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GMSA requests Jagdeo to address mid-year luncheon

THE Opposition Leader, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, has been invited to address the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) mid-year Business Luncheon which is scheduled to be held next Friday (August 12), at the Pegasus Hotel in Georgetown.

According to the GMSA, Jagdeo will be enlightening the business community in Guyana on the views of the Parliamentary Opposition on a series of issues.

The GMSA says the impending discussions with the Opposition Leader promise to be robust as a number of critical issues affecting the country will take centre stage.

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Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why Jagdeo? Why not Granger or Harmon? GMSA has no confidence in the present admin? Jagdeo is not running the country.

What happen opposition leaders don't have a say in the country affairs.

Bai, you ah behave like dem mad head kiskadee. There was never a time(previous PNC admin) when the opposition had any voice. The same is happening now. Why you think they call Granger "The Emperor"?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why Jagdeo? Why not Granger or Harmon? GMSA has no confidence in the present admin? Jagdeo is not running the country.

What happen opposition leaders don't have a say in the country affairs.

Bai, you ah behave like dem mad head kiskadee. There was never a time(previous PNC admin) when the opposition had any voice. The same is happening now. Why you think they call Granger "The Emperor"?

Bhai like you living in the past,opposition got nuff voices  via all kinds of media and parliament,you think now is like the old days when we had to wait for the Evening Mirror and Catholic standard to know what was happening in the country.Lucky for me i used to work opposite Freedom House and had some high level contacts within the Govt and Business people,I used to get al lot of info.

Granger is no Emperor he working to get the people united,give the Prezi a chance either he failed or will accomplish the task,tell your hero to stop the race pandering Guyana belongs to all the people.

skeldon_man posted:

Why Jagdeo? Why not Granger or Harmon? GMSA has no confidence in the present admin? Jagdeo is not running the country.

Read nuh man you expect the Prez fo do this?

....."According to the GMSA, Jagdeo will be enlightening the business community in Guyana on the views of the Parliamentary Opposition on a series of issues."

caribny posted:

The same ones who scream that Jagdeo isn't running the country will howl if Jagdeo's opinions are ignored.

They want to scream "we gun tek back de country from dem people (Black people). Such a joke as by 2020 there will be even fewer Indian votes than there were last year.

Continue to live in fantasy Carib bro.


"The GMSA says the impending discussions with the Opposition Leader promise to be robust as a number of critical issues affecting the country will take centre stage"

The GMSA seems to have no confidence in the elected Government.    Looks like they see the PNC boys as empty headed dunces.  They are running to Jagdeo for help!


The GMSA has a sovereign right to invite any guest speaker. Nothing wrong with inviting Mr Jagdeo. According to the newspaper report, the GMSA wants to know the views of the parliamentary opposition on a number of issues. We shall know the nature of those issues after the event. Mr Jagdeo is the leader of the parliamentary opposition.

Having said the above, I can understand that PPP supporters here will interpret the invitation as a feather in Mr Jagdeo's cap and even more. They are entitled to their opinions.

Gilbakka posted:

The GMSA has a sovereign right to invite any guest speaker. Nothing wrong with inviting Mr Jagdeo. According to the newspaper report, the GMSA wants to know the views of the parliamentary opposition on a number of issues. We shall know the nature of those issues after the event. Mr Jagdeo is the leader of the parliamentary opposition.

Having said the above, I can understand that PPP supporters here will interpret the invitation as a feather in Mr Jagdeo's cap and even more. They are entitled to their opinions.

You guys are all incompetent and the GMSA knows that. They don't feel you can address the CRITICAL issues affecting the country.  "The GMSA says the impending discussions with the Opposition Leader promise to be robust as a number of critical issues affecting the country will take centre stage"

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

The same ones who scream that Jagdeo isn't running the country will howl if Jagdeo's opinions are ignored.

They want to scream "we gun tek back de country from dem people (Black people). Such a joke as by 2020 there will be even fewer Indian votes than there were last year.

Continue to live in fantasy Carib bro.

What fantasy?

That the Indian population is dwindling.  Did you look at the census for 2001 and 2012, BOTH conducted under the PPP?

Regardless as to what you think Jagdeo's remarks were seen as divisive and as racially mischievous by the vast majority of non Indians, few of which vote for him. 

Over 90% of black and mixed voters rejected the PPP, and even the Amerindian vote is slipping away.  Note that LGE results for Lethem and Mabaruma, both areas that the PPP should have easily won, but didn't.

Gilbakka posted:

The GMSA has a sovereign right to invite any guest speaker. Nothing wrong with inviting Mr Jagdeo. According to the newspaper report, the GMSA wants to know the views of the parliamentary opposition on a number of issues. We shall know the nature of those issues after the event. Mr Jagdeo is the leader of the parliamentary opposition.

Having said the above, I can understand that PPP supporters here will interpret the invitation as a feather in Mr Jagdeo's cap and even more. They are entitled to their opinions.

GMSA are actually inviting Jagdeo's ideas to stimulate the economy.  As the leader of the opposition he has the OBLIGATION to do so.

Let us see if Jagdeo uses this opportunity to do so.  I don't think that the GMSA wants to hear Jagdeo's coded screams about Indians taking back the country.


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