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Originally Posted by Cobra:
Give Joey Jagan one year and he will run back to defend his father's party. People get mature with age, but Joey is getting greedy with age to sell his own family to the PNC like some of our esteem friends onboard.

Watch what you say about Joey.  He may not think twice about putting some good kick in your cobra.


Joey Jagan is not known to be a patient man. Pleading for one year's patience with the government speaks volumes. Anyway, no one can attempt to remove APNU+AFC from office until 2020 regardless of one's dissatisfaction.

I've just read an official statement that the coalition is working on a 10-year plan to revive the sugar industry. This doesn't sound as if APNU+AFC plans to give up power for the next 10 years at least.

Interesting times ahead.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Give Joey Jagan one year and he will run back to defend his father's party. People get mature with age, but Joey is getting greedy with age to sell his own family to the PNC like some of our esteem friends onboard.

Watch what you say about Joey.  He may not think twice about putting some good kick in your cobra.


Joe Jagan is an Old Drug Smoker he did it a lot with my friend Lloyd Allan Fidetkou so the
Brain is going if not Gone
Give Joey Jagan one year and he will run back to defend his father's party. People get mature with age, but Joey is getting greedy with age to sell his own family to the PNC like some of our esteem friends onboard.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Joey is a disgrace to Dr. Jagan and Janet family and all future generation.


Yes, he is a Neemakharam like Moses.


I call on Nadira to speak out on Fat Pig Moses.

Yuji ......Nadira already say

Jagdeo, Rohee, Nandalall & Irfan are crooks

PPP/C will not respond to comments by Nadira Jagan-Brancier at Babu John

The ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has decided to ignore comments made by the daughter of the party’s founder members in which she urged the party to get back to being a “non-corruptible” party if it sincerely wanted to have Cheddi and Janet Jagan as its living guides as its leaders have proclaimed.

Over the past few days Sunday Stabroek has been attempting to get a reaction from the party to the comments made by Nadira Jagan-Brancier on March 28 at Babu John during a remembrance service for her late mother, but attempts have proven futile.

However, sources close to the party have indicated that it has chosen not to respond to her comments which were labelled an “emotional outburst” and  removed from reality, since Nadira lives outside of Guyana.

Nadira Jagan-Brancier

President Donald Ramotar still holds the position of General Secretary of the party, but efforts to solicit a comment from him on the issue were also unsuccessful.

Government advisor on governance, Gail Teixeira, told the Sunday Stabroek that it was “party business” and that the leaders of the PPP/C would have to comment since what was said by the late leaders’ daughter was about the party.

General Secretary of the party’s Women Progressive Organisation (WPO) Indra Chandarpal said that the event had been organized by the WPO since Janet Jagan died holding the office of President of the organisation and they wanted to honour her. Chandarpal, who was present when Nadira made the comments, said that the woman was invited to speak about her mother and no one could have pre-empted what she would have said. She said Nadira offered her opinion and how she perceives things and “everybody is entitled to their views and as the daughter of the two leaders she is entitled to her views.”

She indicated that Nadira was not speaking on behalf of the WPO, and when pressed about whether she was concerned about Jagan-Brancier’s remarks, Chandarpal declined to offer further comment saying that it “is not about me.”

During the memorial service for her mother a visibly emotional Nadira, who was almost in tears at the end of her short speech, urged those who were gathered to visit her parent’s Bel Air house which is now a heritage site and is open to the public, to see how humbly they lived compared to how government officials live at present.

“I really encourage people to go in Bel Air and see the house where they lived because they lived a very simple life; they didn’t have a big ostentatious house that you see nowadays with government officials, party officials, which is a very sad thing, I think personally,” she said.

She went on to say that the party puts out a platform that says, “Cheddi Jagan our living guide,” but that it is not enough to “go out there and say lovely speeches about who my parents were, what they did and the legacy that we are carrying on.”

“To me the most important point [is that]â€Ķ my parents had very, very, very high moralâ€Ķstandards [and] this I find is very lacking in many of the leaders. My parentsâ€Ķ [were] probably the most incorruptible people you would ever find; their honesty and integrity were of very high standards that unfortunately do not exist, or I don’t see it in many of the leaders of the party and of the government,” Nadira said to loud applause from those present.

According to the daughter of the Jagans her parents fought for workers, especially the sugar workers and the poor, the downtrodden of Guyana and the world and stood by them, but that “certain elements” of the party have “moved away from these very, very important values that held the party together and that makes the PPP what it is.”

She said while some people after looking at what is happening may say that her parents may be turning in their graves, she would say they are probably “churning up in the water in the rivers” since they were both cremated and their ashes were scattered.

“So all I want to say is if the PPP is saying that they are following Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan as a living guide, the only way they could follow Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan as a living guide is to return to basics, return to who this party is, which is a working class party. Obviously you have to support other people, but the base of the party is a working class party; get back to being a non-corruptible party so that people can’t point a finger and say there is so much corruption,” Nadira said.

“â€ĶPlease get back to the high moral values because if the leaders don’t show the high moral values then people wouldn’t do it and that means your children would grow up with no moral values, and if your families don’t show moral values then society as a whole would lose that. That’s all I want to say in memory of my mom. Today is a very sad day for meâ€Ķ I loved her very much and I want to thank you all for coming,” Nadira concluded to loud applause after speaking for almost eight minutes.

Prior to those damning comments about the party today which her parents founded, Nadira spoke about the simple life her parents led and said that while they devoted their lives to politics the limited time they spent with her and her brother Joey was quality time.

“They weren’t there the amount of hours that most people would have their parents around, but the times that they were it was what they called quality time not quantity,” she said. Her parents, she said, were “normal, simple, humble people” and were a loving couple, and her father helped around  the house even though he was very busy, but he believed in the equality of women and didn’t feel her mom should have done everything around the house. Their house had no servants and her mom woke up every morning and made breakfast which she considered a very important meal, and they sat at the table and ate while listening to the BBC or Guyana news.

And she said while most people think of her mom as only writing for the Mirror on political things, they do not know that she also wrote a lot of children‘s stories.

“She wrote beautiful children‘s stories; most of these were written actually to her grandchildren. Because they lived abroad, she used to send stories to every one of them at every birthday for a number of years,” Nadira said.

She encouraged the gathering to also visit the Red House and read her father‘s writings,  and to visit a website in his honour which has a lot of information about him.

Last edited by Former Member

My parents did not use their position for personal gains – Nadira Jagan-Brancier

Less than a week ago former President Bharrat Jagdeo justified the luxury lifestyle of the current People’s Progressive Party leaders  and drew a parallel to suggest that former president,  the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan lived a similar lifestyle in his day.  In a letter appearing in  March 16th edition of Kaieteur News  the former president’s daughter Nadira Jagan-Brancier  debunked those allegations sought to put the records straight. See below for the full contents.

Dear Editor,

I am extremely disappointed that Bharrat Jagdeo would try to compare his lifestyle to that of my parents, former Presidents Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Mrs. Janet Jagan, and defend his opulent lifestyle by pathetically claiming that my parents also lived in a large house in an affluent community. Nothing could be further from the truth. I would like to thank Ralph Ramkarran for writing about the matter in his recent article “Discordant Notes”. What Ralph wrotea bout my parent’s lifestyle and their house is all true and to the point. He wrote “In the 1960s, Plantation Bel Air, as it was then known, where Cheddi Jagan’s house is located and where my parents were born, was a poor community of mainly small artisans, farm and city labourers and subsistence cattle and vegetable farmers. Cheddi Jagan’s land, next door to where I was born, grew up and still live, was acquired for $2,000 in the early 1960s. Around that time Belvoir Court was empty land in the 1960s when Cheddi Jagan got his landâ€Ķ In any event, the house that he constructed consisted of only an upper flat of three bedrooms, a tiny study, a small living room and kitchen, modest by the standards of that time or any standards. It is there for anyone to see. The impression given by Dr. Jagdeo that Cheddi Jagan built a mansion, at the time comparable to his own, in an existing exclusive area is completely false and disingenuous.” This simple, modest but comfortable house was designed by my father and built in 1966. You can visit and see for yourself. At that time there were only a few houses in this area. All the homes that were built much later in this area were much larger and more elaborate, so that the current area is now considered an affluent neighborhood. My parents, as is well known, devoted and sacrificed their lives for the betterment of the people of Guyana. They did not use their position for personal gains, which would have been very easy to do. Instead, due primarily to their high moral and ethical standards, they chose to live a very simple and comfortable lifestyle. They did not lead an extravagant life. Even when they were both Presidents of Guyana they maintained the same simple lifestyle they had always lived before. It is sad that no one, especially in the PPP leadership has come forward to challenge these false and misleading claims that Bharrat Jagdeo has made against my parents, except for an old and dear comrade and friend of my parents’– Ralph Ramkarran. Nadira Jagan-Brancier

Nadira Guyana needs You for President.  
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Joey is a disgrace to Dr. Jagan and Janet family and all future generation.


Yes, he is a Neemakharam like Moses.


I call on Nadira to speak out on Fat Pig Moses.

PPP/C will not respond to comments by Nadira Jagan-Brancier at Babu John

The ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has decided to ignore comments made by the daughter of the party’s founder members in which she urged the party to get back to being a “non-corruptible” party if it sincerely wanted to have Cheddi and Janet Jagan as its living guides as its leaders have proclaimed.

Over the past few days Sunday Stabroek has been attempting to get a reaction from the party to the comments made by Nadira Jagan-Brancier on March 28 at Babu John during a remembrance service for her late mother, but attempts have proven futile.

However, sources close to the party have indicated that it has chosen not to respond to her comments which were labelled an “emotional outburst” and  removed from reality, since Nadira lives outside of Guyana.

Nadira Jagan-Brancier

President Donald Ramotar still holds the position of General Secretary of the party, but efforts to solicit a comment from him on the issue were also unsuccessful.

Government advisor on governance, Gail Teixeira, told the Sunday Stabroek that it was “party business” and that the leaders of the PPP/C would have to comment since what was said by the late leaders’ daughter was about the party.

General Secretary of the party’s Women Progressive Organisation (WPO) Indra Chandarpal said that the event had been organized by the WPO since Janet Jagan died holding the office of President of the organisation and they wanted to honour her. Chandarpal, who was present when Nadira made the comments, said that the woman was invited to speak about her mother and no one could have pre-empted what she would have said. She said Nadira offered her opinion and how she perceives things and “everybody is entitled to their views and as the daughter of the two leaders she is entitled to her views.”

She indicated that Nadira was not speaking on behalf of the WPO, and when pressed about whether she was concerned about Jagan-Brancier’s remarks, Chandarpal declined to offer further comment saying that it “is not about me.”

During the memorial service for her mother a visibly emotional Nadira, who was almost in tears at the end of her short speech, urged those who were gathered to visit her parent’s Bel Air house which is now a heritage site and is open to the public, to see how humbly they lived compared to how government officials live at present.

“I really encourage people to go in Bel Air and see the house where they lived because they lived a very simple life; they didn’t have a big ostentatious house that you see nowadays with government officials, party officials, which is a very sad thing, I think personally,” she said.

She went on to say that the party puts out a platform that says, “Cheddi Jagan our living guide,” but that it is not enough to “go out there and say lovely speeches about who my parents were, what they did and the legacy that we are carrying on.”

“To me the most important point [is that]â€Ķ my parents had very, very, very high moralâ€Ķstandards [and] this I find is very lacking in many of the leaders. My parentsâ€Ķ [were] probably the most incorruptible people you would ever find; their honesty and integrity were of very high standards that unfortunately do not exist, or I don’t see it in many of the leaders of the party and of the government,” Nadira said to loud applause from those present.

According to the daughter of the Jagans her parents fought for workers, especially the sugar workers and the poor, the downtrodden of Guyana and the world and stood by them, but that “certain elements” of the party have “moved away from these very, very important values that held the party together and that makes the PPP what it is.”

She said while some people after looking at what is happening may say that her parents may be turning in their graves, she would say they are probably “churning up in the water in the rivers” since they were both cremated and their ashes were scattered.

“So all I want to say is if the PPP is saying that they are following Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan as a living guide, the only way they could follow Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan as a living guide is to return to basics, return to who this party is, which is a working class party. Obviously you have to support other people, but the base of the party is a working class party; get back to being a non-corruptible party so that people can’t point a finger and say there is so much corruption,” Nadira said.

“â€ĶPlease get back to the high moral values because if the leaders don’t show the high moral values then people wouldn’t do it and that means your children would grow up with no moral values, and if your families don’t show moral values then society as a whole would lose that. That’s all I want to say in memory of my mom. Today is a very sad day for meâ€Ķ I loved her very much and I want to thank you all for coming,” Nadira concluded to loud applause after speaking for almost eight minutes.

Prior to those damning comments about the party today which her parents founded, Nadira spoke about the simple life her parents led and said that while they devoted their lives to politics the limited time they spent with her and her brother Joey was quality time.

“They weren’t there the amount of hours that most people would have their parents around, but the times that they were it was what they called quality time not quantity,” she said. Her parents, she said, were “normal, simple, humble people” and were a loving couple, and her father helped around  the house even though he was very busy, but he believed in the equality of women and didn’t feel her mom should have done everything around the house. Their house had no servants and her mom woke up every morning and made breakfast which she considered a very important meal, and they sat at the table and ate while listening to the BBC or Guyana news.

And she said while most people think of her mom as only writing for the Mirror on political things, they do not know that she also wrote a lot of children‘s stories.

“She wrote beautiful children‘s stories; most of these were written actually to her grandchildren. Because they lived abroad, she used to send stories to every one of them at every birthday for a number of years,” Nadira said.

She encouraged the gathering to also visit the Red House and read her father‘s writings,  and to visit a website in his honour which has a lot of information about him.



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