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Global community can still shape ‘new reality’ in Afghanistan

9 September 2021 -- Peace and Security -- Source - United Nations - Photo/Manuel Elías  --- A screen in an interpreter's booth shows Malala Yousafzai addressing the UN Security Council meeting on Afghanistan, on 9 September, 2021.

While the choices available in Afghanistan are “not comfortable” ones, continued international engagement and unwavering commitment to the country’s people can help steer the situation to its best possible outcome, the UN’s senior official in Kabul told the Security Council on Thursday.

In particular, Deborah Lyons, UN Special Representative and head of the UN’s assistance mission in Afghanistan, said the world will urgently need to devise a “modus vivendi” to allow billions of dollars in frozen donor funds, to flow into Afghanistan’s fragile economy.

Citing credible reports of reprisal killings, crackdowns on women’s freedoms and other rights violations by the country’s new Taliban-led administration, she added that the UN will also need to decide how to engage with high-level members of the Taliban’s de facto Government - including the newly named prime minister, two deputy prime ministers and foreign minister - who are currently on UN sanctions lists.

Lacking inclusivity

In the new reality that followed the fall of Kabul on 15 August, the world witnessed first scenes of chaos, and then images of protests around Afghanistan.

“These scenes, watched around the world … show that the Taliban have won power, but not yet the confidence of all the Afghan people,” said Ms. Lyons.

As the Council and the global community now ask themselves how to respond, she stressed that there are no “comfortable” answers.

“Those who hoped for, and urged, inclusivity will be disappointed,” she said, noting that no women, minority representatives or non-Taliban individuals have been named as part of the de facto Government.

In addition, several high-ranking officials in the new administration - including the man named Prime Minister, Mullah Hasan Akhund, are currently on UN sanctions lists.

Harassment, intimidation

A mixed picture has emerged in the weeks since the Taliban took power. The UN premises has largely been respected, but there have been worrying reports of harassment and intimidation against its national staff.

Ms. Lyons also expressed concern that, despite many Taliban statements granting general amnesties to former members of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces and officials of the administration of former President Ashraf Ghani, reports are emerging of house-to-house searches and seizures by Taliban officials.

And while they have provided many assurances on women's rights, there are new reports that women are being prohibited from working or appearing in public places without male chaperones. Waezi  --- Deborah Lyons, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).

Women and girls

Amidst additional reports that girls’ access to education is once again becoming limited, the Security Council also heard an urgent briefing by Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist, Nobel Prize recipient and founder of the Malala Fund, who reminded delegates what life for women and girls was like under past iterations of Taliban rule.

“I saw my home transformed from a place of peace to a place of fear in just three years,” she said.

Describing her experience of running from gunfire and explosions on the street, she said her childhood 15 years ago was marked by public floggings, schools that closed their doors to girls and banners in shopping malls declaring that women were not allowed.

“This is a story that many Afghan girls may share if we do not act,” she warned, calling on the Council to send a clear and unequivocal message to the Taliban that upholding the rights of women and girls is a precondition of any working relationship.

Shaping the new reality

Emphasizing the UN’s commitment to stay and deliver assistance and support to the people of Afghanistan, Ms. Lyons said that means it must engage with the Taliban, including on ways to allow money to flow into Afghanistan.

A high-level international funding conference is slated for 13 September to help donors meet the country’s rising needs

An additional, looming crisis is the billions of dollars in assets and donor funds that has been frozen by countries in an attempt to deny them to the Taliban.

“The inevitable effect, however, will be a severe economic downturn that could throw millions into poverty and hunger, may generate a massive wave of refugees from Afghanistan, and set Afghanistan back for generations,” the Special Representative warned.

Citing her initial engagement with certain Taliban leaders, she said they clearly stated their need for international assistance, which provides the global community leverage over their actions.

“We can still shape this new reality into a more positive direction,” she stressed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Taliban will turn Afghanistan into a place where everyone will have to dig a hole in the ground to take a shit.

Eh-eh Ali Khan Azad ...

You are praying that others will follow your ingrained mode of relief.


Taliban will turn Afghanistan into a place where everyone will have to dig a hole in the ground to take a shit.

I thought you said you were stationed in Afghanistan. FYI...REAL soldiers who served there told me there is no public sewage system. Most people go by the river in Kabul. So yeah, it is already WORSE than having to dig a hole. They don't bother.

Yuh tell so many damn lies that is easy to ketch yuh. Yuh neva set foot in afghanistan. The furthest yuh go is to Brooklyn or Harlem fuh hug up dem black fellas and hope yuh get a brownstone fuh sell. lol.


You ever heard of portable toilets? They are all over Afghanistan when the Americans were there.

Has nothing to do with American portable johns. You said the Afghans will dig a hole to shit. I'm telling you that they will not. They shit all over the place, most notably by a river there in Kabul cuz it's easy to "wash" afterwards.

Had you set foot in Afghanistan as you claimed, you would know that. You never went there.

The only aloo you peeled was for yuh mumma Hindu "wuk". Yuh 2 day experience in Kimbia during national service where them fellas chase yuh thru the bush don't count as "military" experience lol


You can believe what the hell you want to believe. Koolie is weak.  Believe that. It will give you a nice shock when your wind pipe is snapped in half

Banna guh swish yuh hips around while answering the phone in yuh sing song homan voice. De only ting yuh gon snap is one of yuh nails while yuh filing


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