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Originally Posted by albert:

Reports are that some women from Albouystown and Charlestown were paid US$50 each lol

You folks took paid filks to protest the APA. You, Rickey, Kwame, Shadood, Amar Benn Jr Jason were all on GINA payroll to post here. You folks are still using states resources for your political dark arts strategy.


you is a ass conman i am from the streets and i can tell you glen lall was no backtracker and what happen if he was every guyanese want to go backtrack ask some of your ppp comrades how much of their family went backtrack the man did not rob or hurt anybody and that is the most inportant thing all he did was beat the north american system if he did and for every one he send backtrack god bless him for it he give those people a better life 


U.S. wants Guyana to jail Trafficking in Persons offenders

In wake of revelations late last year that the publisher of Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall had been allegedly fingered in alien smuggling (backtracking),  the United States on Tuesday urged Guyana to hold trafficking in persons offenders accountable by vigorously and appropriately investigate and prosecute them. An explosive WikiLeaks cable had named the Kaieteur News publisher as a person with a “sketchy past” involved in “alien smuggling” and “links to the underworld”.  The cable stated that: “he translated a shoe trading business and rumoured involvement with alien smuggling into a muckraking independent newspaper. He has also been accused of having his

Glen Lall

finger on the pulse of Guyana’s underworld, which serves his media enterprise well,” the cable said. The then political officer in the U.S. Embassy in Georgetown, Benjamin Canavan had spoken with  Lall, whose correct name is Mohan  Lall, prior to the writing of the cable.
Meanwhile, Guyana remains at Tier Two in the U.S. ranking for countries in the fight against TIP in its 2012 report released on Tuesday. A Tier Two ranking means a country’s government does not fully comply with the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act’s minimum standards, but is making significant efforts to bring itself into compliance with those standards. In the report released by Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the U.S. said Guyana is a source and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labour. Guyanese nationals have been subjected to human trafficking in other countries in the Caribbean region. Cases of human trafficking reported in the media generally involved women and girls in forced prostitution.
According to the report, the country’s experts expressed concern that exploitative child labour practices occur within the mining, agriculture, and forestry sectors. “The limited government control of Guyana’s vast interior regions, combined with profits from gold mining and the prostitution that accompanies the industry, provides conditions conducive for trafficking.”
The report cited that people in domestic service in Guyana are vulnerable to human trafficking, and instances of the common Guyanese practice of poor, rural families sending children to live with higher-income family members or acquaintances in more populated areas create conditions conducive to domestic servitude.
“Guyanese from rural, economically depressed areas are particularly vulnerable to trafficking in mining areas and urban centres. There is additional concern that young Brazilian women in prostitution are vulnerable to trafficking as well,” the report added.
It stated that the government of Guyana does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released the TIP report


Then go to the infestation of houses and pseudo entertainment spots where our young are traffacked. You can also visit he kayamoos where they do brisk business.


Note, we on this board are always in agreement with the need to curtail trafficking. We complained about the Russian girls, the Brazilian girls and native girls for a decade. Lall is not the source of this proliferation of trafficking. I can find denials by the PPP that trafficking was a problem. They are the problem.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Then go to the infestation of houses and pseudo entertainment spots where our young are traffacked. You can also visit he kayamoos where they do brisk business.


Note, we on this board are always in agreement with the need to curtail trafficking. We complained about the Russian girls, the Brazilian girls and native girls for a decade. Lall is not the source of this proliferation of trafficking. I can find denials by the PPP that trafficking was a problem. They are the problem.

If you know of trafficking then report it to the police as there are laws in Guyana against this type of activities. It is not the laws but the enforcement that is in questions here. The AFC/PNC police are not doing their jobs as they get a cut for every under aged victim who is deflowered. Also note that the Amerindian fathers are selling their girl children into prostitution for money to buy rum and drink.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Then go to the infestation of houses and pseudo entertainment spots where our young are traffacked. You can also visit he kayamoos where they do brisk business.


Note, we on this board are always in agreement with the need to curtail trafficking. We complained about the Russian girls, the Brazilian girls and native girls for a decade. Lall is not the source of this proliferation of trafficking. I can find denials by the PPP that trafficking was a problem. They are the problem.

If you know of trafficking then report it to the police as there are laws in Guyana against this type of activities. It is not the laws but the enforcement that is in questions here. The AFC/PNC police are not doing their jobs as they get a cut for every under aged victim who is deflowered. Also note that the Amerindian fathers are selling their girl children into prostitution for money to buy rum and drink.

You need to follow your own advice. If you know of Amerindian fathers selling their children then by all means report them. I am simply pointing out a well known features of the society, little houses sprinkled in every other village where young people are taken advantage of. The government said nothing such exists.The fat one ( whose name we will not mention even in hushed tones) noted she could find no evidence during her tenure.



Govt. maintains human trafficking not a major problem in Guyana

May 1, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 


Government is adamant that human trafficking is not a major problem in

Members of the Guyana Women Miners Organization meet US Ambassador to Guyana Brent Hardt and team


Guyana. Instead, the sex business, particularly in the “gold bush” is being labeled as the world’s oldest profession, prostitution.

Human Services Minister, Jennifer Webster, has acknowledged that there are instances of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in Guyana but claims that coverage of the issue in the media is being overrated.

Webster stressed that there should be a clear understanding between prostitution and TIP, which are both illegal activities in Guyana. She emphasized that what is being purported in some instances as human trafficking is prostitution.

The Minister stated that a meeting at the level of the Task Force chaired by Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee would be held soon to discuss issues of prostitution and human trafficking.

Webster asserted that Government is willing to have perpetrators of human trafficking brought to justice but most alleged victims are reluctant to testify.

Recently, four minors were rescued from a sex ring in Oko Backdam, Region Seven. One of the girls had escaped with aid from the Guyana Women Miners’ Organization. Ranks of the Bartica Police Station after hearing the teen’s plight went in search for the remaining three.


The girls claimed that they were lured from their homes to take-up jobs as shopkeepers in the interior. However, upon arrival they were forced to entertain men and the two fifteen-year-olds had sex with men.

Prior to this instance, a Region Three teenager was lured from her home to also work in the interior. After an article was published in the media about the matter the teen was returned to her family.


In both cases, the teenagers felt that it was their duty to contribute to their families’ finances.


The Minister has rejected this ‘excuse’ and stressed that education is free and the teenagers should have been in school. She pointed out that there are supportive systems in place such as the school uniform programme to ensure children stay in school.


Nonetheless, parents have an integral role to play in their children’s wellbeing. She said that some parents have the psyche that they should not provide for their children. As such, family values are fading away in society. There needs to be a revival of family life, Webster asserted.
The Minister noted that she will be meeting US Ambassador to Guyana D. Brent Hardt to discuss human trafficking.


Last year, the United States had accused Guyana Government of failing to take action against “official complicity” in human trafficking, but then Human Services Minister Priya Manickchand, denied this and wanted the US Government to supply the evidence.

The US in its Annual Trafficking in Persons Report said that the Government of Guyana does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, but “it is making significant efforts to do so.”
Manickchand rebutted the report’s claim that continued rhetoric from higher levels of the government has minimized the potential scope of human trafficking.


Ambassador Hardt recently met with members of the Guyana Women Miners Organization (GMWO), a Non-Governmental Organization, which has been vocal about human trafficking in Guyana’s mining areas.

The Embassy in a release stated that the Ambassador pointed out that meeting the challenge of TIP requires the active engagement and collaboration of dedicated NGO’s, such as the Women Miner’s Organization, working in close cooperation with Government and the international community.

The Ambassador assured the organization that the U.S. Embassy looks forward to supporting GWMO’s interaction with its network of TIP partner organizations and institutions in order to more comprehensively address TIP.

The GWMO’s delegation led by its President Simona Broomes presented the Ambassador with an overview of the organization’s goals, which include highlighting the roles and contributions of women miners; calling attention to the challenges they face; and helping to secure financing and access to credit.

The body also seeks to address issues of abuse, TIP, and forced prostitution.

Broomes and her colleagues shared perspectives with the Ambassador about the issue of TIP in mining communities. The group also made reference to their recent rescue mission of the four minors held in sexual exploitation.

The GWMO expressed interest in participating in training opportunities and workshops for HIV/AIDS and gender issues.  As an organization that promotes gender equality in a sector that has traditionally been dominated by men, the GWMO conveyed its eagerness to learn more, as well as share their valuable insights.

WRHM held two TV licences despite not being a registered business : â€Ķas Ramotar dismisses favouritism claims on issuance of radio licencesPDFPrintE-mail
Friday, 22 March 2013 21:04

The recent brouhaha that has been escalating over the issuance of a number of radio licences by Former President Bharrat Jagdeo, has been dismissed by Head of State, Donald Ramotar, as ‘much ado about nothing.’ Ramotar yesterday met with media operatives at the Office of the President, where he lambasted sections of the press over what he called questionable reportage on the matter.
He said that sections of the media have created the impression that the former president doled out several radio licences.
Ramotar reminded that what had been issued were ‘frequencies’ to allow for the greater reach of the radio stations.
“Journalists don’t have carte blanch to do what they please,” chided Ramotar as he lamented the reportage.
He spoke of the fact that prior to 1992, when the current administration took office, WRHM Television had been issued two television licences despite the fact that it wasn’t registered as a company.      
This he said was never reported in the media.
The president said that he did not believe that there was favouritism or anything irregular in the awarding of the radio licences by Jagdeo.
“That is not so; it was one licence given,” said Ramotar, and he explained that the move was a realisation of a commitment made by Jagdeo to break the monopoly that had been held by the state for decades.
President Ramotar said that had more than one frequency not been issued to the applicants that requested to broadcast over long distances, then it would have required the erection of unusually high towers.  
 â€œAs far as I understand it, if those things were not done, you would have to be putting in some very, very high towers all over the place, and that might not be the best thing.”
In responding to the favouritism claims levelled against Jagdeo in the issuance of the radio licences, the president pointed to Rudy Grant, Maxwell Thom, Alfro Alphonso and Rawle Ferguson, among others, saying he does not believe the named individuals to be known supporters of the People’s Progressive Party, and they had also been issued  radio licences.
“I don’t think it is favouritismâ€Ķnot in my view, if you look at the list there are other persons that I don’t know you can call them PPP people.”
On the matter of cable licence issued specifically to Vishok Persaud, a known associate of the ruling administration, the president said he sees nothing wrong with the issuance of such a licence, as long as the relevant processes had been adhered to.


Extracted from the Guyanachronicle

There is still time for Mr. Lall to repentPDFPrintE-mail
Written by SUNDARNAUTH   
Friday, 22 March 2013 19:28

“WE demand equal rights & justice in the granting of Radio, TV and Cable Licences” – this is what the Mr. Glenn Lall’s placard says on the front page of last Friday’s edition of the Kaieteur News. Is this guy for real? First of all, where is his moral right to demand equal rights and justice? Has he ever treated anyone fairly with a sense of justice? He twisst and turns on a daily basis every fact that does not suit his greedy interests, spins every half-truth to serve his greed, shamelessly prints barefaced lies about decent, hard-working and law- abiding Guyanese; employed a columnist who is the biggest intellectual fake of all times for the sole purpose of character assassination of those he hates; gives space for outright racists comments and the promotion of racial disharmony in Guyana; deliberately and shamelessly preys  on the lack of knowledge of poor and  innocent Guyanese on technical issues for selfish purposes, etc, all because he cannot have it his way.  
What could be worse than stopping at nothing to destroy a whole country just because you cannot have it your way? Like it or not, the fact is, Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP have transformed Guyana into one of the few shining stars of the world today.
My placard in front of the Kaieteur News would read “Decent Guyanese demand fair and objective coverage, factual reporting and decency from Kaieteur News”,  “Stop character Assassinations”, “Stop promoting intellectual fakes”, ... .
In fact, Mr. Lall should be a million times ashamed of himself and apologise to the nation, especially the Amerindians for desecrating the spirit of the Great Kai and for using his name and Guyana’s most popular tourist attraction, “The Kaieteur”, as the name of his muckraking tabloid paper.
 I would like to advise our Amerindian brothers and sisters to demand that Mr. Lall stop desecrating the Sprit of the Great Kai. There is noting great or sacred about the paper as compared to the Sprit of the Great Kai and the amazing and breat-h taking beauty of the Kaieteur Falls.
It is an insult to everyone, especially the Amerindians, who loves this country for a tabloid news- paper of the sort to which the Kaieteur News belongs, to be named after one of the world’s most amazing natural beauties.
A message for Mr. Lall: Why don’t you take a peep inside and start to clean up before you are called to the maker. There is still time to repent. Surely you wouldn’t want to meet him in the condition you are right now! Or you have no plans to meet him?
Phagwah is just around the corner. It is an opportune time to start repenting.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
There is still time for Mr. Lall to repentPDFPrintE-mail
Written by SUNDARNAUTH   
Friday, 22 March 2013 19:28

“WE demand equal rights & justice in the granting of Radio, TV and Cable Licences” – this is what the Mr. Glenn Lall’s placard says on the front page of last Friday’s edition of the Kaieteur News. Is this guy for real? First of all, where is his moral right to demand equal rights and justice? Has he ever treated anyone fairly with a sense of justice? He twisst and turns on a daily basis every fact that does not suit his greedy interests, spins every half-truth to serve his greed, shamelessly prints barefaced lies about decent, hard-working and law- abiding Guyanese; employed a columnist who is the biggest intellectual fake of all times for the sole purpose of character assassination of those he hates; gives space for outright racists comments and the promotion of racial disharmony in Guyana; deliberately and shamelessly preys  on the lack of knowledge of poor and  innocent Guyanese on technical issues for selfish purposes, etc, all because he cannot have it his way.  
What could be worse than stopping at nothing to destroy a whole country just because you cannot have it your way? Like it or not, the fact is, Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP have transformed Guyana into one of the few shining stars of the world today.
My placard in front of the Kaieteur News would read “Decent Guyanese demand fair and objective coverage, factual reporting and decency from Kaieteur News”,  “Stop character Assassinations”, “Stop promoting intellectual fakes”, ... .
In fact, Mr. Lall should be a million times ashamed of himself and apologise to the nation, especially the Amerindians for desecrating the spirit of the Great Kai and for using his name and Guyana’s most popular tourist attraction, “The Kaieteur”, as the name of his muckraking tabloid paper.
 I would like to advise our Amerindian brothers and sisters to demand that Mr. Lall stop desecrating the Sprit of the Great Kai. There is noting great or sacred about the paper as compared to the Sprit of the Great Kai and the amazing and breat-h taking beauty of the Kaieteur Falls.
It is an insult to everyone, especially the Amerindians, who loves this country for a tabloid news- paper of the sort to which the Kaieteur News belongs, to be named after one of the world’s most amazing natural beauties.
A message for Mr. Lall: Why don’t you take a peep inside and start to clean up before you are called to the maker. There is still time to repent. Surely you wouldn’t want to meet him in the condition you are right now! Or you have no plans to meet him?
Phagwah is just around the corner. It is an opportune time to start repenting.

glen lal learn well from kwame.  he buying crowds fuh bhrat. 


“WE demand equal rights & justice in the granting of Radio, TV and Cable Licences” – this is what the Mr. Glenn Lall’s placard says on the front page of last Friday’s edition of the Kaieteur News. Is this guy for real? First of all, where is his moral right to demand equal rights and justice? Has he ever treated anyone fairly with a sense of justice? He twisst and turns on a daily basis every fact that does not suit his greedy interests, spins every half-truth to serve his greed, shamelessly prints barefaced lies about decent, hard-working and law- abiding Guyanese; employed a columnist who is the biggest intellectual fake of all times for the sole purpose of character assassination of those he hates; gives space for outright racists comments and the promotion of racial disharmony in Guyana; deliberately and shamelessly preys  on the lack of knowledge of poor and  innocent Guyanese on technical issues for selfish purposes, etc, all because he cannot have it his way

Originally Posted by Conscience:

. . . gives space for outright racists comments and the promotion of racial disharmony in Guyana; deliberately and shamelessly preys on the lack of knowledge of poor and  innocent Guyanese on technical issues . . .

pitch perfect take on the evil purpose of the taxpayer funded Guyana Chronicle . . . thanks

Originally Posted by Conscience:

. . . gives space for outright racists comments and the promotion of racial disharmony in Guyana; deliberately and shamelessly preys on the lack of knowledge of poor and  innocent Guyanese on technical issues . . .

only a paid servant of the cabal such as counsy could have such 'specialist' knowledge of the Guyana Chronicle's editorial and 'news gathering' policies implemented on direct orders from Freedom House


Former Norwegian minister blisters Kaieteur news over ‘misrepresentation’

Former Norwegian Minister Erik Solheim

Has written to Kaieteur News over an article he and the government of Guyana said was fabricated and is far from the truth of the Guyana-Norway Forest Partnership.


Below is Mr Solheim’s full missive:

“I have been grossly misrepresented in your article of 21 March on the Guyana-Norway climate and forest partnership. I have not made any statements along the lines you propose to ‘quote’ in this article. It is simply an untruth, and I expect an apology. Moreover, your article as a whole does not give anything near a fair and accurate representation of the Guyana- Norway partnership.

I would like to underline that reasons for entering into a partnership with Guyana were:

1. The high political commitment Guyana has shown and continues to show on keeping deforestation low and embarking on a low carbon development path.

2. Guyana’s high forest cover and exceptionally low deforestation rate. Twenty per cent of the world’s remaining tropical forests are in such countries. It is crucial to the health of the planet that these countries are incentivized to keep it that way.

3. Guyana’s commitment to use the funds generated through the partnership on low-carbon development, in particular as regards putting the country on a clean and renewable energy trajectory and investing heavily in adaptation to unavoidable climate change.

4. That the pay for performance- partnership could serve as a model for the world, as developing and developed countries alike struggle with the defining challenge of our time – avoiding catastrophic climate change.

This is a first-of-its-kind partnership. That is a challenging position to be in. One of the core merits of this partnership is that we solve the challenges – for real, not on paper – of climate change partnerships, and learn real – not theoretical – lessons, that could be of immense value to the world. I believe Norway and Guyana have made admireable progress since we started our work in 2009. Obviously, much remains to be done. However, I am confident that Norway continues committed to the partnership with Guyana and that the two countries will succeed with their joint efforts to keep deforestation low and to create a low carbon development path for Guyana.

I would like to reiterate that this article presents an unbalanced view of the Norway- Guyana partnership and contains some gross misrepresentations.

I would also like to point out that parts of Heidi BjÃļrkto Bade master’s thesis are misrepresented in this article. But she is fully capable of correcting those misrepresentations herself.

The people of Guyana should be proud of this partnership. Climate change is the defining challenge of our time. Guyana and Norway are trying very seriously to deal with it. That, in itself, is an example to a world which will have to change, urgently, if certain disaster is to be avoided.”


The planet has its own way of renewing itself. We expect a new earth and a new heaven when the Lord comes. It is obvious, mankind has polluted the surface of the earth, we have emitted dangerous gases into the air, we have polluted the rivers, we have extracted minerals and hydro-carbon from within the earth's surface, a necessary agent for the earth to maintain its cosmic cruise. And we place debris in the vacuum of space.


Yuh doan think the Being that spoke all creation into life has been keeping tabs on wah we been doing to His real estate.


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