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March 24, 2016  Source

There was poor oversight of trade receivables by the Government Information Agency (GINA) over the last five years and the balance outstanding from a slew of government ministries and agencies at May 31st, 2015 was $134M, according to a forensic audit conducted by chartered accountant Harry Parmesar.

A forensic audit of  GINA was among a number ordered by the APNU+AFC administration after it took office last May. The audit was carried out between July 14th, 2015 and October 30, 2015.

Parmesar in his report released by the Ministry of Finance on Tuesday said there is a poor management structure in place at GINA and weak oversight of trade receivables with a balance of $134,356,820 outstanding as at 31 May 2015. The report said that the operations were being managed at the time by Neaz Subhan. He has since resigned.

“We were unable to determine the management structure and reporting requirements of GINA. We understand that GINA was reporting to the Office of the President. No management reports was available for the period under review”, Parmesar’s report said.

He said that GINA had large balances outstanding over the period as follows:


31 December 2012          105,538,406

31 December 2013          121,287,932

31 December 2014          137,427,514

31 May 2015              134,356,820


The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport was the biggest debtor at $17.6m up to May 31, 2015.  This was the same balance outstanding at the end of 2014.  At the end of 2011, its balance outstanding was $9.5m.

The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA)  also had a huge debt to GINA of $8.5m at May 31, 2015.

Others with debts at May 31, 2015 included the Ministry of Agriculture at $7.6m; the Ministry of Tourism at $7.6m; the Ministry of Home Affairs at $7m;  the Ministry of Agriculture at $6.4m; the Guyana Sugar Corporation at $6.3m; the Ministry of Education at $6.2m; the Ministry of Health at $5.8m; the Guyana  Defence Force at $4.9m; the then Office of the President at $4.9m; the Ministry of Labour and Human Services at $4.1m and the Ministry of Local Government at $3.7m.

Parmesar said that GINA sent letters to the above organisations and others in June 2015 and added that “There is no evidence to confirm efforts were being made to collect these balances prior to June 2015”.

The auditor stated that because of the poor collection, GINA was unable to pay suppliers on a timely basis including the Guyana National Newspapers Limited which was owed $74m at May 31, 2015.

Among his recommendations, Parmesar said GINA should establish a clearly defined management structure with both financial and non financial reporting requirements and should establish a debt collection committee with specific responsibility to gather all outstanding debts within six months.

The audit also found that during October 2014 to May 2015, GINA paid $20m to Rajiv Sanchara for the printing and distribution of “The Guyanese” newspaper in New York. No revenue was received by GINA for the sale of these papers. Parmesar recommended that efforts be made to recover revenue from the sale of the newspaper.

Further, the auditor said that GINA paid $8.3m for television and radio programmes in New York but no revenue was received for this.

In addition, during the period of October 2014 to May 2015, GINA spent $16.3m on repairs to its building but without following tender procedures.

The audit also found that three media monitors had been employed by GINA during 2014 and paid a total of $2,395,000 for the year. Hoforensic audit. G$20Mwever while contracted to GINA, the employees were not located there but worked at the Office of the President and reported to Kwame McCoy.

On a monthly basis the monitors were required to submit an invoice to GINA for payment and uplift payment from there.

Parmesar recommended that action be taken by GINA to recover the amount paid to the monitors.

The audit also found that during October 2014 to May 2015, GINA paid $20m to Rajiv Sanchara for the printing and distribution of “The Guyanese” newspaper in New York. No revenue was received by GINA for the sale of these papers.

Parmesar recommended that efforts be made to recover revenue from the sale of the newspaper.

Further, the auditor said that GINA paid $8.3m for television and radio programmes in New York but no revenue was received for this.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is how the PPP run Guyana like a Communist State,agencies can use each other service no payment required.

Some big boys in New York raking some dough draw down money and don't pay back from the sales for the PPP propaganda in N.Y

The klan will say prove it...and....where is the thieving.

yuji22 posted:

I do not argue with fools.

"Look in the mirror", I find the behavior of some PPP klan  call people names when confronted,for the same reason i avoid having a discussion on BB wit a few.

You guys can have your one sided conversation,not much can be brought to the table,sheer nonsense are presented.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

I do not argue with fools.

"Look in the mirror", I find the behavior of some PPP klan  call people names when confronted, for the same reason i avoid having a discussion on BB wit a few.

You guys can have your one sided conversation, not much can be brought to the table, sheer nonsense are presented.

This seems to be common with some, when confronted with a controversial question, they tend to name-call and degrade, instead of having a civil discussion.

I believe it was Cobra, some time ago, who was firm against name-calling, but it did not stop him from doing so. It shows immaturity.  

Tola posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

I do not argue with fools.

"Look in the mirror", I find the behavior of some PPP klan  call people names when confronted, for the same reason i avoid having a discussion on BB wit a few.

You guys can have your one sided conversation, not much can be brought to the table, sheer nonsense are presented.

This seems to be common with some, when confronted with a controversial question, they tend to name-call and degrade, instead of having a civil discussion.

I believe it was Cobra, some time ago, who was firm against name-calling, but it did not stop him from doing so. It shows immaturity.  

Talk about degrading, you have been here for a while.  What was to tone by many used to refer to members and the supporters of the PPP over the years?  Did you ever take the time to caution those perpetrators?

In the end, all what is being done/discovered does not signify fraud or intent to commit fraud!  Having been in power for such a long time, you get careless, take things for granted, etc.  New guy comes in, takes a fresh look and find all the little carelessness.  5 - 10 years later, he is in the same boat!!


Hopefully sometime between last May and the 2020 elections, this government will find the desire/will/way to look ahead instead of being obsessed with what took place prior to May 11, 2015.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

That's the problem, the government has an uncanny Jagdeo obsession which gets in the way of the country's development.   

I don't necessarily think it is their obsession with Jagdeo. I think it is more like their sheer haplessness.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

That's the problem, the government has an uncanny Jagdeo obsession which gets in the way of the country's development.   

No they don't.

The auditing is done to look at the Financial health of the entities,also to discover the suspicions they had of wrongdoings  while in opposition,they reason why this is done is because the Government auditing is not up to date.I think it is justified for the Coalition Government  to do this.

So what happens wrong doings are found, this is what Baseman response is.

"In the end, all what is being done/discovered does not signify fraud or intent to commit fraud!  Having been in power for such a long time, you get careless, take things for granted, etc.  New guy comes in, takes a fresh look and find all the little carelessness.  5 - 10 years later, he is in the same boat!!"


ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That's the problem, the government has an uncanny Jagdeo obsession which gets in the way of the country's development.   

I don't necessarily think it is their obsession with Jagdeo. I think it is more like their sheer haplessness.

Kaz, you are an accountant [i guess] what your take are there any wrong doings??

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That's the problem, the government has an uncanny Jagdeo obsession which gets in the way of the country's development.   

I don't necessarily think it is their obsession with Jagdeo. I think it is more like their sheer haplessness.

Kaz, you are an accountant [i guess] what your take are there any wrong doings??

I don't see the wrong doing bai. Receivables are looked at based on their expectations of being settled. These are all somewhat connected entities to the government and at anytime can access funding from each other for their operations. Mismanagement maybe but given the manner of how all these agencies inter-relate, that would be deemed a non-issue.

Regardless, my hope is that the current government begin focusing on the futures of Guyanese than waste time doing post mortem. After all they have been making these claims for years about the PPP and I think the people in Guyana are more interested in what their future is rather than what the PPP was. Now when 2020 comes around, the current government will have the opportunity to present their 5 years against the PPP's before 2015. If all they have then is talking about the PPP prior to 2015, Guyanese will not choose being worse off under the current government rather than being better off under the corrupted PPP government.

baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

That's the problem, the government has an uncanny Jagdeo obsession which gets in the way of the country's development.   

I don't necessarily think it is their obsession with Jagdeo. I think it is more like their sheer haplessness.

BJ has emerged as a major force beyond their expectations and the PNC is concerned with him!

There is one very undisputed record. Jagdeo elections numbers are the highest of any Guyanese President. And his was higher in his second term than his first. Even Obama did not enjoy that level of loyalty.

ksazma posted:

There is one very undisputed record. Jagdeo elections numbers are the highest of any Guyanese President. And his was higher in his second term than his first. Even Obama did not enjoy that level of loyalty.

jumbie arithmetic!

jagdeo/PPP faced the polls twice . . . in 2001 and 2006

the PPP polled nearly 30,000 LESS votes in 2006 vs 2001


redux posted:
ksazma posted:

There is one very undisputed record. Jagdeo elections numbers are the highest of any Guyanese President. And his was higher in his second term than his first. Even Obama did not enjoy that level of loyalty.

jumbie arithmetic!

jagdeo/PPP faced the polls twice . . . in 2001 and 2006

the PPP polled nearly 30,000 LESS votes in 2006 vs 2001


2001 Results[edit]






People's Progressive Party





People's National Congress





Guyana Action PartyWorking People's Alliance





Rise Organise and Rebuild Guyana





United Force





Justice for All Party





Guyana Democratic Party





National Front Alliance





Invalid/blank votes







Registered voters/turnout



Source: Nohlen


2006 Results[edit]









People's Progressive Party







People's National Congress







Alliance for Change







Guyana Action PartyROAR







The United Force







Justice for All Party







Invalid/blank votes









Registered voters/turnout



Source: Adam Carr, IPU


ksazma posted:
redux posted:
ksazma posted:

There is one very undisputed record. Jagdeo elections numbers are the highest of any Guyanese President. And his was higher in his second term than his first. Even Obama did not enjoy that level of loyalty.

jumbie arithmetic!

jagdeo/PPP faced the polls twice . . . in 2001 and 2006

the PPP polled nearly 30,000 LESS votes in 2006 vs 2001


2001 Results[edit]






People's Progressive Party





People's National Congress





Guyana Action PartyWorking People's Alliance





Rise Organise and Rebuild Guyana





United Force





Justice for All Party





Guyana Democratic Party





National Front Alliance





Invalid/blank votes







Registered voters/turnout



Source: Nohlen


2006 Results[edit]









People's Progressive Party







People's National Congress







Alliance for Change







Guyana Action PartyROAR







The United Force







Justice for All Party







Invalid/blank votes









Registered voters/turnout



Source: Adam Carr, IPU


that's what i said fool

ksazma posted:
Managing the election sentiments 36 seats are more than 34. And I don't even need to seek to degrade my opponent to feel good about my argument.

first, what the france does "managing the election sentiments" mean . . . your brain on 'disengage' or what?

how on earth does winning an extra 2 seats trump losing near 30,000 votes in the "LOYALTY" sweepstakes, eh?

fanci-dancin with 'numbers' only means u "degrade" yourself sir


Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:
ksazma posted:
Managing the election sentiments 36 seats are more than 34. And I don't even need to seek to degrade my opponent to feel good about my argument.

first, what the france does "managing the election sentiments" mean . . . your brain on 'disengage' or what?

how on earth does winning an extra 2 seats trump losing near 30,000 votes in the "LOYALTY" sweepstakes, eh?

fanci-dancin with 'numbers' only means u "degrade" yourself sir


It does. There were two more voters in the Assembly after the 2006 elections than they were in 2001. Number of votes have many contributors. So keep shaking yuh head bai.

ksazma posted:
redux posted:
ksazma posted:
Managing the election sentiments 36 seats are more than 34. And I don't even need to seek to degrade my opponent to feel good about my argument.

first, what the france does "managing the election sentiments" mean . . . your brain on 'disengage' or what?

how on earth does winning an extra 2 seats trump losing near 30,000 votes in the "LOYALTY" sweepstakes, eh?

fanci-dancin with 'numbers' only means u "degrade" yourself sir


It does. There were two more voters in the Assembly after the 2006 elections than they were in 2001. Number of votes have many contributors. So keep shaking yuh head bai.

reflect on the violence done to your own case when u got on your knees and started cooing about "LOYALTY"

sad to watch the grinnin and dancin . . . music already stop and u doan even know it

start whistling

Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:

reflect on the violence done to your own case when u got on your knees and started cooing about "LOYALTY"


I don't get on my knees bai. You have to stop believing that other people have your tendency.

Jagdeo enjoyed loyalty during his entire time as President and it was only after the selection of Ramotar that the PPP begin to lose some of its support that would have kept it in the majority. It had to take almost every other political party in Guyana to join together to make the PPP the minority and they barely managed to tip the scale by one seat. One seat. That is exactly half of the two seats that the PPP added to their National Assembly total when Jagdeo competed for reelection in 2006.

ksazma posted:
redux posted:

reflect on the violence done to your own case when u got on your knees and started cooing about "LOYALTY"

sad to watch the grinnin and dancin . . . music already stop and u doan even know it

start whistling

I don't get on my knees bai. You have to stop believing that other people have your tendency.

Jagdeo enjoyed loyalty during his entire time as President and it was only after the selection of Ramotar that the PPP begin to lose some of its support that would have kept it in the majority. It had to take almost every other political party in Guyana to join together to make the PPP the minority and they barely managed to tip the scale by one seat. One seat. That is exactly half of the two seats that the PPP added to their National Assembly total when Jagdeo competed for reelection in 2006.

sir, i am quite sure that, throughout, you and yours remained loyal to jagdeo . . . but that is not my issue

again, exactly how is LOYALTY to jagdeo "higher" in 2006 when he loses near 30,000 votes in the election?

this is not hard

Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:

sir, i am quite sure that, throughout, you and yours remained loyal to jagdeo . . . but that is not my issue

again, exactly how is LOYALTY to jagdeo "higher" in 2006 when he loses near 30,000 votes in the election?

this is not hard

Now, this makes you not sure about two things. Firstly, I am not loyal to any political or religious representative. I don't even care about the PPP. I use them to demonstrate that the new government is no different in terms of the tendencies of Politicians except that the new government is hapless.

Secondly, you can lose sleep over the number of people that voted. I don't care to walk down that path with you. I am sure that there were valid contributors to the drop-off of actual voters in 2006. Nonetheless, the PPP garnered a higher percentage of the total votes and added 2 additional seats to their National Assembly total. Hopefully that wasn't too hard for you. If it is, then you are on your own.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
redux posted:

sir, i am quite sure that, throughout, you and yours remained loyal to jagdeo . . . but that is not my issue

again, exactly how is LOYALTY to jagdeo "higher" in 2006 when he loses near 30,000 votes in the election?

this is not hard

Now, this makes you not sure about two things. Firstly, I am not loyal to any political or religious representative. I don't even care about the PPP. I use them to demonstrate that the new government is no different in terms of the tendencies of Politicians except that the new government is hapless.

Secondly, you can lose sleep over the number of people that whvoted. I don't care to walk down that path with you. I am sure that there were valid contributors to the drop-off of actual voters in 2006. Nonetheless, the PPP garnered a higher percentage of the total votes and added 2 additional seats to their National Assembly total. Hopefully that wasn't too hard for you. If it is, then you are on your own.

lemme help this cripple situation

is higher "LOYALTY" to jagdeo that caused the near 30,000 former PPP voters to stay home or vote AFC

nah suh bai?

redux posted:
ksazma posted:
redux posted:

sir, i am quite sure that, throughout, you and yours remained loyal to jagdeo . . . but that is not my issue

again, exactly how is LOYALTY to jagdeo "higher" in 2006 when he loses near 30,000 votes in the election?

this is not hard

Now, this makes you not sure about two things. Firstly, I am not loyal to any political or religious representative. I don't even care about the PPP. I use them to demonstrate that the new government is no different in terms of the tendencies of Politicians except that the new government is hapless.

Secondly, you can lose sleep over the number of people that whvoted. I don't care to walk down that path with you. I am sure that there were valid contributors to the drop-off of actual voters in 2006. Nonetheless, the PPP garnered a higher percentage of the total votes and added 2 additional seats to their National Assembly total. Hopefully that wasn't too hard for you. If it is, then you are on your own.

lemme help this cripple situation

is higher "LOYALTY" to jagdeo that caused the near 30,000 former PPP voters to stay home or vote AFC

nah suh bai?

Nice try bai. Those AFC votes in 2006 came from traditional PNC voters who defected to AFC in support of AFC Presidential candidate Raphael Trotman. The traditional PPP voters shifted to the AFC for the 2011 elections while those previous PNC defectors went back to the PNC since Trotman was no longer the Presidential candidate.

ksazma posted:
redux posted:
ksazma posted:
redux posted:

sir, i am quite sure that, throughout, you and yours remained loyal to jagdeo . . . but that is not my issue

again, exactly how is LOYALTY to jagdeo "higher" in 2006 when he loses near 30,000 votes in the election?

this is not hard

Now, this makes you not sure about two things. Firstly, I am not loyal to any political or religious representative. I don't even care about the PPP. I use them to demonstrate that the new government is no different in terms of the tendencies of Politicians except that the new government is hapless.

Secondly, you can lose sleep over the number of people that whvoted. I don't care to walk down that path with you. I am sure that there were valid contributors to the drop-off of actual voters in 2006. Nonetheless, the PPP garnered a higher percentage of the total votes and added 2 additional seats to their National Assembly total. Hopefully that wasn't too hard for you. If it is, then you are on your own.

lemme help this cripple situation

is higher "LOYALTY" to jagdeo that caused the near 30,000 former PPP voters to stay home or vote AFC

nah suh bai?

Nice try bai. Those AFC votes in 2006 came from traditional PNC voters who defected to AFC in support of AFC Presidential candidate Raphael Trotman. The traditional PPP voters shifted to the AFC for the 2011 elections while those previous PNC defectors went back to the PNC since Trotman was no longer the Presidential candidate.

i agree . . . only a small slice of AFC 2006 support came from PPP disaffected

the majority of near 30,000 former PPP voters in that election STAYED HOME!

poor u

Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:
ksazma posted:
redux posted:

lemme help this cripple situation

is higher "LOYALTY" to jagdeo that caused the near 30,000 former PPP voters to stay home or vote AFC

nah suh bai?

Nice try bai. Those AFC votes in 2006 came from traditional PNC voters who defected to AFC in support of AFC Presidential candidate Raphael Trotman. The traditional PPP voters shifted to the AFC for the 2011 elections while those previous PNC defectors went back to the PNC since Trotman was no longer the Presidential candidate.

i agree . . . only a small slice of AFC 2006 support came from PPP disaffected

the majority of near 30,000 former PPP voters in that election STAYED HOME!

poor u

Nothing poor about me bai. There is no record of any near 30000 former PPP voters in 2006. No amount of you trying to make things up will make them so.

ksazma posted:
redux posted:
ksazma posted:
redux posted:

lemme help this cripple situation

is higher "LOYALTY" to jagdeo that caused the near 30,000 former PPP voters to stay home or vote AFC

nah suh bai?

Nice try bai. Those AFC votes in 2006 came from traditional PNC voters who defected to AFC in support of AFC Presidential candidate Raphael Trotman. The traditional PPP voters shifted to the AFC for the 2011 elections while those previous PNC defectors went back to the PNC since Trotman was no longer the Presidential candidate.

i agree . . . only a small slice of AFC 2006 support came from PPP disaffected

the majority of near 30,000 former PPP voters in that election STAYED HOME!

poor u

Nothing poor about me bai. There is no record of any near 30000 former PPP voters in 2006. No amount of you trying to make things up will make them so.

ow, ow bai . . . look how u juss checkmate me deh

is only 26,016 former PPP voters who stay home or vote AFC and REFUSE to vote fuh jagdeo in 2006 . . . not "near 30,000"



Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:

ow, ow bai . . . look how u juss checkmate me deh

is only 26,016 former PPP voters who stay home or vote AFC and REFUSE to vote fuh jagdeo in 2006 . . . not "near 30,000"



Not even a start bai. There is no record of any part of 26,016 voters who were former PPP voters or who REFUSED to vote fuh Jagdeo in 2006.

ksazma posted:
redux posted:

ow, ow bai . . . look how u juss checkmate me deh

is only 26,016 former PPP voters who stay home or vote AFC and REFUSE to vote fuh jagdeo in 2006 . . . not "near 30,000"



Not even a start bai. There is no record of any part of 26,016 voters who were former PPP voters or who REFUSED to vote fuh Jagdeo in 2006.

please provide the correct number

and perhaps u can then tell us what magician's trick caused them to 'disappear' in 2006


Last edited by Former Member

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