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November 2, 2020


-says local professionals being underpaid as much 10 to 20 times compared to expats

The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) has charged that there is discriminatory hiring in the oil and gas industry and that local professionals are being underpaid by as much as 10 to 20 times compared to expatriates.

In its submission to the Local Content Preparatory Commission set up recently by the Ministry of Natural Resources, GHRA highlighted instances of discriminatory hiring practices in the oil industry to the detriment of Guyanese workers.

A release on Saturday from the GHRA said that the submission contends that Guyana’s Local Content Policy should be located within the framework of appropriate human rights, labour and environmental principles to be found in the Guyana Constitution and the relevant international conventions ratified by  Guyana.   It said that care must be taken to ensure that the beneficiaries of the Local Content policy are not narrowly restricted to the local business community, but also encompass workers and society as a whole.

It said that the need for clear guiding principles is underlined by the experience to date of those Guyanese hired or qualified to be hired by the shore-based companies engaged in servicing of the off-shore Drill Ship.

“Local professionals are grossly underpaid when compared to the cost of the same services the `expats’ offer. Some scales can range from 10 times to as much as 20 times the remuneration per month.  Service skills being referred to available in Guyana such as managers, coordinators, engineers, foremen, constructors, health and safety supervisors and officers, finance, maintenance, etc. The only job areas left to be covered by an ‘expat’ are drivers and janitors”, the GHRA contended.

The human rights body contended that the number of “expat” staff with their free transportation to and from work, per diems, paid travel in and out of the country and paid house rentals, cannot be justified when qualified Guyanese are available to perform these services.

Locals are also forced to work 12-hour shifts per day (excluding a non-paid lunch hour).

“By standard labour laws, this is way more than the 40-hour per week, whether considered as a 5-day week or 7-day week. An outsider would believe this amounts to an impressive amount of overtime. However, that battle was lost. Staff are told that the company has already catered for overtime in offering one bulk salary”, GHRA said.

It noted that the most basic benefit of any employee is their annual leave.

“Even this, the company tries to control by enforcing a policy not to pay for leave days earned. In fact, operation staff are forced to take leave on their ‘stand-by’ days. A stand-by day is simply any day that the employee is not on shift but can be called out to perform work”, the GHRA asserted.

It added that the company can call an employee out at any point to work.

“Leave was suspended due to the global pandemic and staff were required to work as per normal as an `essential service’. On short notice without consultation, the company enforces a policy such as ‘take it or lose it’”, GHRA said.

GHRA said that the discriminatory practices against Guyanese workers were first drawn to its attention some two years ago when members of the Guyana Seafarers and General Workers Union provided documented evidence by the company responsible at that time for hiring crews on the ships servicing the Drill Ships.

“The main frustration of the Guyanese seafarers focused on Trinidadian seamen being given systematic preference over equally qualified Guyanese to the better job categories such as engineers, mates, and captains. This came about, it was alleged, because Exxon had sub-contracted the hiring of seamen to a Trinidadian–owned firm which in turn largely hired from three other Trinidadian firms with offices in Guyana. Guyanese seafarers qualified in all of these positions, with years of experience in the oil industry in the Caribbean and the Middle East were not getting jobs”, the GHRA said.   

It noted that the contract offered to Guyanese Seamen by El Dorado Offshore (EDO) contained a clause Section E. Termination   which listed 12 articles that could terminate the Contract immediately. Art.11 stated ”Disclosing information, not available to the general public, about EDO or EDOs business plans, the vessel or any other information about the nature of employment, such as wages and   benefits, to any third party” as a ground for immediate termination.

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GHRA didn't say anything when Volda Lawrence admitted that she only hired blacks. What are they now complaining about?

In the oil industry, you have to hire the best available workers. It doesn't matter what race you are from.

@Ramakant-P posted:

GHRA didn't say anything when Volda Lawrence admitted that she only hired blacks. What are they now complaining about?

In the oil industry, you have to hire the best available workers. It doesn't matter what race you are from.

Show your proof that Volda Lawrence said that she only hired blacks. Else you are a liar.

@Mitwah posted:

Show your proof that Volda Lawrence said that she only hired blacks. Else you are a liar.

She did too.  It was posted on this forum by Django who is the master of 'cut and paste'. You are a senile man. I am pretty sure that you can't remember any thing that was posted from January to September.


An excerpt of the article.

“The only friends I got is PNC so the only people I gon give wuk to is PNC and right now I looking for a doctor who can talk Spanish or Portuguese and ah want one that is PNC,” Lawrence is quoted by the online publication.
Lawrence has not denied making the statements publicly and did not address the criticisms she has received as a result of the publication of her statements.

@Ramakant-P posted:

An excerpt of the article.

“The only friends I got is PNC so the only people I gon give wuk to is PNC and right now I looking for a doctor who can talk Spanish or Portuguese and ah want one that is PNC,” Lawrence is quoted by the online publication.
Lawrence has not denied making the statements publicly and did not address the criticisms she has received as a result of the publication of her statements.

So where does it say that she will only hire blacks?  Your racist mind equates PNC with blacks but surely you must know that the PNC has people of all races. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

She did too.  It was posted on this forum by Django who is the master of 'cut and paste'. You are a senile man. I am pretty sure that you can't remember any thing that was posted from January to September.

I am not your father. You are a congential lying. You have no proof of what you posted.

I am sure you can't remember what you posted most recently. Show us the proof where Volda said that she hires only blacks or will hire only blacks. You got away too long with your frigging lies. I will be up your ass like your wet diaper. 

@kp posted:

The woman is a model racist, the best PNC can offer. The only two non blacks the PNC had were the two dutty coolies, Naga and Rumjaat.

And you, a self confessed PNC goon during Burnham days.

@kp posted:

The woman is a model racist, the best PNC can offer. The only two non blacks the PNC had were the two dutty coolies, Naga and Rumjaat.

I don't know if Volda Lawrence is a racist because I have never met her and I don't know much about her.  But, I must tell you I admire the way she handled those PPP bullies during the elections drama.  Does the PNC have Indian members?  The answer is yes.  It does today and it always has.  Again, I don't know who is or isn't a member of the PNC but the Coalition certainly fielded many Indians in the last elections.  Historically, the PNC has had prominent Indians among its members and supporters.  A few names come to mind:  the Luckhoos, Rahamans, Sridath Ramphal, Shahabudeen, Sase Narain, Steve Narine, Gowkarran Sharma and a lot of other Sharmas ( and the Maha Sabha at one time), BK Tiwari, Rajkumari Singh, GT Mayor Pt. Narine, Cammie Ramsaroop, Ranji Chandisingh, Amna Ally, Howard Bulkan, and a whole lot more. 

@Mitwah posted:

I am not your father. You are a congential lying. You have no proof of what you posted.

I am sure you can't remember what you posted most recently. Show us the proof where Volda said that she hires only blacks or will hire only blacks. You got away too long with your frigging lies. I will be up your ass like your wet diaper. 

I see comprehension is not your cup of tea.

PNC = Blacks.

The PNC is a black party.  That's what they said.

I am pretty sure that you can read between the lines.

Everything you said about the PPP is a lie.


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