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The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association has issued a press release, strongly criticising the Guyana Police Force (GPF) over the crime situation in Guyana.

The Association’s comments come in light of the killing of miner Deon Stoll who went to conduct business at El Dorado Trading yesterday.

See full press statement. 

The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association calls for justice for the brutal slaying of miner Deon Stoll.

The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association [GGDMA] is deeply saddened over the cold-blooded killing of its member and miner Deon Stoll yesterday Monday October 15, 2019 as he was about to conduct business at the establishment of El Dorado Trading.

The Association expresses its profound condolences to the family of the late Mr. Stroll whose life was snatched away from him by these animals as he sought to conduct business in a transparent manner like any other decent citizen.

The GGDMA calls on the Guyana Police Force to focus its attention on addressing real crime and the removing of criminal elements from our society. The Association also calls on the Minister of Public Security the Hon. Khemraj Ramjattan to address this upsurge in crime across our country. How many more must be robbed, or be slaughtered before it is accepted that we have a crime issue in Guyana which must be addressed?

The time for seriousness is now, the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force must weed out the rogue elements from among their ranks since all they do is tarnish the image of the force and the law-abiding officers.

Miners, Businesspersons and Businesses must feel secure to conduct businesses in and around the city and the country as a whole. That is the duty of the Guyana Police Force to protect and serve. The GGDMA asks the following questions;

Where are the police patrols? What has happened to the hundreds of vehicles and motorcycles the Government of Guyana has given to the Guyana Police Force? Are these vehicles being used for its intended purposes? What are the Guyana Police Force’s plans to address this upsurge in crime?

The GGDMA refuses to sit ideally by and allow its miners to be slaughtered by these rouge elements. We urge all our miners to take full security precaution and call on the Joint Forces to take the necessary actions so that our streets, neighborhoods, interior and towns can be safe to live and conduct business.

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The promised of APNU/AFC 

Under the PPP and an incompetent Home Affairs Minister, Guyana has become the murder capital of the world (as measured by a murders/population ratio) thus inhibiting investment and fuelling migrant flight; white collar crime has also risen to alarming proportions. Recent years have witnessed the absence of adequate and appropriate oversight of the Police Force and the insertion of politicised civilians into the arrangements resulting in vigilante activities as part of policing. Public security is an imperative for the development of our country. As the Courtney Crum-Ewing case vividly demonstrates the GPF has been used as an arm of the PPP and an instrument of oppression.
The recent LAPOP 2012 report on Guyana points to the finding that:
Guyana has the lowest level of trust in the police in the region and this trust has decreased over time. Between 2012 and 2014, trust in the police in Guyana decreased by 10 points on a 0 to 100 scale from 45.8 in 2012 to 35.4 in 2014. β€œThe drop has been most steep for those who identified as Afro-Guyanese,” Dr. Zechmeister said.
No country can develop if its citizens live in constant fear of criminal attack. No family can be healthy if members are fearful and vulnerable. No entrepreneur would invest funds in an environment rife with crime and corruption. Therefore, there is urgent need for the implementation of the long ignored police reform recommendations to ensure that the police become a well paid and effective agent for serving and protecting the population, rather than an instrument of oppression, as under the PPP.
APNU+AFC will:
Develop a comprehensive Public Security plan. It will appoint a specialised committee, to include national stake-holders and supported as appropriate by external agencies, with the objective of developing a comprehensive Public Security plan, for early implementation, which identify the main causes of violent crimes and escalating crimes in Guyana and the mechanisms for their prevention.
The committee would be asked to pay special attention to:
β€’ Reducing the high rate of armed robberies, murders, piracy, human trafficking and domestic violence while improving policing and maintaining police teams and identifying ways of ensuring that police officers spend more time deterring, detecting, preventing and investigating crime.
β€’ Ensuring a state of readiness and the acquisition of expertise and forensic equipment, including DNA and IT technology.




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Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

12 murders in 7 days.  I think we just broke a new record.

Damn. Guyana murder rate like that of Chicago now. Although there are nearly four times as many people in Chicago.

PNC bruking record left, right, and center.  Every criminal roaming the street has one or more guns.

From the start Granger wanted criminals out of jail and the chicken has now come home to roost.

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

12 murders in 7 days.  I think we just broke a new record.

Damn. Guyana murder rate like that of Chicago now. Although there are nearly four times as many people in Chicago.

PNC bruking record left, right, and center.  Every criminal roaming the street has one or more guns.

From the start Granger wanted criminals out of jail and the chicken has now come home to roost.

When the pages of the newspaper are filled with dead bodies, people will forget about how incompetent he is and stop calling for GECOM to get ready for election.

Bibi Haniffa
Sheik101 posted:

It's amazing how some of u are always on Ramjattan's ass. When will u learn. This man doesnt care about security. It's just not his thing. It's like flogging a dead horse. He's more concerned anout his next position. 

Rumjattan don't give one shyte about anything but the PM position!  I hope Granger choose that Indian woman and kick all dem katahars to the curb!


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