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Former Member

The PPP perform better in opposition than they have performed in leading the country. This may not be the exact wording, but it sends the same message. What has changed two years into the PNC/AFC led government, now that many are rooting for the PPP to return to power, despite the uncertainties and hurdles the PPP is facing from the coalition government?

For educational purpose only.

Prince -

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gilbakka has little conviction, he dances to the tune of GNI fiddler on the palace roof of lately, you make a guess.

I had some wars with him back in the day when all he wanted was to see BJ's back and the end of the PPP rule.  I had varying views on BJ but never wanted to see the PPP go and the PNC take over again.  What is happening today, was what I predicted even when I was with the AFC.

Gilly thinks he brings some sort of grey eminence but if you track him over time, he lacked conviction and simply hated BJ!  He is ashamed of what he did to the party and wrings his hands at fate of much of the constituency, mainly the sugar workers!

There is an old saying, "the foolish man does in the end what the wise man did at the beginning".  Guess who is the fool and who is wise?

Baseman posted:

Gilbakka has little conviction, he dances to the tune of GNI fiddler on the palace roof of lately, you make a guess.

I had some wars with him back in the day when all he wanted was to see BJ's back and the end of the PPP rule.  I had varying views on BJ but never wanted to see the PPP go and the PNC take over again.  What is happening today, was what I predicted even when I was with the AFC.

Gilly thinks he brings some sort of grey eminence but if you track him over time, he lacked conviction and simply hated BJ!  He is ashamed of what he did to the party and wrings his hands at fate of much of the constituency, mainly the sugar workers!

There is an old saying, "the foolish man does in the end what the wise man did at the beginning".  Guess who is the fool and who is wise?

Man, you behaving like a walking contradiction.

FACT: Up to December 2011, Gilbakka [posting as Bookman] fully supported and defended Jagdeo/PPP right here in GNI Political.

FACT: For the 2015 elections, Gilbakka supported APNU+AFC innocently believing their false and deceitful promises. But, shortly after elections, Gilbakka began to criticize the coalition on various issues, starting with the 50% ministerial pay hike. Last year, following Granger's arbitrary appointment of Patterson to head GECOM, Gilbakka openly broke with them and returned to the PPP.

FACT: Django was and still is supporting APNU+AFC and is against Jagdeo's PPP.

So, man, why you single out Gilbakka to pick on? Is it because blood is thicker than muddy water?

And, man, what have you done for the PPP lately? Local government election will be held in 11 months. Gilbakka has pledged to campaign pro bono for the PPP by urging disgruntled and former APNU+AFC supporters to VOTE PPP.

Gilbakka posted:
Baseman posted:

Gilbakka has little conviction, he dances to the tune of GNI fiddler on the palace roof of lately, you make a guess.

I had some wars with him back in the day when all he wanted was to see BJ's back and the end of the PPP rule.  I had varying views on BJ but never wanted to see the PPP go and the PNC take over again.  What is happening today, was what I predicted even when I was with the AFC.

Gilly thinks he brings some sort of grey eminence but if you track him over time, he lacked conviction and simply hated BJ!  He is ashamed of what he did to the party and wrings his hands at fate of much of the constituency, mainly the sugar workers!

There is an old saying, "the foolish man does in the end what the wise man did at the beginning".  Guess who is the fool and who is wise?

Man, you behaving like a walking contradiction.

FACT: Up to December 2011, Gilbakka [posting as Bookman] fully supported and defended Jagdeo/PPP right here in GNI Political.

FACT: For the 2015 elections, Gilbakka supported APNU+AFC innocently believing their false and deceitful promises. But, shortly after elections, Gilbakka began to criticize the coalition on various issues, starting with the 50% ministerial pay hike. Last year, following Granger's arbitrary appointment of Patterson to head GECOM, Gilbakka openly broke with them and returned to the PPP.

FACT: Django was and still is supporting APNU+AFC and is against Jagdeo's PPP.

So, man, why you single out Gilbakka to pick on? Is it because blood is thicker than muddy water?

And, man, what have you done for the PPP lately? Local government election will be held in 11 months. Gilbakka has pledged to campaign pro bono for the PPP by urging disgruntled and former APNU+AFC supporters to VOTE PPP.

Hey man, I ain’t single you out, talk to tha PRINCE man about that gripe.  I-man just comment on da-man thread on da-subject-matter of his thread!

I am no contradiction.  I was always for the PPP but joined up with the AFC for one year.  In the AFC I said im not here to help the PNC rise to power.  I wanted the AFC and if not, then the PPP could stay there.   I did say if we handcuffed them into minority status, let’s work with them on their agenda, but on our terms!  Let’s get some of our “people” agenda items done and let the people know t’was us!

Thats a far cry from your dump Jagdeo at all cost position!  Screw everyone else!


FACT: Django was and still is supporting APNU+AFC and is against Jagdeo's PPP.

I am not Django, but I am sure he will disagree with you. He said he's not a loyalist to no one except to the Yankee dollar. 


Well, at lease he has his conviction. Django and me agree and disagree, but we know where we stand.   

Baseman posted:

Hey man, I ain’t single you out, talk to tha PRINCE man about that gripe.  I-man just comment on da-man thread on da-subject-matter of his thread!

I am no contradiction.  I was always for the PPP but joined up with the AFC for one year.  In the AFC I said im not here to help the PNC rise to power.  I wanted the AFC and if not, then the PPP could stay there.   I did say if we handcuffed them into minority status, let’s work with them on their agenda, but on our terms!  Let’s get some of our “people” agenda items done and let the people know t’was us!

Thats a far cry from your dump Jagdeo at all cost position!  Screw everyone else!

I notice you also say that Django and you agree to disagree. If you really mean that you haven't singled Gilbakka out to pick on, I propose that you and I agree to disagree too. I stand with the PPP. 

Gilbakka posted:
Baseman posted:

Hey man, I ain’t single you out, talk to tha PRINCE man about that gripe.  I-man just comment on da-man thread on da-subject-matter of his thread!

I am no contradiction.  I was always for the PPP but joined up with the AFC for one year.  In the AFC I said im not here to help the PNC rise to power.  I wanted the AFC and if not, then the PPP could stay there.   I did say if we handcuffed them into minority status, let’s work with them on their agenda, but on our terms!  Let’s get some of our “people” agenda items done and let the people know t’was us!

Thats a far cry from your dump Jagdeo at all cost position!  Screw everyone else!

I notice you also say that Django and you agree to disagree. If you really mean that you haven't singled Gilbakka out to pick on, I propose that you and I agree to disagree too. I stand with the PPP. 

Why not take a neutral stance? Why stand with the PPP?  Nothing has changed in their approach, they will just go back to being who they were when you decided to drop your support.  I think you are compromising your ethics by declaring your support for the ppp. 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Baseman posted:

Hey man, I ain’t single you out, talk to tha PRINCE man about that gripe.  I-man just comment on da-man thread on da-subject-matter of his thread!

I am no contradiction.  I was always for the PPP but joined up with the AFC for one year.  In the AFC I said im not here to help the PNC rise to power.  I wanted the AFC and if not, then the PPP could stay there.   I did say if we handcuffed them into minority status, let’s work with them on their agenda, but on our terms!  Let’s get some of our “people” agenda items done and let the people know t’was us!

Thats a far cry from your dump Jagdeo at all cost position!  Screw everyone else!

I notice you also say that Django and you agree to disagree. If you really mean that you haven't singled Gilbakka out to pick on, I propose that you and I agree to disagree too. I stand with the PPP. 

Why not take a neutral stance? Why stand with the PPP?  

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

cain posted:

Oh rass Druggie this is one of those moments where I say, I fully agree with all you have said there. 

Hey Baseman, you recently denied this but I somehow feel there was some mention here that you jumped or planned on jumping off of Trump"s bandwagon a while back..true or not?

Only believe what baseman says about baseman, not what anyone else believes they believe about baseman!  Baseman is s deep thinker and a complex creature!  

Baseman is a Trump supporter but it does not mean I support everything he does or says!   I keep the bigger picture in context!

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Baseman posted:

Hey man, I ain’t single you out, talk to tha PRINCE man about that gripe.  I-man just comment on da-man thread on da-subject-matter of his thread!

I am no contradiction.  I was always for the PPP but joined up with the AFC for one year.  In the AFC I said im not here to help the PNC rise to power.  I wanted the AFC and if not, then the PPP could stay there.   I did say if we handcuffed them into minority status, let’s work with them on their agenda, but on our terms!  Let’s get some of our “people” agenda items done and let the people know t’was us!

Thats a far cry from your dump Jagdeo at all cost position!  Screw everyone else!

I notice you also say that Django and you agree to disagree. If you really mean that you haven't singled Gilbakka out to pick on, I propose that you and I agree to disagree too. I stand with the PPP. 

Why not take a neutral stance? Why stand with the PPP?  Nothing has changed in their approach, they will just go back to being who they were when you decided to drop your support.  I think you are compromising your ethics by declaring your support for the ppp. 


bhai i could not ignore this post.

Kudos to you.


"FACT: Up to December 2011, Gilbakka [posting as Bookman] fully supported and defended Jagdeo/PPP right here in GNI Political."

"FACT: For the 2015 elections, Gilbakka supported APNU+AFC innocently believing their false and deceitful promises. But, shortly after elections, Gilbakka began to criticize the coalition on various issues, starting with the 50% ministerial pay hike. Last year, following Granger's arbitrary appointment of Patterson to head GECOM, Gilbakka openly broke with them and returned to the PPP."

"FACT: Django was and still is supporting APNU+AFC and is against Jagdeo's PPP."

So, man, why you single out Gilbakka to pick on? Is it because blood is thicker than muddy water?

All you leave my Buddy Gil alone. Please.


Can anyone say what Jagdeo have realized or learn from the defeats PPP suffered, and what, if any, the PPP leadership can introduce to attract voters, including implementations that can improve the party's image in the future? I stress greatly that the biggest mistake was to let the PNC take control once and forever hold your peace. I am not going to step on PPP toes for the fiasco in parliament. Even the best learn from their mistakes. Right now more than ever before, everyone is concerned with what the PNC have up their sleeves to bully the PPP from regaining power. I read an article entitled "Economic Hitman" which was aired in Guyana, that made me believe that "Big Brother" still controls Guyana. I rest my case on this thought. 

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Baseman posted:

Hey man, I ain’t single you out, talk to tha PRINCE man about that gripe.  I-man just comment on da-man thread on da-subject-matter of his thread!

I am no contradiction.  I was always for the PPP but joined up with the AFC for one year.  In the AFC I said im not here to help the PNC rise to power.  I wanted the AFC and if not, then the PPP could stay there.   I did say if we handcuffed them into minority status, let’s work with them on their agenda, but on our terms!  Let’s get some of our “people” agenda items done and let the people know t’was us!

Thats a far cry from your dump Jagdeo at all cost position!  Screw everyone else!

I notice you also say that Django and you agree to disagree. If you really mean that you haven't singled Gilbakka out to pick on, I propose that you and I agree to disagree too. I stand with the PPP. 

Why not take a neutral stance? Why stand with the PPP?  

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

There is a difference between a neutral stance and a nuance stance.  Look it up.

The fact that you harp back to Jagan party is similar to some who harp on well-bred political lineage.   It’s a sign on a non-thinker, someone who ascribes to The highest bidder and the lowest common denominator!

Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Baseman posted:

Hey man, I ain’t single you out, talk to tha PRINCE man about that gripe.  I-man just comment on da-man thread on da-subject-matter of his thread!

I am no contradiction.  I was always for the PPP but joined up with the AFC for one year.  In the AFC I said im not here to help the PNC rise to power.  I wanted the AFC and if not, then the PPP could stay there.   I did say if we handcuffed them into minority status, let’s work with them on their agenda, but on our terms!  Let’s get some of our “people” agenda items done and let the people know t’was us!

Thats a far cry from your dump Jagdeo at all cost position!  Screw everyone else!

I notice you also say that Django and you agree to disagree. If you really mean that you haven't singled Gilbakka out to pick on, I propose that you and I agree to disagree too. I stand with the PPP. 

Why not take a neutral stance? Why stand with the PPP?  

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

There is a difference between a neutral stance and a nuance stance.  Look it up.

The fact that you harp back to Jagan party is similar to some who harp on well-bred political lineage.   It’s a sign on a non-thinker, someone who ascribes to The highest bidder and the lowest common denominator!

Non-thinker or not, let us agree to disagree, please.

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You should, you feel good, the Indians in Guyana might not feel the same about you as you feel about you.  It’s not for you to forgive you.  You getting drunk on your own supply!   Not good!

banna, that comment alone exposes so much of you!

Cobra posted:

It would really be sad if PPP doesn't make it in 2020. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I get a hunch that they may remain in opposition for another decade. 

What would be sad is if the black people continue to vote pnc despite their suffering. Blacks in Guyana will endure hard times as long as their own is in power. 

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:

Say what? An intelligent person would stay far away from the PPP (and PNC) there has to be an alternative. Greed and lawlessness is also in BJ's playbook. 

Don't' forget Harmon. Still waiting on the $5 mil demise. Maybe the man's phones could be tapped to find out where the money is. How about the $18 mil? Who gat dat money? 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

It was your greedy and lawless PPP who drove them into the arms of the PNC.

BTW, you have no credibility.


Granger and APNU are attempting to repeat what the PNC did in the past .... hold to political power at all costs.  They have already alienated many of their friends and supporters. Their count on oil money as a tool to corrupting the country further with the aim of holding on to power will backfire. There is growing discontent in this country over the increase in corruption, slow down in the economy, crackdown on hardworking people to pay more taxes, and government taking over GECOM. Can oil save Granger?  Remember, oil saved Eric Williams, but Granger is not Eric.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

Much appreciated. Truly, when I cast my support for the AFC and later APNU+AFC I did have a troubled conscience. From the moment I broke away from that madarchodh coalition and renewed my support for the PPP, I felt relieved. There's no turning back now. 

Very soon, GECOM will release its preliminary voters list for LGE in December. I'm sure the PPP will scrutinize that list thoroughly to weed out fictitious and ineligible names. During the long absence of a GECOM Chairman, Lowenfield and his pro-PNC helpers had a field day to tamper with the database. I have pledged my pro bono support for the PPP campaign.

Let AFC campaign alone; it would be a miracle if they get 1,000 votes in Berbice. APNU will get more votes from the traditional PNC base in Hopetown, New Amsterdam, Tarlogie etc.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

It was your greedy and lawless PPP who drove them into the arms of the PNC.

BTW, you have no credibility.

One needs to stick to a certain principle, that’s why I have no issue with Django or you as you are consistent in your position.  Baseman has always been consistent, if the AFC cannot form the Gov’t, then let the PPP do.  In any case, had the AFC remained true to its founding principle, it mattered not if the PPP or PNC formed the government, as long it was a minority govt, the model would have worked!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

One needs to stick to a certain principle, that’s why I have no issue with Django or you as you are consistent in your position.  Baseman has always been consistent, if the AFC cannot form the Gov’t, then let the PPP do.  In any case, had the AFC remained true to its founding principle, it mattered not if the PPP or PNC formed the government, as long it was a minority govt, the model would have worked!



I have been here long enough to see how many educated folks lost their principles due to political affiliation. Politics is well known as a dirty profession, and for anyone to be a staunch supporter of any party, be it PNC/AFC/PPP, have all lost their morals and principles. It all adds up to screwing the people and prop up the government of the day. They have become political slaves and don't even know it.  

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

It was your greedy and lawless PPP who drove them into the arms of the PNC.

BTW, you have no credibility.

One needs to stick to a certain principle, that’s why I have no issue with Django or you as you are consistent in your position.  Baseman has always been consistent, if the AFC cannot form the Gov’t, then let the PPP do.  In any case, had the AFC remained true to its founding principle, it mattered not if the PPP or PNC formed the government, as long it was a minority govt, the model would have worked!

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

It was your greedy and lawless PPP who drove them into the arms of the PNC.

BTW, you have no credibility.

One needs to stick to a certain principle, that’s why I have no issue with Django or you as you are consistent in your position.  Baseman has always been consistent, if the AFC cannot form the Gov’t, then let the PPP do.  In any case, had the AFC remained true to its founding principle, it mattered not if the PPP or PNC formed the government, as long it was a minority govt, the model would have worked!


Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

It was your greedy and lawless PPP who drove them into the arms of the PNC.

BTW, you have no credibility.

One needs to stick to a certain principle, that’s why I have no issue with Django or you as you are consistent in your position.  Baseman has always been consistent, if the AFC cannot form the Gov’t, then let the PPP do.  In any case, had the AFC remained true to its founding principle, it mattered not if the PPP or PNC formed the government, as long it was a minority govt, the model would have worked!

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

It was your greedy and lawless PPP who drove them into the arms of the PNC.

BTW, you have no credibility.

One needs to stick to a certain principle, that’s why I have no issue with Django or you as you are consistent in your position.  Baseman has always been consistent, if the AFC cannot form the Gov’t, then let the PPP do.  In any case, had the AFC remained true to its founding principle, it mattered not if the PPP or PNC formed the government, as long it was a minority govt, the model would have worked!


check pradoville fool they a waste there

warrior posted:
Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

It was your greedy and lawless PPP who drove them into the arms of the PNC.

BTW, you have no credibility.

One needs to stick to a certain principle, that’s why I have no issue with Django or you as you are consistent in your position.  Baseman has always been consistent, if the AFC cannot form the Gov’t, then let the PPP do.  In any case, had the AFC remained true to its founding principle, it mattered not if the PPP or PNC formed the government, as long it was a minority govt, the model would have worked!

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

It was your greedy and lawless PPP who drove them into the arms of the PNC.

BTW, you have no credibility.

One needs to stick to a certain principle, that’s why I have no issue with Django or you as you are consistent in your position.  Baseman has always been consistent, if the AFC cannot form the Gov’t, then let the PPP do.  In any case, had the AFC remained true to its founding principle, it mattered not if the PPP or PNC formed the government, as long it was a minority govt, the model would have worked!


check pradoville fool they a waste there

We can smell you cause we have smellovision. No need to check, you are confirmed!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

It was your greedy and lawless PPP who drove them into the arms of the PNC.

BTW, you have no credibility.

One needs to stick to a certain principle, that’s why I have no issue with Django or you as you are consistent in your position.  Baseman has always been consistent, if the AFC cannot form the Gov’t, then let the PPP do.  In any case, had the AFC remained true to its founding principle, it mattered not if the PPP or PNC formed the government, as long it was a minority govt, the model would have worked!

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If I take a neutral stance, you will be the first to say that I like black baigan, like what yuh say bout Django.

I stand with Jagan's party.

Yes you partake in black bigan along with the slop can crew, but one time bigan don't make you an addict. However my question to you is, what has changed with the PPP that would cause you to support them again?  Or are you just jumping the fence in shame and running back to the familiar?

Gilly is happy to be back in his political home. Feels great. I can die in the PPP now. ☚

You are always welcome back to the party that Beret and Bharrat built.  I am still puzzled how an intelligent person like you was trapped into the dark con in the first place.  To be complicit in ignorance doesn't seem like something you would be caught in.  Words don't dissipate in the wind, they give license to people.  The AFC has created a political crisis by giving power to the PNC in the name of greed and lawlessness.

It was your greedy and lawless PPP who drove them into the arms of the PNC.

BTW, you have no credibility.

One needs to stick to a certain principle, that’s why I have no issue with Django or you as you are consistent in your position.  Baseman has always been consistent, if the AFC cannot form the Gov’t, then let the PPP do.  In any case, had the AFC remained true to its founding principle, it mattered not if the PPP or PNC formed the government, as long it was a minority govt, the model would have worked!


check pradoville fool they a waste there


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