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Former Member

When he said that no blacks in their right mind will ever vote for the PPP again, and further stated that the PPP voting base is declining from the daily deaths of Indians.  Here is a gentleman, a former educator, who is supposedly an Indian that utters these words against the Indian (PPP) party, and people here let it slide because it comes from an Indian person's mouth. 

Gilbakka has his rights to chose and speak his mind the way he sees the changes as politics unfolds. He decided to dedicate his loyalty to the AFC, then APNU, and back to the PPP. He was once a staunch PPP member and supporter, and not so long ago he lost his confidence in the Indian (PPP) party he has been loyal to. 

Even Gilbakka can learn something from his mistakes even though he meant well in his decision.

Moral of the story - as we were discussing LFS Burnham.

Coolie will rump and rail and see coolie as good, clean and fit to govern and spit on Blackman at every opportunity they get. Yet, they are blind to see that coolie are responsible for coolie downfall. 

If coolie doesn't learn from their mistakes, they will continue to suffer the consequences of hate for Blackman. 


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I am not picking on you. I am using your words that are relevant to the slow death of the PPP, and to make the obvious to the coolies onboard, who are too blind to see the creators of their problems. It matters not how many time I have done it. I will continue to do it until the message sinks in. You can take it up with the admin if it becomes overbearing.                                                                                        

BTW, I am not a boy. I don't refer to you as a boy.

Prince posted:


I am not picking on you. I am using your words that are relevant to the slow death of the PPP, and to make the obvious to the coolies onboard, who are too blind to see the creators of their problems. It matters not how many time I have done it. I will continue to do it until the message sinks in. You can take it up with the admin if it becomes overbearing.                                                                                        

BTW, I am not a boy. I don't refer to you as a boy.

What slow death of the PPP you talking about, boy? For the past four years you have pointedly found fault with Gilbakka. If not one thing is another. Stop wasting negative moments on me and give positive thoughts to your kids.


Gilly is one who threw the PPP and Indians under the bus because of his disdain for BJ. Baseman supported the PPP even though not very fond of BJ.  Baseman felt the PNC in power was worse than a corrupt BJ cabal!  Now Gilly is remorseful and foolishly jump back on BJ 3rd rail. 

Too late Gilly, tear of blood will not save Indians. You wasting your time, you compound your misjudgment in hoping for BJ 3rd term.

Once again, baseman is out front.  The foolish man does in the end what the wise man did at the beginning.

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