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The Electoral Observer Mission of the European Union (EU EOM) said yesterday that it trusts the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to expeditiously conclude the electoral process using the data from the National Recount.

GECOM Chair, (ret’d) Justice Claudette Singh

The Mission made this statement yesterday, in addition to welcoming the report of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Recount Scrutineer team, which found that the March 2 polls were credible, and that the results of the recount are “completely acceptable”.
The EU team said that CARICOM’s report reflects the findings it had made in its own final report on the elections; that voting and counting were well managed “all over the country, as was the tabulation of the results in nine of Guyana’s ten regions.”
Like the CARICOM team, the EU team highlighted the Region Four tabulation, described by CARICOM as “disastrous”. The EU EOM said that the Region Four tabulation had “seriously compromised” the integrity of the electoral process.
Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo had twice produced fraudulent declarations. But the watchful eyes of a series of political parties and electoral observers had caused the fraud to be unearthed on both occasions, and the National Recount has corrected the numbers.
Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield is expected to submit a report of the results of the National Recount under Section 96 of the Representation of the People Act, pursuant to the order for the recount.
Upon receipt of this report, GECOM Chair, Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh is expected to declare the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) victor of the March 2 polls, and Irfaan Ali President Elect.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What happens if Lowenfield does not comply with the chairman's request?

I believe he will pull a stunt. PNC had a meeting and were tight-lipped. Clearly they have another trick. They getting ready to throw Claudette under the bus. 

A coup within GECOM!

Last edited by Former Member

What happens if Lowenfield does not comply with the chairman's request?


You all have it twisted. The Chairman relies on the advice of the CEO to declare. He determines what is valid per the Order and Act. The law calls for it. 

@Rochelle posted:


You all have it twisted. The Chairman relies on the advice of the CEO to declare. He determines what is valid per the Order and Act. The law calls for it. 

And Lowenfield declared the valid votes in his report. How many times we have discuss this with supporting evidence. Look I fedup... in a few hours hopefully, we get something from Lowenfield  and bring this to a end and we can have a glass of wine.

@Former Member posted:

And Lowenfield declared the valid votes in his report. How many times we have discuss this with supporting evidence. Look I fedup... in a few hours hopefully, we get something from Lowenfield  and bring this to a end and we can have a glass of wine.

My dear, no one has declared anything yet.

Do note that the GECOM Chairperson is a mere conduit between the CEO and the Chancellor of the Judiciary. The GECOM Chairperson relays the result in the CEO’s report to the Chancellor. The GECOM Chairperson is not empowered by law to determine the validity of votes or result of the elections. And, as you rightfully noted, the CEO submitted an initial report identifying the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) coalition as having secured the highest number of 'valid' votes. This is already in record and cannot be voided.

Again, "results of the recount" does not in itself equate to "tabulated votes".

I anxiously await the outcome.

Last edited by Rochelle
@Rochelle posted:


You all have it twisted. The Chairman relies on the advice of the CEO to declare. He determines what is valid per the Order and Act. The law calls for it. 

You create a new baseline every step of the way to fool your supporters. Guess what, the baseline remains what’s reflected on the ballots.  

@Rochelle posted:

My dear, no one has declared anything yet.

Do note that the GECOM Chairperson is a mere conduit between the CEO and the Chancellor of the Judiciary. The GECOM Chairperson relays the result in the CEO’s report to the Chancellor. The GECOM Chairperson is not empowered by law to determine the validity of votes or result of the elections. And, as you rightfully noted, the CEO submitted an initial report identifying the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) coalition as having secured the highest number of 'valid' votes. This is already in record and cannot be voided.

Again, "results of the recount" does not in itself equate to "tabulated votes".

I anxiously await the outcome.

Hope this helps 

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@Former Member posted:

Hope this helps 

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No photo description available.

Bai Dave, dis "total number of valid votes cast" is something some people find it very difficult to understand. Even some attorneys in the PNC fail to understand the meaning of VALID. Go figure. Claudette's life will be threatened and she would be thrown under the bus.


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