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Gloomy days are ahead for Guyana

January 24, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,
Ever since we began writing letters, we have tried to give some sense of what we could discern ahead for Guyana in 2014 under this PPP regime. In so doing, notwithstanding how difficult things are for the poor and the working class in the country, we were always able to offer reasons for hope to the less fortunate in the most difficult times.
Today, as we try to look ahead, two things stand out. In the first place much of our future is impenetrable. The darkness is pervasive. This, in itself is not unexpected since we have a regime that is unfit to govern because of their lack of intellectual and moral faculty.
We have argued before that as things get progressively worse under this regime, it would become much more difficult for the poor and the working class to make ends meet or even simply to provide a future for their children.
Second, this cabal is drenched in corruption, greed, selfishness and evil as darkness has over taken them by leaps and bounds, hence the people and the country. People are frustrated to the point where their blood pressure in increasing. And there is a lurking danger because the people have reached the boiling point and there are no valves to open for the pressure to escape.
But as uncomfortable as it is to view the darkness ahead, contemplating the shadows cast by that future darkness into our present is infinitely more depressing. It is not that there are no signs pointing the way ahead; rather, it is that all the signs tell a tale of unrelieved doom and gloom for the people in which hope lies dying especially for the elderly, youths and the poor.
In terms of our politics it is certainly a case in which the PPP is unable to develop the economy, create jobs for the youths and those who want to work, reduce crime, corruption and nepotism, improve the lives of the poor, and respect the rights of the people. This regime led has succeeded in drastically reducing the practice of good government and accountability in this country into an unseemly orgy of greed, corruption and venality without conscience or limits. We believe that the prospects are that the excesses of the regime will only get worse as it strives desperately to win a majority in the next election. That gloomy perspective spells unmitigated disaster for the country and the poor and the working class who are currently living on their knees. The result is that in spite of talking about changes which have not taken place in the PPP in the last twelve years, the core of the party and its dominant ethos remain the same as they have always been. Its Stalinism-Leninism ideology is like a cult organization, without a national perspective, a human development strategy and thus the regime is incapable of delivering good government, reduce corruption and crime and improve the lives of the poor.
The entire prospect is so depressing that we are reduced to wishing with the poet that, β€œsurely some revelation is at hand”. Except that if it is, we freely admit we lack the foresight to see it. But the problem posed by this corrupt, uncaring and dictatorial regime is a major part of the gloom and doom that lie ahead. Even greater fear stems from the contemplation of the prospects of crime, corruption, the economy and the society in which there is no security of the person.
The economy of Guyana is in shambles and only the perversely ignorant in the PPP would imagine that Guyana’s economy is splendid, unaffected by the economic implosion taking place around us. When we combine such gloomy prospects and we consider such developments in the context of the horrendous mismanagement, corruption and the raping of the treasury and of the country’s resources by the kleptocrats which has taken place over the years, the implications are frightening for the future. Only a peaceful revolution similar to the Arab Spring Revolution can save the youths, the elderly and the poor and the working class in Guyana from total disaster. The time is now.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

quote "When we combine such gloomy prospects and we consider such developments in the context of the horrendous mismanagement, corruption and the raping of the treasury and of the country’s resources by the kleptocrats which has taken place over the years, the implications are frightening for the future. Only a peaceful revolution similar to the Arab Spring Revolution can save the youths, the elderly and the poor and the working class in Guyana from total disaster. The time is now."unquote
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh


The writers seems to think that "Only a peaceful revolution similar to the Arab Spring Revolution can save the youths, the elderly and the poor and the working class in Guyana from total disaster.

The time is now."

Originally Posted by asj:

quote "When we combine such gloomy prospects and we consider such developments in the context of the horrendous mismanagement, corruption and the raping of the treasury and of the country’s resources by the kleptocrats which has taken place over the years, the implications are frightening for the future. Only a peaceful revolution similar to the Arab Spring Revolution can save the youths, the elderly and the poor and the working class in Guyana from total disaster. The time is now."unquote
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh


The writers seems to think that "Only a peaceful revolution similar to the Arab Spring Revolution can save the youths, the elderly and the poor and the working class in Guyana from total disaster.

The time is now."

i am a 100% in agreement i keep saying it all along,shut the country down

The economy of Guyana is in shambles and only the perversely ignorant in the PPP would imagine that Guyana’s economy is splendid, unaffected by the economic implosion taking place around us.

Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Gloomy days are ahead for Guyana

January 24, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

Elegant with their usual ranting.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The economy of Guyana is in shambles and only the perversely ignorant in the PPP would imagine that Guyana’s economy is splendid, unaffected by the economic implosion taking place around us.

Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Gloomy days are ahead for Guyana

January 24, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

Elegant with their usual ranting.

i guess if i was living in pradoville,i will call it ranting 

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Are you going to the moon, Nehru?


Despite the negative talks of the opposition groups, the PPP/C is making steady progress to upgrade/update Guyana from the decadence that the same opposition groups caused from 1964 to 1992.

Originally Posted by asj:

quote "When we combine such gloomy prospects and we consider such developments in the context of the horrendous mismanagement, corruption and the raping of the treasury and of the country’s resources by the kleptocrats which has taken place over the years, the implications are frightening for the future. Only a peaceful revolution similar to the Arab Spring Revolution can save the youths, the elderly and the poor and the working class in Guyana from total disaster. The time is now."unquote
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh


The writers seems to think that "Only a peaceful revolution similar to the Arab Spring Revolution can save the youths, the elderly and the poor and the working class in Guyana from total disaster.

The time is now."

Pressure does meck pipe buss.


Dem boys seh… Check out why de exchange rate going up

January 21, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

De bad news is that dem two people who been pun de plane that crash dead; de good news is that de family get closure because dem ain’t got to worry. Perhaps de time now come fuh check out and probably get rid of dem single engine plane. De view is that dem can glide. This one didn’t glide.

But dem same plane can serve a good purpose. Dem boys wonder if all de people who bring misery to Guyana can’t get pun a couple of dem plane and tek a trip. Dem plane must also get engine problem.

Things reach de stage wheh Donald getting vex wid dem. De other day he let loose some cuss word at a couple of dem crooks. Dem boys seh it is about time Donald show people that he got power and that he prepare to use it.

Donald sit down and examine de books and find out that de currency devaluing because all of dem who thief and skim off money trying to change to US dollars. That happen back in 1992 when Papa Cheddi come to office. People run to buy US dollars and de price go up.

This time because de world focusing on money laundering all of dem trying to buy US dollar. Fuh years dem didn’t have to buy US suh de money stay round 200 to one. Now it reach 213 to one and is not that people stop sending money to Guyana. Now everything in Guyana gun get expensive and de government gun seh that de people only pressing de government.

De truth is that is de same people who seh that dem like de government who cause de problem. Dem don’t care if de money go up and dem is de same people who must get pun de plane and disappear.

Brazzy still trying to sheet out de $8 million of sand that disappear. He also know bout nuff other money. Dem boys seh that de man ain’t got shame. He collect nuff money fuh NICIL but when is time to pay in de money, de government can’t find $6 billion. And Brazzy still wukking.

Talk half and think about de reason.


Today, as we try to look ahead, two things stand out. In the first place much of our future is impenetrable. The darkness is pervasive. This, in itself is not unexpected since we have a regime that is unfit to govern because of their lack of intellectual and moral faculty.

We have argued before that as things get progressively worse under this regime, it would become much more difficult for the poor and the working class to make ends meet or even simply to provide a future for their children.

Second, this cabal is drenched in corruption, greed, selfishness and evil as darkness has over taken them by leaps and bounds, hence the people and the country. People are frustrated to the point where their blood pressure in increasing. And there is a lurking danger because the people have reached the boiling point and there are no valves to open for the pressure to escape.


Degeneration of governance and leadership has led to gross disrespect

January 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

By Sheba Thomas

β€œThe darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis” – Dante Alighieri. If this is true then we all as Guyanese know our destination based on our decisions, past and present. The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has been in governance since October 5, 1992, when it won the General Elections. This victory was once described as a, β€œpsychological revolution for all Guyanese” by long-serving Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon who then further stated, β€œit was a change from the expectation of fear as a policy position from the government (PNC/R), to a position of trust and freedom with this new administration.” I am not a fan of making comparisons between governments, as I was only raised under one, the PPP/C, and the tales of the elderly tell a different story from what is written in history. It is from this statement and through the analysis of the PPP/C governance that I will outline the party’s failure and that of Guyanese to put an end to childish games. It was once believed that this defining moment (October 5, 1992) marked the starting point of a period that would positively impact the quality of life of all Guyanese. It was expected that the PPP/C administration would have worked to make the future better. The question is better for whom, those that are seeking power, for some Guyanese or for the entire Guyana? It was once said by Thomas Sowell that, β€œIf you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today”. This statement becomes true when it pertains to PPP/C governance. The PPP/C constantly reminds us of the governance of the PNC/R and uses this as a measure to justify or gain fragmental trust from some Guyanese on certain issues. It is through reflecting on the past and failing to move forward that the PPP/C administration has kept Guyanese in mental slavery, thus, the psychological revolution continues. The foolish attempts of the PPP/C administration to rewrite history are ridiculous, but what is even more ridiculous is their inability to create a legacy that is worth remembering, and for the right reasons. Seeking to out-do the previous government by destroying the legacy created by these very persons – that benefitted all Guyanese – such as the destruction of the Critchlow Labour College and Linden, has left the PPP/C entrapped in a racial war that seems to have no ending. The PPP/C under leadership of former President Bharrat Jagdeo further eroded, when the final dregs of any morals that remained were dashed through the window, as the said president went on a β€œcuss-out” rampage. Such is the degeneration of leadership in Guyana. This practice now seems to be even more rampant as our current president Mr. Donald Ramotar continues to entertain such acts by his administration. Has the PPP/C government forgotten it is there to serve the people and not itself? How dare this Government spit in the faces of person who elected it to that position. Is there no remnant of proper decorum left? The PPP/C administration has failed Guyanese and youths especially. In education, our CXC results and number of school dropouts reflect this; our university standard is deplorable. In the area of culture, it has failed to continue to unite all Guyanese under our nation’s culture. It is little wonder that Guyanese are so swift to adopt any culture as their personal style or identity. The PPP/C continues to fail Guyanese when it comes to a better standard of living for all by imposing its constant authoritarian leadership style on public servants and by dictating every category of governance . It seems that the ideology of the past has blocked the vision of the future for the PPP/C. Finally, the citizens of Guyana have become docile because of mental slavery and fear of victimization by the ruling government. History shows that we were once a people of valour who defended our rights even in the face of death. Have we as Guyanese adopted a mindset of laziness? Are we afraid to stand up for our rights and look for a hero to save us; so instead of taking the bold step and saying enough is enough, we stand back and watch as we are being trampled upon by the persons we elected to govern us? How long will we continue to look at our neighbours and friends and justify our action of doing nothing because the other person is doing nothing so why should I. Very often when someone steps forward and says β€˜enough’, we ask what is wrong with them and refuse to give support because of fear. Some of us actually make bold reasons in support of the oppressor out of fear of victimization. I once read an article written by a student who said the generation before us failed to defend their rights; hence my generation is careless about our country politics and governance. There is no justification for me not standing up for my rights and my country. Why is it that we constantly allow the government to step on our toes and we say nothing? Why is it that we accept whatever second-hand excuse it gives and go on as if our life is not affected? To end this, Guyanese must awaken from their slumber and hold the government accountable for the heinous crimes and disrespect it has heaped on Guyanese. Arise and let your voice be heard, the disrespect must go no further by this government. Hold your ground and others will follow. Be a leader of character and not corruption. Be the change we so desire Guyana.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Are you going to the moon, Nehru?


Despite the negative talks of the opposition groups, the PPP/C is making steady progress to upgrade/update Guyana from the decadence that the same opposition groups caused from 1964 to 1992.

Like to drinking the same cheap rum from Pavi?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The economy of Guyana is in shambles and only the perversely ignorant in the PPP would imagine that Guyana’s economy is splendid, unaffected by the economic implosion taking place around us.

Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Gloomy days are ahead for Guyana

January 24, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

Elegant with their usual ranting.

A response as brief as the shallowness of the response.

Originally Posted by Rev:






* They will never be satisfied until a CUFFY is President of Guyana.





Rev you are being quite absurd here. No one on this board wants to see Guyana go down the drain this is why there are others like myself on this board, we would like to see changes for the the Guyanese people.but we are seeing this occur daily by those "miscreants" and you fin well know this, so shut your rass.


Yours Pissedoffedly



Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Rev:






* They will never be satisfied until a CUFFY is President of Guyana.





Rev you are being quite absurd here. No one on this board wants to see Guyana go down the drain this is why there are others like myself on this board, we would like to see changes for the the Guyanese people.but we are seeing this "calamity,tragedy and catastrophe" occur daily by those "miscreants" in Govt and you fin well know this, so shut your rass.


Yours Pissedoffedly





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