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Former Member

The Guyana Human Rights Association today said it won’t be participating in the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the killing of Dr Walter Rodney. It criticized the terms of reference for the inquiry and said the CoI appears intended to prolong the ethnic dimension of Guyanese politics.

Its statement follows:

In response to the invitation to contribute to the Commission of Inquiry into the death of Dr. Walter Rodney, and after studying the Terms of Reference, the GHRA has written  the Administrator of the COI indicating its unwillingness to associate itself with the work of the Commission.

The reasons for this decision were communicated in the attached Statement.

“The Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) is of the view that the proposed Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the death of Dr. Walter Rodney  has greater potential for reviving rather than healing ethnic division in Guyana. Should this indeed be the outcome, it would be a travesty of Dr. Rodney’s major contribution to Guyana. Moreover, failure to consult the Working Peoples’ Alliance, Dr. Rodney’s party, on what may be perceived as opportunistic terms of reference for the COI, robs the initiative of credibility.

Numerous calls have been made over the past three decades for a COI into the circumstances of the death of Dr. Walter Rodney.  The closest this long-demanded Commission came to realization occurred in 1995 when the PPP Government invited a team appointed by the International Commission of Jurists  to assess the evidence available for holding such an enquiry. The idea of the Commission foundered on the inability to go forward with extradition proceedings of the main suspect Gregory Smith (now deceased) from Cayenne, because Guyana could not meet the assurance required by France, that the death penalty would not be invoked against him.   Further efforts to mount an inquiry generated much acrimony and were resisted by the Government, the most persistent being in 2008 following a much-publicized picket of the Government by Dr. Rodney’s son Shaka Rodney. This effort failure due to an unprecedented parliamentary manoeuvre in which the PPP abstained from voting on its own motion to mount an inquiry.

The rationale for the proposed Commission is puzzling: while its Terms of Reference (ToR) numbers (i) to (iii) suggest it is a criminal investigation, the last paragraph specifically rules out any criminal charges resulting from it. The COI states that all persons who may be found guilty of any kind of act relay’s death are to be granted ‘an absolute pardon’.

The alternative rationale is that the COI is intended to strengthen a process of ethnic healing between the major races in Guyana.  However, this possibility is ruled out by number (iv) of the ToR which is provocative. That clause requires the COI to investigate the extent to which the many quasi-political military organizations existing in Guyana at the time of Rodney’s death, were tasked with surveillance against the ‘political opposition’, rather than against the WPA.  In this respect, the clause provides an opportunity for inserting the ruling PPP into events in which it was marginal at the time and for generating a stream of horror stories from that era into the work of the Commission, with  rich potential for stirring up Indo-Guyanese resentment against the PNC. Coming at a time of much speculation over general and regional elections, the proposed COI could be read as the worst form of electioneering.

Apart from the timing in relation to the larger Guyanese political context, the general history of peace and reconciliation initiatives has demonstrated that they are really only effective after the  particular conflict they are addressing has been brought to some form of resolution (for example, Bosnia, South Africa, Argentina after the colonels etc). In the Guyana context,  it would be premature to suggest that ethnic reconciliation has been sufficiently established as to justify the COI in these terms.

Moreover, at the present time, a more appropriate priority would be an impartial investigation into the numerous extra-judicial killings of young men during the mid-2000s in circumstances which suggested involvement of the State.

The reluctance of the GHRA to involve itself in the current enquiry comes against a background of the Association having worked assiduously in previous decades to have an Inquiry come into being.

Dr. Rodney’s unique contribution to Guyana was the momentum he generated across the society to challenge the ethnic nature of Guyanese politics. The perpetrators of his death correctly calculated that it would ensure the survival and continuance of a system sustained by ethnic insecurity.

Reluctantly, the GHRA feels compelled to conclude that the proposed initiative has more to do with prolonging the ethnic dimension of Guyanese politics, than laying to rest controversy over who was responsible for Walter Rodney’s death.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why only now, almost 34 years after Walter Rodney's death, is the PPP government launching a probe?

Most of the people involved in the killing are now dead and/or outside Guyana.

Considering that Dr Rodney was a founder of the WPA, why didn't the government consult with the WPA regarding the terms of reference of the probe?

Whatever one may think of the WPA presently, whatever the WPA itself has become, the proper thing for the government to do was to involve the WPA in its plan, just as it involved the Rodney family.

The PPP has an ulterior motive in creating this inquiry. The GHRA is right to boycott the COI.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Why only now, almost 34 years after Walter Rodney's death, is the PPP government launching a probe?

Most of the people involved in the killing are now dead and/or outside Guyana.

Considering that Dr Rodney was a founder of the WPA, why didn't the government consult with the WPA regarding the terms of reference of the probe?

Whatever one may think of the WPA presently, whatever the WPA itself has become, the proper thing for the government to do was to involve the WPA in its plan, just as it involved the Rodney family.

The PPP has an ulterior motive in creating this inquiry. The GHRA is right to boycott the COI.


The ghra only support the negro population.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Why only now, almost 34 years after Walter Rodney's death, is the PPP government launching a probe?

Most of the people involved in the killing are now dead and/or outside Guyana.

Considering that Dr Rodney was a founder of the WPA, why didn't the government consult with the WPA regarding the terms of reference of the probe?

Whatever one may think of the WPA presently, whatever the WPA itself has become, the proper thing for the government to do was to involve the WPA in its plan, just as it involved the Rodney family.

The PPP has an ulterior motive in creating this inquiry. The GHRA is right to boycott the COI.


The GHRA appears to be independent body but is nothing more than another APNU/PNC outfit that pretends to protect human rights but instead undercover promotes racism in Guyana. They do not want an Indian to be on the COI - that is their real reason for non co-operation. Where was this group when Rodney was blown to pieces. I have no respect for this unclean group. 

Yes the PPP is wasting time calling for the COI because traditionally they have not taken any action.This PPP government is so weak - the leadership should all commit suicide. It will allow the COI reports to gather dust. They should call for a COI into Sash Sawh's death and the the Lusignan massacre. I agree with the PPP not consulting with the WPA because Rodney, had he lived would have never allowed the WPA to align itself with the PNC. I dont know but I keep asking myself this question over and over again. Was Dr. Roopnarine a PNC mole at the time of Rodney's death?

Last edited by Former Member

Let's not argue now about the GHRA's bona fides, guys.

Let's focus on the arguments the GHRA makes for not cooperating with the COI.

These arguments could have been made by any other group or individual.

The wording of the COI terms of reference suggests the PPP government aims to confirm that the black-dominated PNC regime and its black-dominated security forces were after not only Dr Rodney but also the mainly Indo PPP supporters.

If the COI finds such to be true, the PPP intends to use it to the max during upcoming elections campaign to scare Indos away from APNU. That's the ulterior motive I have in mind.


Dear Editor,


With your permission, I would like to begin 2013 on an uplifting note.

First, I agree with Brigadier Granger on two issues: 1) recent major drug busts are a minor drop in the ocean; and 2) there should be genuine inquiry into crimes from the period 2004 to 2010, except that it should cover the period 2002 through 2012.


Second, I agree with the youth arm of the PPP that the local anti-corruption body is not credible. It should know. I know. Others know.

Third, I agree with His Lordship the Mayor of Georgetown, Mr. Hamilton Green JP that all citizens can-and should-do their part to make this great city of ours a better, cleaner, healthier place. To this end, I publicly commit to funding all (repeat all) reasonable expenses to improve the block on which I reside.  His Lordship knows the street; he can take me up on this matter at any time that is convenient to him.

Last, I take this opportunity to extend wishes for a safe, healthy, and constructive 2013 to all my fellow citizens. I repeat all, and this is not canned political speechmaking.


Yours faithfully,


Dear Editor,

With your permission, I would like to begin 2013 on an uplifting note.

First, I agree with Brigadier Granger on two issues: 1) recent major drug busts are a minor drop in the ocean; and 2) there should be genuine inquiry into crimes from the period 2004 to 2010, except that it should cover the period 2002 through 2012.

Second, I agree with the youth arm of the PPP that the local anti-corruption body is not credible. It should know. I know. Others know.

Third, I agree with His Lordship the Mayor of Georgetown, Mr. Hamilton Green JP that all citizens can-and should-do their part to make this great city of ours a better, cleaner, healthier place. To this end, I publicly commit to funding all (repeat all) reasonable expenses to improve the block on which I reside.  His Lordship knows the street; he can take me up on this matter at any time that is convenient to him.

Last, I take this opportunity to extend wishes for a safe, healthy, and constructive 2013 to all my fellow citizens. I repeat all, and this is not canned political speechmaking.

Yours faithfully,

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Why only now, almost 34 years after Walter Rodney's death, is the PPP government launching a probe?

Most of the people involved in the killing are now dead and/or outside Guyana.

Considering that Dr Rodney was a founder of the WPA, why didn't the government consult with the WPA regarding the terms of reference of the probe?

Whatever one may think of the WPA presently, whatever the WPA itself has become, the proper thing for the government to do was to involve the WPA in its plan, just as it involved the Rodney family.

The PPP has an ulterior motive in creating this inquiry. The GHRA is right to boycott the COI.


The GHRA appears to be independent body but is nothing more than another APNU/PNC outfit that pretends to protect human rights but instead undercover promotes racism in Guyana. They do not want an Indian to be on the COI - that is their real reason for non co-operation. Where was this group when Rodney was blown to pieces. I have no respect for this unclean group. 

Yes the PPP is wasting time calling for the COI because traditionally they have not taken any action.This PPP government is so weak - the leadership should all commit suicide. It will allow the COI reports to gather dust. They should call for a COI into Sash Sawh's death and the the Lusignan massacre. I agree with the PPP not consulting with the WPA because Rodney, had he lived would have never allowed the WPA to align itself with the PNC. I dont know but I keep asking myself this question over and over again. Was Dr. Roopnarine a PNC mole at the time of Rodney's death?

no body never tell you time change and people must change with time

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Why only now, almost 34 years after Walter Rodney's death, is the PPP government launching a probe?

Most of the people involved in the killing are now dead and/or outside Guyana.

Considering that Dr Rodney was a founder of the WPA, why didn't the government consult with the WPA regarding the terms of reference of the probe?

Whatever one may think of the WPA presently, whatever the WPA itself has become, the proper thing for the government to do was to involve the WPA in its plan, just as it involved the Rodney family.

The PPP has an ulterior motive in creating this inquiry. The GHRA is right to boycott the COI.


The ghra only support the negro population.

It might shock you to know how many Indians are involved in the GHRA.  Not every Indian is a PPP slave.


The PPP had 21 years to investigate this issue, but chose not to.  All it is now trying to do is foment division within APNU, but apparently the WPA isn't biting.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Inquiry foh Lusignan and Sawh.

Jagdeo screamed that he knew who organized the murder of Sawh, suggesting that it wasn't just the work of mere criminals.


So how come no Big One has been arrested.  Every one in the PNC is walking around freely, despite frequent PPP accusations that they have been involved in criminal violence, inclusive of Lusignan.


Were I an Indian PPP supporter I would want to know why are people who are guilty of master minding such a heinous act walking around free.  There are certain things that aren't subject to a plea bargain, unless its about replacing a hanging with life time imprisonment in Guyana's "wonderful" jails.


Its blatantly obvious that Guyana is an Indocracy, meaning that if one isn't wealthy or Indian one doesn't matter.  Non Indians and non rich Indians aren't of any interest to the PPP.  That is about 95%.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Inquiry foh Lusignan and Sawh.

Jagdeo screamed that he knew who organized the murder of Sawh, suggesting that it wasn't just the work of mere criminals.


So how come no Big One has been arrested.  Every one in the PNC is walking around freely, despite frequent PPP accusations that they have been involved in criminal violence, inclusive of Lusignan.


Were I an Indian PPP supporter I would want to know why are people who are guilty of master minding such a heinous act walking around free.  There are certain things that aren't subject to a plea bargain, unless its about replacing a hanging with life time imprisonment in Guyana's "wonderful" jails.


Its blatantly obvious that Guyana is an Indocracy, meaning that if one isn't wealthy or Indian one doesn't matter.  Non Indians and non rich Indians aren't of any interest to the PPP.  That is about 95%.

anybody with half a brain will know the ppp only call this inquiry to dig up hate and racistism amount the people.the ppp is wicket and evil is like the devil play ground

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Inquiry foh Lusignan and Sawh.

Jagdeo screamed that he knew who organized the murder of Sawh, suggesting that it wasn't just the work of mere criminals.


So how come no Big One has been arrested.  Every one in the PNC is walking around freely, despite frequent PPP accusations that they have been involved in criminal violence, inclusive of Lusignan.


Were I an Indian PPP supporter I would want to know why are people who are guilty of master minding such a heinous act walking around free.  There are certain things that aren't subject to a plea bargain, unless its about replacing a hanging with life time imprisonment in Guyana's "wonderful" jails.


Its blatantly obvious that Guyana is an Indocracy, meaning that if one isn't wealthy or Indian one doesn't matter.  Non Indians and non rich Indians aren't of any interest to the PPP.  That is about 95%.

anybody with half a brain will know the ppp only call this inquiry to dig up hate and racistism amount the people.the ppp is wicket and evil is like the devil play ground

Exactly Mr Warrior.


I think it is absolutely foolish not to part take in this Inquiry.


We all want to get closure to the truth and this Commission will help.


Of Course I think the biggest looser in this game will be the PNC and by extension the APNU.


WHO kill RODNEY???

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's not argue now about the GHRA's bona fides, guys.

Let's focus on the arguments the GHRA makes for not cooperating with the COI.

These arguments could have been made by any other group or individual.

The wording of the COI terms of reference suggests the PPP government aims to confirm that the black-dominated PNC regime and its black-dominated security forces were after not only Dr Rodney but also the mainly Indo PPP supporters.

If the COI finds such to be true, the PPP intends to use it to the max during upcoming elections campaign to scare Indos away from APNU. That's the ulterior motive I have in mind.

I can attest and so  can many other posters here with personal insight as to the defiant  PPP refusal to deal with the Rodney incident. Why now if it is not a potential political milk cow for them?


This is a destitute government. They do not operate from any definable moral center. None of you here can attest to anything that is akin to clear cut PPP principles. They operate like any criminal enterprise. They have become  opportunistic predators who are driven by their obsession to preserve the use of the state as their  milk cow. As such they will do anything and be anything as long as it supports that covetous  teleology.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's not argue now about the GHRA's bona fides, guys.

Let's focus on the arguments the GHRA makes for not cooperating with the COI.

These arguments could have been made by any other group or individual.

The wording of the COI terms of reference suggests the PPP government aims to confirm that the black-dominated PNC regime and its black-dominated security forces were after not only Dr Rodney but also the mainly Indo PPP supporters.

If the COI finds such to be true, the PPP intends to use it to the max during upcoming elections campaign to scare Indos away from APNU. That's the ulterior motive I have in mind.

I can attest and so  can many other posters here with personal insight as to the defiant  PPP refusal to deal with the Rodney incident. Why now if it is not a potential political milk cow for them?


This is a destitute government. They do not operate from any definable moral center. None of you here can attest to anything that is akin to clear cut PPP principles. They operate like any criminal enterprise. They have become an opportunistic and driven by their obsession to preserve the use of the state as their  milk cow.

This is a clear strategy to HURT the PNC/APNU politically.


In politics timing is everything.


In politics there is no moral center, the PPP has to do what is best for the PPP politically and this commission is best for them NOW!


They are on their knees politically.


It is called the trump card.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's not argue now about the GHRA's bona fides, guys.

Let's focus on the arguments the GHRA makes for not cooperating with the COI.

These arguments could have been made by any other group or individual.

The wording of the COI terms of reference suggests the PPP government aims to confirm that the black-dominated PNC regime and its black-dominated security forces were after not only Dr Rodney but also the mainly Indo PPP supporters.

If the COI finds such to be true, the PPP intends to use it to the max during upcoming elections campaign to scare Indos away from APNU. That's the ulterior motive I have in mind.

I can attest and so  can many other posters here with personal insight as to the defiant  PPP refusal to deal with the Rodney incident. Why now if it is not a potential political milk cow for them?


This is a destitute government. They do not operate from any definable moral center. None of you here can attest to anything that is akin to clear cut PPP principles. They operate like any criminal enterprise. They have become an opportunistic and driven by their obsession to preserve the use of the state as their  milk cow.

This is a clear strategy to HURT the PNC/APNU politically.


In politics timing is everything.


In politics there is no moral center, the PPP has to do what is best for the PPP politically and this commission is best for them NOW!


They are on their knees politically.


It is called the trump card.

Your view is essentially Machiavellian. But that is clearly the abhorred viewpoint when it comes to organizing moral predicates for political action. No society in the modern world can sustain itself by being obscenely amoral and opportunistic. Politics is after all about the polis and the polis is composed of units who, unless they are physically damaged, always operate from a moral center.


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