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GRA investigates millions of $$$ in Customs duties evasion

GRA investigates millions of $$$ in Customs duties evasion


- Glenn Lall again implicated

THE publisher of Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall, may yet again be at the centre of a possible duty free infringement which the Customs and Trade Administration arm of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is investigating.

Mr Glenn Lall

Mr Glenn Lall

Only days after being fingered in an alleged remigrant duty free concession scam, which the GRA is investigating, Lall is now at the centre of an alleged evasion whereby this company has, for over a decade now, imported printing inks and passed them off as products of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM); therefore enjoying duty free concessions for those importations.

A tax analyst, who spoke with Chronicle on condition of anonymity, disclosed that a forensic audit can be launched and all the monies that were evaded over the years can be recoverable.

“This can run into several hundreds of millions of dollars depending on the number of importations. The GRA has the capability of conducting such an exercise very easily. How this scam was allowed to continue over the years is anybody’s guess,” the analyst said.

The Guyana Customs is currently investigating whether a consignment (one skid and 64 drums) of printing ink, imported into Guyana by the National Media Publication Co. Ltd from the Coates Brothers Caribbean Limited in Trinidad, satisfies the criteria to be treated as community goods under the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas.
This newspaper understands that the drums containing the products have two labels, one of which states that the origin of the product is Chicago, United States of America (USA), and another that is superimposed on the first, which reads product of Trinidad and Tobago.
The Guyana Customs and Trade Administration is of the opinion that the printing inks cannot qualify as being a duty free item of import since it did not originate within the Caribbean Community to which the concession is granted.
A source from the Sun Chemical, which is the parent company for Coates Brothers limited, in light of the revelations, responded to queries from this newspaper and has indicated that the shipment in question originated from Trinidad and was shipped from there.
The source with the company said, “The raw materials to make the item were obtained by Sun Chemical and then relevant adjustments to the formulation were done in Trinidad and Tobago to meet customer specifications before shipping.
The individual noted that sometimes drums from Sun Chemical are reused to pack inks to “save on cost” and also highlighted that their “raw materials are made by Sun Chemical plants located around the world” and fed via sea freight.
“Our operation, being located in Trinidad and Tobago, services the Caribbean Region. Hence the reason the goods are accompanied by a CARICOM invoice and the relevant documentation.”
However, the Guyana Customs and Trade Administration is contending that the fact that Sun Chemicals is suggesting that the raw materials are made from various plants around the world and shipped to Trinidad, means that there are issues that have to be looked at based on the granting of such concessions, particularly with respect to “conditions to be satisfied within the understanding of substantial transformation.”
As such, the Guyana Customs and Trade Administration wants to verify the composition of the “Extra Regional” materials that make up the printing inks and also “confirm that the compliance process for the manufacturing of the product satisfies the conditions approved under the Treaty” before they can go ahead and release the inks that they have in their possession.
To date this request by the GRA for verification has received no response, despite several months have passed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

All of this in defense of the Chinese!.. But it is exactly what administrations on the take all over the world  has done....on behalf of their Chinese patrons they lunch aggressive campaigns against all and sundry who exposes their dirty laundry. The use of state agencies as an arm of Chinese enforcement has been a tropism everywhere on the planet.


Vendetta's by the PPP against their critics are the exact same tactics used by Jagdeo and Burnham.


Nothing different, this is a power drunk government that has to be sent packing.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Vendetta's by the PPP against their critics are the exact same tactics used by Jagdeo and Burnham.


Nothing different, this is a power drunk government that has to be sent packing.

Imagine this....Satteur and his entire brood plus two of their cousins in the same office under him is a good thing  because they have the aptitude for the task! It is clear there no baseline for debauchery and corruption reside with him. Seeking out losses to the state years in arrears tells us how good he is at delivery of on his time obligations. It is clear this hack is only doing this as a lap dog of the PPP. But as they say, every dog does gets its day!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is is no surprise that you defend corruption. Was it not your politician friend who went to jail for corruption ?

You do not have the intellectual wherewith all to make an assessment of who is moral or not. This fellow did not wake up today and discovered he was lax in his duties. He saw that negligence as part of his "privileges" to give preferential treatment to those he need to keep close. Now he is asked to be a  pitbull he wakes up from what would clearly be his dereliction of duty.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The man is a Tax evader and probably a THIEF and he pretends to be Moses fom the Bible trying to save the POOR.  These people have no BLOODY SHAME!!!!!!!!!!

Whatever he may be is not the greater crime here. He evades taxes if true but Sattaur is using the agency of state as an cudgel at the behest of those not liking a citizen who has revealed their negligence to their duties. That is a greater crime.


Worse is the use of this cudgel is to detract from Sattaur's duty which includes collecting taxes in magnitudes thousands of times what this fellow may have avoided. BaiShanLin paid not taxes in 7 years. They actually were accorded tax breaks to bring in millions of dollars US to exploit us!


Omai paid no taxes despite removing 3.6 million ounces of gold from our soil. Do you think they paid capital gains on reselling DEMBA assets to the Chinese when they bought it with with full participation of Ramotar and resold it for 45 million three years later...That us US dollars by the way.


Now that is the real travesty and not the piddling little scraps they are trying to take from a man they deem their enemy.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Whatever he may be is not the greater crime here. He evades taxes if true but Sattaur is using the agency of state as an cudgel at the behest of those not liking a citizen who has revealed their negligence to their duties. That is a greater crime.

The purported actions of Mr Glenn Lall are the fundamental issues.


The purported crimes of the PPP regime are of greater and more direct importance.


The PPP has failed on every level and they are using this issue as a witch hunt to go after their critics. 


Of course your wet pampers would prevent you from seeing that.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The purported crimes of the PPP regime are of greater and more direct importance.


The PPP has failed on every level and they are using this issue as a witch hunt to go after their critics. 


Of course your wet pampers would prevent you from seeing that.

With that fellow one does not know whether to laugh or to feel pity. Imagine what an annoying fellow he is if that is how he truly has been all his life and this  is not a symptom of senility( which I would prefer to believe)!


Bidders: Health Ministry did not notify of drug supply decision as required by law

Posted By Marcelle Thomas On September 9, 2014 @ 5:12 am In Local News | No Comments

As the dispute over the selection of one pre-qualifier for the supply of drugs to the public health system continues, questions have been raised by tenderers over the failure of the procuring entity to notify them of the award as is required by law.

To date the Ministry of Health (MOH) has not written to any of the companies that bid for pre-qualification notifying them that they had lost and in which area although this is mandated in Section 6 of the Procurement Act.

“Although with all of this they still have not yet notified that we were not qualified. None of the companies have received 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > TOP STORY > GRA investigates millions of $$$ in Customs duties evasion
GRA investigates millions of $$$ in Customs duties evasion

GRA investigates millions of $$$ in Customs duties evasion



Ow lard more bluffing?


If this man was guilty he would have been in jail.  This is the PPP dirty trick department at work using their CIOG representative Kush!t sattar.




You know what let EVERY Businessman cheat the Govt. To hell with medicine, Hospitals and other essential Services for the POOR. Lots of people come here are talk SHIT about they want to help the POOR but these same PEOPLE will ROB the POOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

You know what let EVERY Businessman cheat the Govt. To hell with medicine, Hospitals and other essential Services for the POOR. Lots of people come here are talk SHIT about they want to help the POOR but these same PEOPLE will ROB the POOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nonsense you are talking pure bullshit.


This is not about anyone else this is not minority report the tom cruise movie about what is about to happen or what could happen in the future. This is about the PPP thiefin and depriving the poor of the basic medical care required.


Instead they are stealing the money filling their pockets and you are supporting that why? because you have no shame or common decency.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You know what let EVERY Businessman cheat the Govt. To hell with medicine, Hospitals and other essential Services for the POOR. Lots of people come here are talk SHIT about they want to help the POOR but these same PEOPLE will ROB the POOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nonsense you are talking pure bullshit.


This is not about anyone else this is not minority report the tom cruise movie about what is about to happen or what could happen in the future. This is about the PPP thiefin and depriving the poor of the basic medical care required.


Instead they are stealing the money filling their pockets and you are supporting that why? because you have no shame or common decency.

A person like you who condone such behavior is what we will get should KFC/PNC ever win an Election. You all are great talkers . The Guyanese People should be very scared of these people ever winning POWER!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You know what let EVERY Businessman cheat the Govt. To hell with medicine, Hospitals and other essential Services for the POOR. Lots of people come here are talk SHIT about they want to help the POOR but these same PEOPLE will ROB the POOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nonsense you are talking pure bullshit.


This is not about anyone else this is not minority report the tom cruise movie about what is about to happen or what could happen in the future. This is about the PPP thiefin and depriving the poor of the basic medical care required.


Instead they are stealing the money filling their pockets and you are supporting that why? because you have no shame or common decency.

A person like you who condone such behavior is what we will get should KFC/PNC ever win an Election. You all are great talkers . The Guyanese People should be very scared of these people ever winning POWER!!

Ow lawd, how much taxes Bobby Ramroop paid in 2013?  $33,000.  Check the records.


What a fraud these PPP tiefs are?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You know what let EVERY Businessman cheat the Govt. To hell with medicine, Hospitals and other essential Services for the POOR. Lots of people come here are talk SHIT about they want to help the POOR but these same PEOPLE will ROB the POOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nonsense you are talking pure bullshit.


This is not about anyone else this is not minority report the tom cruise movie about what is about to happen or what could happen in the future. This is about the PPP thiefin and depriving the poor of the basic medical care required.


Instead they are stealing the money filling their pockets and you are supporting that why? because you have no shame or common decency.

A person like you who condone such behavior is what we will get should KFC/PNC ever win an Election. You all are great talkers . The Guyanese People should be very scared of these people ever winning POWER!!

Ow lawd, how much taxes Bobby Ramroop paid in 2013?  $33,000.  Check the records.


tYou have a lot to learn.  JP Morgan Chase made 10 Billion dollars and paid 1 Billion in Benefits to Employees They paid 300000 in Taxes. If you need lessons in Taxation let me know.

Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You know what let EVERY Businessman cheat the Govt. To hell with medicine, Hospitals and other essential Services for the POOR. Lots of people come here are talk SHIT about they want to help the POOR but these same PEOPLE will ROB the POOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nonsense you are talking pure bullshit.


This is not about anyone else this is not minority report the tom cruise movie about what is about to happen or what could happen in the future. This is about the PPP thiefin and depriving the poor of the basic medical care required.


Instead they are stealing the money filling their pockets and you are supporting that why? because you have no shame or common decency.

A person like you who condone such behavior is what we will get should KFC/PNC ever win an Election. You all are great talkers . The Guyanese People should be very scared of these people ever winning POWER!!

Ow lawd, how much taxes Bobby Ramroop paid in 2013?  $33,000.  Check the records.


tYou have a lot to learn.  JP Morgan Chase made 10 Billion dollars and paid 1 Billion in Benefits to Employees They paid 300000 in Taxes. If you need lessons in Taxation let me know.

So why mess with Glen, he also can pay lil bit once he followed the law - buy from within CARICOM.  WHy them vex?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You know what let EVERY Businessman cheat the Govt. To hell with medicine, Hospitals and other essential Services for the POOR. Lots of people come here are talk SHIT about they want to help the POOR but these same PEOPLE will ROB the POOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nonsense you are talking pure bullshit.


This is not about anyone else this is not minority report the tom cruise movie about what is about to happen or what could happen in the future. This is about the PPP thiefin and depriving the poor of the basic medical care required.


Instead they are stealing the money filling their pockets and you are supporting that why? because you have no shame or common decency.

A person like you who condone such behavior is what we will get should KFC/PNC ever win an Election. You all are great talkers . The Guyanese People should be very scared of these people ever winning POWER!!

Ow lawd, how much taxes Bobby Ramroop paid in 2013?  $33,000.  Check the records.


tYou have a lot to learn.  JP Morgan Chase made 10 Billion dollars and paid 1 Billion in Benefits to Employees They paid 300000 in Taxes. If you need lessons in Taxation let me know.

So why mess with Glen, he also can pay lil bit once he followed the law - buy from within CARICOM.  WHy them vex?

He will have his day in Court.


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