spot at the Industrial Estate on East Bank when wan ordinary business man have to wait 25 years to get one. Yes sar, one. That is because of the inside connection that Gerhard gat. Now dem get this five piece a land worth about $200 million Guyana dalla and then they just hold it. Dem nat putting up any business which is what the contract say. Ask him.

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

I believe in the same fairness that Gerhard talk about. When we done with the East Bank land we gon turn to the allocations that he gat at the Industrial Estate. He got the five spot at the Industrial Estate on East Bank when wan ordinary business man have to wait 25 years to get one. Yes sar, one. That is because of the inside connection that Gerhard gat. Now dem get this five piece a land worth about $200 million Guyana dalla and then they just hold it. Dem nat putting up any business which is what the contract say. Ask him.

Really ?


Would Gerhard care to respond cause this is not sounding good ?


Does he really have allocated land at Industrial Estate worth $ 200 million ?


Gerhard, can you please confirm or deny ? I find this hard to believe.

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

Let fracking Gerhard Ramsaroop dispute what ah saying. I bet u Yugi he will respond with one of dem anti-man political speech. I passed by Sheriff street recently and see his family business with the flower and suh. Dem a deliver nuff nuff to dem hotel. Mi see dem.

How about your claim about the land ?


Anyone can write anything.  Especially anonymously, just as you attack Uncle Moses and Prak.  I never said I was poor; I am middle class.  I have been on this forum for a few years now and most here know what I do for a living.  Here is my business facebook page, yuji22: and website:


Whatever SUN-G speaks of, he is free to provide the evidence.  In any event, it really doesn't matter, there will always be those who will judge others on mere hearsay.  It doesn't bother me.


The opposition's decision to cut the LCDS stems from either a vendetta Against Former President Jagdeo or from the fact that they have no economic experience or Knowledge. The Amalia Falls project for instance has been lauded internationall...y and recently at the CTO sustainable Tourism Conference, where the urgent need for cheap power by locals and investors alike was discussed.

The Government has outlined how it aimed to spend the funds deriving from the MoU with Norway

Priority investments would have been: Amaila Falls equity; Amerindian Development Fund; Amerindian land titling; MSE and vulnerable groups sustainable livelihoods; International Centre for Biodiversity Research, Cunha Canal Rehabilitation and other support for the LCDS......All will be NO MORE!

Some of the following statements by respected individuals internationally clearly show the impact LCDS has had. The opposition clearly does not share the opinion of these learned people.

**Carrington told Jagdeo in his letter: “â€Ķwe [the Community] have been privileged to witness your zeal and conviction in championing of the environment; your promotion of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) in Guyana and advocacy of the Caribbean position in respect of combating climate change at the Copenhagen Conferenceâ€Ķ"

**Guyana gained praise for its Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) and its stewardship of its rainforest at the Regional Climate Change Conference in Belize

**Guyana’s LCDS receives much praise from ACTO secretary general

**The World Wildlife Fund has commended Guyana for its pursuit of a low carbon development strategy

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Anyone can write anything.  Especially anonymously, just as you attack Uncle Moses and Prak.  I never said I was poor; I am middle class.  I have been on this forum for a few years now and most here know what I do for a living.  Here is my business facebook page, yuji22: and website:


Whatever SUN-G speaks of, he is free to provide the evidence.  In any event, it really doesn't matter, there will always be those who will judge others on mere hearsay.  It doesn't bother me.

I had a look at the flower website. This is quite innovative and creative. Congratulations! I'm surprised other Guyanese are not in this business.
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The opposition's decision to cut the LCDS stems from either a vendetta Against Former President Jagdeo or from the fact that they have no economic experience or Knowledge. The Amalia Falls project for instance has been lauded internationall...y and recently at the CTO sustainable Tourism Conference, where the urgent need for cheap power by locals and investors alike was discussed.

The Government has outlined how it aimed to spend the funds deriving from the MoU with Norway

Priority investments would have been: Amaila Falls equity; Amerindian Development Fund; Amerindian land titling; MSE and vulnerable groups sustainable livelihoods; International Centre for Biodiversity Research, Cunha Canal Rehabilitation and other support for the LCDS......All will be NO MORE!

Some of the following statements by respected individuals internationally clearly show the impact LCDS has had. The opposition clearly does not share the opinion of these learned people.

**Carrington told Jagdeo in his letter: “â€Ķwe [the Community] have been privileged to witness your zeal and conviction in championing of the environment; your promotion of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) in Guyana and advocacy of the Caribbean position in respect of combating climate change at the Copenhagen Conferenceâ€Ķ"

**Guyana gained praise for its Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) and its stewardship of its rainforest at the Regional Climate Change Conference in Belize

**Guyana’s LCDS receives much praise from ACTO secretary general

**The World Wildlife Fund has commended Guyana for its pursuit of a low carbon development strategy


The Norwegian government is clear on its position with regard to funding to be received under the LCD’s.  These are grants to be disbursed through specific projects and therefore a careful mechanism for administering these funds is very necessary.  This is the role the World Bank will play as a lead implementation agency.  Therefore, these funds cannot be considered as a revenue but rather must  come as a conditional appropriation.  The Government has not received yet the funds for these projects so the opposition cannot cut what is not there.  .

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Anyone can write anything.  Especially anonymously, just as you attack Uncle Moses and Prak.  I never said I was poor; I am middle class.  I have been on this forum for a few years now and most here know what I do for a living.  Here is my business facebook page, yuji22: and website:


Whatever SUN-G speaks of, he is free to provide the evidence.  In any event, it really doesn't matter, there will always be those who will judge others on mere hearsay.  It doesn't bother me.

I had a look at the flower website. This is quite innovative and creative. Congratulations! I'm surprised other Guyanese are not in this business.

Thanks bro.  It is not an easy business to just get into, but we have a competitive advantage because we grow our own flowers.  Moreover, my dad collected plants over decades and many of our flowers are unique to Guyana.


Poor Shoundell, she and her  clearly distraught, puppy dog face  is not the poster child for these propagandists! What crass exploitation!



I think you needed to use Anil and Narine as well. Both are exploitable...and Kavita can give  you that demure innocence you need to convince the world of that there is an entitlement to provide them with jobs

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Anyone can write anything.  Especially anonymously, just as you attack Uncle Moses and Prak.  I never said I was poor; I am middle class.  I have been on this forum for a few years now and most here know what I do for a living.  Here is my business facebook page, yuji22: and website:


Whatever SUN-G speaks of, he is free to provide the evidence.  In any event, it really doesn't matter, there will always be those who will judge others on mere hearsay.  It doesn't bother me.

Well, Gerhard. I must commend you on having a successful business and no one should be envious of a successful businessman.


Thanks for clearing things up.


when a country loses it's middle class it loses economic growth . CBJ the biggest Kvnt  hole did not understand this . When the middle class grows and expands it consumes and allow businesses to grow and expand . It encourages people within the middle class to take risks and invest in business which provides jobs . The rich do not expand an economy . You guys are sounding like that a55 whole  Mitt Romney and GOP . But PPP wants rich and poor no middleclass , their take on economics is shambolic and it will  explode in their faces . dat colossal as%hole Jagdeo has no fvcking clue what is progressive economics ...and now you guyana has an even bigger a55hole Moutar as prez . sh1t heaped on an already higher pile of sh1t !



Who says rich people can't care for poor people? History provides many examples of rich men who shared their wealth with the less fortunate. They are called philanthropists, benefactors, patrons, donors, etc.

Only last week Gerhard bought a sumptuous meal for an unemployed man in Linden. And the unemployed man was full of praise for the wild-hog pepperpot and bread that Gerhard fed him. Indeed, Gerhard looking after the poor and the jobless, eh.


Only hard working honest people like Gerhard are attacked for being rich. If you steal from the public purse or deal in drugs, that is considered an honourable way of making a living in Guyana. It's a terrible fact that most PPP supporters see large scale crime as far more respectable than honest work. SUN-G is obviously a great believer that the rich should not do anything that involves helping poor people. That stance might be OK with the PPP, but it is not OK with the rest of society.


It was revealed during the budget debate that Clinton Collymore and Harry Persaud Nokta are each "earning" more than $300,000 monthly, in addition to servant and driver and gardener allowances.

Both Collymore and Nokta are senior citizens or pensioners. As far as I know they never attended university, and one of them probably didn't finish high school. Yet those two old geezers are each "earning" more than $300,000 while the average Mr GuyPensioner gets only $10,000.

Do those two old rich geezers share their money with poor people? Whose money is paying them, by the way?

I made many enemies by campaigning for a PPP/C victory during the recent general elections. Little did I know I was campaigning for Collymore and Nokta to become fat cats at taxpayers' expense.

Those who want to pick on bona fide entrepreneurs like Mr Gerhard Ramsaroop must first check out the fat cats in their henhouse.

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

Gerhard Ramsaroop posing likje he really for poor people but dose are not he facts. The man is a multi millionere in US dallas and he went to AFC to bright us business for the family because PPP kick him out on principle.At leas suh mi hare.

and  you  have  the  gumption   to  come  here and retail  it  as  gospel?  In  my days little gurl  who  engaged  in su-su su-su could get a hard  box in  dem ears and  lil bais  would get dem pants  pulled down and  set  dem kungie pon   red  ants nest. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Economy BAD Fuh Politics but vely vely good for Business. LAAD AH MERCY. SNAKEOIL AH PLENTY. Guyanese be careful of these Blood Sucking Leaches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At leese dat man GR deh donk hay a wuk di peeple and ah tek chances.  Yu deh up deh behine yuh keybord an' a bark laka waan lil wata wash rice eatah.  Come donk hay n' geh yuh rass kik den yuh cyan talk bout adda peeple.  Now gwan goa aile yuh lil snake.


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