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Gingrich says Romney must ‘earn’ the nomination


GREEN BAY, Wis. -- Newt Gingrich reiterated Friday that he will not depart the presidential race until a candidate obtains the required number of delegates to secure the Republican nomination but acknowledged that Mitt Romney could get to that threshold before the convention.

“I think that he [Romney] clearly has a chance to do it, and if he does succeed in doing it, obviously Callista and I will support him and I’m sure Rick Santorum will support him. But he has to earn it,” Gingrich said at his Green Bay campaign office. “But if he doesn’t get to 1,144, then I think you’ll see a very different party discussion from that point on.”


Can someone please tell Barrack Obama that his opponent is closer to home. The man that will take Obama's job is Mit Romney, the republican front runner who will become the next president of the United States. I feel sorry for the many democrats on the board who voted to change history, over the important issues that matters most to them. Well, don't weep if the economy is bad or the unemployment rate is going up. 


Cobra:The the grass

Obama has until January 20, 2013 to get out of the white house. Please advise him accordingly. Nehru, your president must go and make room for the republicans. Iran better watch out!  


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