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The captain of the ill-fated Fly Jamaica Airlines jet that made an emergency landing at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport alleged that several personal items were stolen from the plane, police said.

Police and fire officials  said at least nine fire fighters were being questioned by investigators in connection with the reported theft.

Fire Chief Marlon Gentle said the pilot reported losing cash and electronic devices. He said one of the fire fighters surrendered items and then the theft began unravelling. He said other items were found at the Timehri Fire Station. A crew member also claimed her items were stolen

Gentle said the matter has been handed over to the police and stern action would be taken against those found culpable. β€œThis is not something that we condone or take very lightly. Those found culpable will be dealt with to the fullest extent,” he said.

Other sources also told Demerara Waves Online News that a number of crew members and passengers have also claimed items, including passports, electronic devices have been stolen.

The fire fighters were among the first responders who entered the plane after it made an emergency landing at the north-eastern end of the runway.

The pilot had reported a hydraulic failure 10 minutes after departing Cheddi Jagan International Airport and requested permission to land.

On landing, one of the right engine and landing gear broke off.

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