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Former Member
I have been following this forum for some 20 years. It started off as The Mango Tree and wound up as GN&I. I say it started off as The Mango Tree because that is where the cast of characters appeared from after the advent of the Internet in 1994.
One thing is for sure .... There is no shortage of crazy characters on this forum. But that topic is not the intent of this thread that's a topic for another day.
Since the dawn of the Internet the PPP have been in power and this forum has been 80% pro PPP. The pro PPP authors never saw this day coming now they are forced to eat crow. It's fun to sit back when the shoe is on the other foot and watch folks cry in their beer. I wish I had the time to read more threads and witness the weeping of tears and gnashing of teeth.
Well ...... What goes around comes around. Hopefully for the PPP stalwarts on GN&I it won't take 23 years. To the stalwarts .. Walk a karna and watch fuh dem SUV.

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Originally Posted by Nuff:
I have been following this forum for some 20 years. It started off as The Mango Tree and wound up as GN&I. I say it started off as The Mango Tree because that is where the cast of characters appeared from after the advent of the Internet in 1994.
One thing is for sure .... There is no shortage of crazy characters on this forum. But that topic is not the intent of this thread that's a topic for another day.
Since the dawn of the Internet the PPP have been in power and this forum has been 80% pro PPP. The pro PPP authors never saw this day coming now they are forced to eat crow. It's fun to sit back when the shoe is on the other foot and watch folks cry in their beer. I wish I had the time to read more threads and witness the weeping of tears and gnashing of teeth.
Well ...... What goes around comes around. Hopefully for the PPP stalwarts on GN&I it won't take 23 years. To the stalwarts .. Walk a karna and watch fuh dem SUV.

Nuff, do you remember Cobra?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nuff:
I have been following this forum for some 20 years. It started off as The Mango Tree and wound up as GN&I. I say it started off as The Mango Tree because that is where the cast of characters appeared from after the advent of the Internet in 1994.
One thing is for sure .... There is no shortage of crazy characters on this forum. But that topic is not the intent of this thread that's a topic for another day.
Since the dawn of the Internet the PPP have been in power and this forum has been 80% pro PPP. The pro PPP authors never saw this day coming now they are forced to eat crow. It's fun to sit back when the shoe is on the other foot and watch folks cry in their beer. I wish I had the time to read more threads and witness the weeping of tears and gnashing of teeth.
Well ...... What goes around comes around. Hopefully for the PPP stalwarts on GN&I it won't take 23 years. To the stalwarts .. Walk a karna and watch fuh dem SUV.

Nuff, do you remember Cobra?

nuff you was there when them bais molest the snake 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nuff:
Since the dawn of the Internet the PPP have been in power and this forum has been 80% pro PPP.

Is where you get this 80% figure from?

In those days even Stormborn was a PPP supporter.  I think ray (Riffraff) was sitting on the fence then with Kari.  All the AFC supporters were in the PPP then. 


Most of the PNC and other anti PPP left when this forum became a cess pool of anti black racism.  In those days baseman used to rant about "Rawanda" and likened Afro Guyanese to his racist concepts about people from that country.

Last edited by Former Member

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