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GFF’s National Training Center completion delayed by three months Bad weather the determining factor

Jan 20, 2018 Sports, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-determining-factor/

After initial works by sub-contractor M. Nabi and Son’s on the Guyana Football Federation’s (GFF) National Training Center’s venue at Providence on the East Bank of Demerara had commenced with the site being cleared and landfill for foundation works in October last year, it was noted that the project’s first phase would’ve been completed by January 2018.
However, during a press brief at the Providence site yesterday, head of the GFF, Wayne Forde along with the Project Manager, Rawlston Adams, noted that the revised date of completion of phase one of the project has been pushed backed until April month end.
Adams, who is on the executive committee of the GFF, explained that, “The unfavourable weather has majorly affected the project’s first phase completion and so far, the sand filling is about 60% completed. The weather we have experienced throughout the Christmas season is unlike what we have seen in a long time in Guyana.”
Phase one of the project was initially set to consist of the pitch being laid with an artificial turf, lights, goal posts and everything needed for a playable facility. However, Forde stated that the facility is set to have a higher quality Tier 2 lighting system rather than the initial plan to install Tier 3 lights.
Upon completion of all the phases, the training center will be Guyana’s first and major state-of-the-art football facility, which will seek to produce consistent levels of competitive football regionally and internationally. The facility will cater for football development among both males and females and will be the focal point for the sport at all levels of the game.

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