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June 07 ,2021

Dear Editor,

Gerry Gouveia, currently holding the appointment of National Security Advisor to the CIC (an appointment that he is completely clueless about), is nothing more than a shameless opportunist and is totally unsuited and unqualified for that post. How Gouveia got that position is mindboggling. He brings no value or serious input for the posts he holds and spends his time posting rubbish on his Facebook page all day long. A quick comparison of the National Security Advisors across the region would highlight how mediocre Gouveia is amongst these highly qualified, esteemed and deserving individuals.

More importantly, someone needs to remind the NSA, that he is just an advisor to the CIC and nothing more. Additionally, the NSA has moved from his position of presidential advisor to an administrator within the GDF. For those of us who know this character very well, are aware that he loves injecting himself into situations and reaping all the praises and glory. However, it is time for him to be exposed for who he truly is and to stop intruding into the affairs of the GDF and please allow the chief of staff to do his work peacefully.  Allow me to highlight a few despicable issues the GDF are currently facing with this NSA.

Just imagine this NSA, is pushing for his son Gerry Jr and protégé Learie Constantine Barclay, to be trained with a group of GDF pilots on the Beech Kingair aircraft at the expense of the Guyanese taxpayers. How unfair and ridiculous is this? The GDF selected these pilots after they would have served and worked hard to earn this training only to see two outsiders just waltz in and be given the same training on a platter. Additionally, Learie Barclay, was dishonourably discharged from the same GDF a few years ago for gross misconduct. What justification can the NSA give to this nation for wanting his “sons” to be trained at the expense of taxpayers?

Secondly, the GDF had an MOU with Jags Aviation that was created under President Donald Ramotar. This MOU allowed GDF pilots and engineers to work and gain invaluable experience with different types of aircraft mainly the caravan and skytruck. Additionally, the MOU also allowed the GDF to have access to these aircraft at significantly reduced costs whenever their fleet was unserviceable, to support their bases at the border locations. However, the MOU was unceremoniously terminated recently, because the NSA informed the government that GDF pilots and engineers were working for BK. We all know the issues between BK and this current government, so I shall say no more. However, it would be remiss of me to vehemently remind this nation that the military is an apolitical organisation and remains professional at all times. We wish to remain clear of any political fallout or witch-hunting.

Thirdly, the NSA, tried everything in his power to have the dedication ceremony for the recently acquired Bell 412 helicopter at his privately owned Roraima Airways hanger at Ogle Airport.  If this was allowed to happen, it would have demoralised the hard working ranks of Air Corps, who worked tirelessly to prepare the base for the arrival of the helicopter. However, this travesty was averted due to the strong efforts of a certain senior officer.

Fourthly, we in the GDF knew that it would only be a matter of time before the NSA started with his renewed efforts to prevent the GDF Air Corps from operating commercially. This has been his cry eons ago. And he didn’t disappoint us, since he is now trying to block the GDF from flying commercially. I hereby share a speech by former President Jagdeo, almost twenty years ago at the Annual officers’ Conference:

“PRESIDENT Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday laid to rest the contentious issue of whether the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) should be flying commercially.

He told the opening of the Army’s Annual Officers Conference that he met recently with the Aircraft Owners Association (AOA) and informed them that there was no issue as to whether the military will fly commercially.

He said the issue was settled and the Army would be flying commercially.

The President’s remarks were in response to an earlier comment by Army Chief of Staff, Brigadier Michael Atherly that the use of the excess capacity of the GDF Air Corps to help reduce the cost of air transportation to the interior should not conflict with, but rather complement the efforts of private industry.

He said he was of the view that the mining and forestry sectors would be quick to support the view.
The President, whose remarks drew loud cheers from the audience, said he also told the AOA which has been arguing about a level playing field, that the Government was prepared to give some help so that the association can reduce some costs but that he was not prepared to discuss not allowing the Army to fly.

The Army, he added, will not have need to raise the issue again as a concern, fearing that the Government or the Defence Board will cave in to the pressure of the association.

He added there may be many flights which the Army will have to make that other services will be reluctant to undertake.

President Jagdeo also drew appreciative cheers when he said that it is his desire that each person entering the Army must have a marketable skill by the time he or she retires, to tide them when they go out into the world.

He said it was time for that to be put in place.”

I would like the NSA or any other person/s to justify their reason/s for preventing the GDF from flying commercially. The service provided by the GDF is not to make a profit, but to assist the mining sector. There is no other airline or aircraft presently in Guyana that can transport the type/s of cargo transported by the Skyvan. If the GDF is prevented from flying commercially, the private aircraft owners would have an unfair advantage in the aviation industry.

The NSA, has no shame or no bounds to his ego. This is the same fellow who loves to post up on his Facebook page pictures of himself in his flight suit and boasting about how he served his country with honour and distinction etc. The same organization that was a significant catalyst that financially helped him to acquire his own airline, should be prevented from operating commercially in order to allow him to enrich himself from the struggling and hardworking miners.

There is much more that can be said of Gerry Gouveia and many others like him. He is quick to claim how much he loves this nation and painting a picture that he is an altruistic Guyanese. However, it is all balderdash.  All we are asking for is for him to stop interfering in the affairs of the GDF and allow the COS to please do his work peacefully.

Disgusted Officer

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