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Originally Posted by Kari:

What's up wid dat? AM I missing something here. shaits has this theory that people like Jalil and other Moses "magical" worshippers () will rape Guyana's rice industry once the coalition wins.


Can somebadee explain to my simple (not the poster) mind how to connect Shaits dots (the figurative one mind you)?


It's not a theory. It's whah dem bais ah plan fuh duh when Uncle Moses gets made PM.


Dem bais ah plot fuh win the right to exclusively market Guyanese rice to the Middle East for a tidy profit on the backs of Indian peasants. This is the only scheme they discussed with me as I pretended to be interested in de tiefing and robbing of poor Indos juss to hear whah dem up to.


I doan know how insulted I should be that they trusted me enough to share their tiefin plans wid me.

Originally Posted by Kari:

What's up wid dat? AM I missing something here. shaits has this theory that people like Jalil and other Moses "magical" worshippers () will rape Guyana's rice industry once the coalition wins.


Can somebadee explain to my simple (not the poster) mind how to connect Shaits dots (the figurative one mind you)?

It is quite amusing to hear this disjointed theory. I too would love to hear an expounded explanation on what is this scheme how will it work etc.


I am just absolutely intrigued to hear more about this "plan". It seems genius if I can only understand it.


It also seems to be basing this on the premise that Rice Farmers in GY are idiots and uneducated. I think shits is living in a prehistoric time but I still nonetheless would love to hear more about this fantasy he is peddling here.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

What's up wid dat? AM I missing something here. shaits has this theory that people like Jalil and other Moses "magical" worshippers () will rape Guyana's rice industry once the coalition wins.


Can somebadee explain to my simple (not the poster) mind how to connect Shaits dots (the figurative one mind you)?

It is quite amusing to hear this disjointed theory. I too would love to hear an expounded explanation on what is this scheme how will it work etc.


I am just absolutely intrigued to hear more about this "plan". It seems genius if I can only understand it.


It also seems to be basing this on the premise that Rice Farmers in GY are idiots and uneducated. I think shits is living in a prehistoric time but I still nonetheless would love to hear more about this fantasy he is peddling here.



Look chap...if I wanna mek up lies, I can do a lot better. But I find the truth is more deadly.


So that is why we talking rice and the Middle East


I do not know much about the economic structure of Guyana's rice industry, but I'll try to see how the GNI fullahs you obviously refer to (Jalil leading te pack, maybe) will effect this thiefing and robbing of the poor rice farmers.


Most of Guyana's rice paddy is planted on small acreage farms (5 acres to 10 acres). Their cost of production is affected by drainage and irrigation, rainfall and dry weather at the appropriate times; the cost of fertilizers and maintenance of equipment.


They are sold to the big rice millers. Their costs are mostly capital maintenance and labor.


The marketing is done by the millers (?) or some export association and the contracts are negotiated and won by government or millers associations(?).


So how can, for hypothetical sake, Jalil conspire with Moses with the connivance of Granger to rob and thief from the poor Indian rice farmers?


Literary contributions got to hit he pavement of believability most of the time Shaits. So sell me on this one.


Originally Posted by Kari:

I do not know much about the economic structure of Guyana's rice industry, but I'll try to see how the GNI fullahs you obviously refer to (Jalil leading te pack, maybe) will effect this thiefing and robbing of the poor rice farmers.


Most of Guyana's rice paddy is planted on small acreage farms (5 acres to 10 acres). Their cost of production is affected by drainage and irrigation, rainfall and dry weather at the appropriate times; the cost of fertilizers and maintenance of equipment.


They are sold to the big rice millers. Their costs are mostly capital maintenance and labor.


The marketing is done by the millers (?) or some export association and the contracts are negotiated and won by government or millers associations(?).


So how can, for hypothetical sake, Jalil conspire with Moses with the connivance of Granger to rob and thief from the poor Indian rice farmers?


Literary contributions got to hit he pavement of believability most of the time Shaits. So sell me on this one.



I never ever said Jalil conspire with Moses and Granger to do anything you disingenuous lout. I posted whah Jalil said to me personally. Nothing more nothing less.


I doan know his operational plans fuh tiefin. He shared the broad outlines of the mission. Apart from what I posted, I doan know anything else about their plans fuh mek money off the backs of Guyana's coolie peasant rice farmers. Ask them!

Originally Posted by Kari:

What's up wid dat? AM I missing something here. shaits has this theory that people like Jalil and other Moses "magical" worshippers () will rape Guyana's rice industry once the coalition wins.


Can somebadee explain to my simple (not the poster) mind how to connect Shaits dots (the figurative one mind you)?

Shaitaan is having difficulties again.


Rice farmers are being exploited by the PPP.  So how is the PPP helping them? How can the AFC do worse?


The AFC will have to continue to ensure that it retains Indo support so it will not take it for granted. It will also not think that racist screams about the "superiority" of Indians, or screaming about "baad black man" will work, given that they are in a multi ethnic coalition.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

What's up wid dat? AM I missing something here. shaits has this theory that people like Jalil and other Moses "magical" worshippers () will rape Guyana's rice industry once the coalition wins.


Can somebadee explain to my simple (not the poster) mind how to connect Shaits dots (the figurative one mind you)?

Shaitaan is having difficulties again.


Yea I have difficulties every time the PNC reminds me of their historic Beat/Kill Nuff Coolie Policy.


Making peasant coolie women cry does have an effect on me. Similarly a poor Black woman in tears would have an effect on me and I'd be here keyboarding my outrage.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I do not know much about the economic structure of Guyana's rice industry, but I'll try to see how the GNI fullahs you obviously refer to (Jalil leading te pack, maybe) will effect this thiefing and robbing of the poor rice farmers.


Most of Guyana's rice paddy is planted on small acreage farms (5 acres to 10 acres). Their cost of production is affected by drainage and irrigation, rainfall and dry weather at the appropriate times; the cost of fertilizers and maintenance of equipment.


They are sold to the big rice millers. Their costs are mostly capital maintenance and labor.


The marketing is done by the millers (?) or some export association and the contracts are negotiated and won by government or millers associations(?).


So how can, for hypothetical sake, Jalil conspire with Moses with the connivance of Granger to rob and thief from the poor Indian rice farmers?


Literary contributions got to hit he pavement of believability most of the time Shaits. So sell me on this one.



I never ever said Jalil conspire with Moses and Granger to do anything you disingenuous lout. I posted whah Jalil said to me personally. Nothing more nothing less.


I doan know his operational plans fuh tiefin. He shared the broad outlines of the mission. Apart from what I posted, I doan know anything else about their plans fuh mek money off the backs of Guyana's coolie peasant rice farmers. Ask them!

Shaits, your response speaks for itself....the prosecution rests its case (of malicious intent to desecrate the good name of GNI fullahs regarding some theft and robbery of poor Indo rice farmers......

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

What's up wid dat? AM I missing something here. shaits has this theory that people like Jalil and other Moses "magical" worshippers () will rape Guyana's rice industry once the coalition wins.


Can somebadee explain to my simple (not the poster) mind how to connect Shaits dots (the figurative one mind you)?

Shaitaan is having difficulties again.


Yea I have difficulties every time the PNC reminds me of their historic Beat/Kill Nuff Coolie Policy.


Making peasant coolie women cry does have an effect on me. Similarly a poor Black woman in tears would have an effect on me and I'd be here keyboarding my outrage.

 Ok shitty so hear is your opportunity please do explain how the mechanism works.


I would love to understand how the mechanics of how exactly this scam in your mind will work.


I am absolutely intrigued please do share details.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Yea I have difficulties every time the PNC reminds me of their historic Beat/Kill Nuff Coolie Policy.


Making peasant coolie women cry does have an effect on me. Similarly a poor Black woman in tears would have an effect on me and I'd be here keyboarding my outrage.

Why don't you make life easy for yourself.  Go to the PPP Indo KKK where you can join Jagdeo in his screams of "coolie pan tap, black man baad" all day.


Sensible Guyanese will know that this behavior doesn't solve the long term problems of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Yea I have difficulties every time the PNC reminds me of their historic Beat/Kill Nuff Coolie Policy.


Making peasant coolie women cry does have an effect on me. Similarly a poor Black woman in tears would have an effect on me and I'd be here keyboarding my outrage.

where is your apology for propagating the PPP fakery of No. 51 Village?


as a reasonabe man, how does it make sense to yank and run like a loon with every thread dangled by Freedom House to provoke and engender fear & loathing of blackman . . . without even perfunctory circumspection, given existing circumstances


you smell dude

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Kari:

What's up wid dat? AM I missing something here. shaits has this theory that people like Jalil and other Moses "magical" worshippers () will rape Guyana's rice industry once the coalition wins.


Can somebadee explain to my simple (not the poster) mind how to connect Shaits dots (the figurative one mind you)?


It's not a theory. It's whah dem bais ah plan fuh duh when Uncle Moses gets made PM.


Dem bais ah plot fuh win the right to exclusively market Guyanese rice to the Middle East for a tidy profit on the backs of Indian peasants. This is the only scheme they discussed with me as I pretended to be interested in de tiefing and robbing of poor Indos juss to hear whah dem up to.


I doan know how insulted I should be that they trusted me enough to share their tiefin plans wid me.

smoking cheap drugs is not good for your health 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Yea I have difficulties every time the PNC reminds me of their historic Beat/Kill Nuff Coolie Policy.


Making peasant coolie women cry does have an effect on me. Similarly a poor Black woman in tears would have an effect on me and I'd be here keyboarding my outrage.

Why don't you make life easy for yourself.  Go to the PPP Indo KKK where you can join Jagdeo in his screams of "coolie pan tap, black man baad" all day.


Sensible Guyanese will know that this behavior doesn't solve the long term problems of Guyana.


I will do as I please chap. Support who I want. Not support who I don't want.


Keep your Indo KKK/"race war" bull shyte and your childish obfuscations fuh dem mudheads and Freddie Kissoon Indos of the world. I really don't care.


People like you are the precise reasons why Indians cannot budge. Your cures are as bad if not worse than the disease.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Keep your Indo KKK/"race war" bull shyte

NO this is what you want.


You take one or two ignorant black people.  Stigmatize the majority who have no problem with Moses being in their coalition.  Have had NO problem with the fact that in order to get him into the coalition the black party had to give up some seats that it will rightfully win, to give Indians the confidence that they will have input.  And who recognize that ethnic distrust has destroyed Guyana, so that they need to rise above that.


These are tha MAJORITY of the African/mixed group....but you would rather give voice to a lunatic fringe.  And the more you promote them the more you give legitimacy to orthers who might feel the same, and think that Granger is too soft.


All you do is project your inferiority complex.  "me a poor weak collie man who cyant defen' me self in a black man coalition, dey bound to outsmart me an' abuse me".


Listen if you care about the future of Indians, your best bet is a coalition with the PNC when they need the Indian vote.


But you will rather wait until they do not.  Stupid man!


Indians, being a dwindling minority will have NO FUTURE in Guyana unless they can find peace with those elements within the African/mixed population who wish to move away from mono racial rule, which has benefitted only a narrow elite (black under Burnham, and Indian under Jagdeo/Ramotar),

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

What's up wid dat? AM I missing something here. shaits has this theory that people like Jalil and other Moses "magical" worshippers () will rape Guyana's rice industry once the coalition wins.


Can somebadee explain to my simple (not the poster) mind how to connect Shaits dots (the figurative one mind you)?

Is the rice wine.  The LIKKKAAAA hit him.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Keep your Indo KKK/"race war" bull shyte

NO this is what you want.


You take one or two ignorant black people.  Stigmatize the majority who have no problem with Moses being in their coalition.  Have had NO problem with the fact that in order to get him into the coalition the black party had to give up some seats that it will rightfully win, to give Indians the confidence that they will have input.


All you do is project your inferiority complex.  "me a poor weak collie man who cyant defen' me self in a black man coalition, dey bound to outsmart me an' abuse me".


Listen if you care about the future of Indians, your best bet is a coalition with the PNC when they need the Indian vote.


But you will rather wait until they do not.  Stupid man!


Maybe you're right....history probably has decreed that Guyanese Indians are to be obliterated from the roll of the tribes of the human family. However, we doan have to vote for out exterminators. I'm unaware of situations where the chickens must vote KFC.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Maybe you're right....history probably has decreed that Guyanese Indians are to be obliterated .

All history has decreed is that you are a self hating Indian who believes that Indians are too weak to survive within a multi ethnic society without binding themselves into a bantustan and scaring themselves to death.  The PPP is no more good for Indians than were those chiefs who the whites bribed under apartheid to harrass their own people.


The people who harrass Indian rice farmers are Indian millers.  The people who abuse Indian women are their husbands who commit domestic abuse on them.  The reason for the high levels of suicide among Indians are the pressures that other Indians place them in.  Most women get raped by men who they know, and that applies to Indian women in Guyana.  PPP officials have kocked downm raped, and pistol whipped other Indians.


And you still think that the biggest problem that Indians face are one or two ISOLATED attacks by a few ignorant black people, in some instances the result of the ORDERED MURDER of Crum Ewing.  This order came from very high within the PPP, and YOU are fully aware of this.


Get it though your thivk skull.  Indians, Africans and others live in a small and poor country.  They will not survive if they squander the resources of that country by supporting mad men and criminals only out of ethnic fear.  It doesnt matter whether the mad man is Forbes Burnham, or Bharat Jagdeo.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Maybe you're right....history probably has decreed that Guyanese Indians are to be obliterated .

All history has decreed is that you are a self hating Indian who believes that Indians are too weak to survive within a multi ethnic society without binding themselves into a bantustan and scaring themselves to death.  The PPP is no more good for Indians than were those chiefs who the whites bribed under apartheid to harrass their own people.


This is GNI. You're entitled to your fantasies about me. I generally refrain from caricaturing my interlocutors. That's a feeble minded thing to do. Not following you into that territory. Walk that path alone bai.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Maybe you're right....history probably has decreed that Guyanese Indians are to be obliterated .

All history has decreed is that you are a self hating Indian who believes that Indians are too weak to survive within a multi ethnic society without binding themselves into a bantustan and scaring themselves to death.  The PPP is no more good for Indians than were those chiefs who the whites bribed under apartheid to harrass their own people.


This is GNI. You're entitled to your fantasies about me. I generally refrain from caricaturing my interlocutors. That's a feeble minded thing to do. Not following you into that territory. Walk that path alone bai.

Bai you are using some big word there above you pay grade.  Like you also got wan PHD

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Maybe you're right....history probably has decreed that Guyanese Indians are to be obliterated .

All history has decreed is that you are a self hating Indian who believes that Indians are too weak to survive within a multi ethnic society without binding themselves into a bantustan and scaring themselves to death.  The PPP is no more good for Indians than were those chiefs who the whites bribed under apartheid to harrass their own people.


This is GNI. You're entitled to your fantasies about me. I generally refrain from caricaturing my interlocutors. That's a feeble minded thing to do. Not following you into that territory. Walk that path alone bai.

Not fantasies.  The very self hatred which drips from the tip of your fingers.


It prevents you from proper analysis of the situation, and leads you to write nonsense like Indians are doomed in Guyana, as if they are Jews living under Hitler.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Maybe you're right....history probably has decreed that Guyanese Indians are to be obliterated .

All history has decreed is that you are a self hating Indian who believes that Indians are too weak to survive within a multi ethnic society without binding themselves into a bantustan and scaring themselves to death.  The PPP is no more good for Indians than were those chiefs who the whites bribed under apartheid to harrass their own people.


This is GNI. You're entitled to your fantasies about me. I generally refrain from caricaturing my interlocutors. That's a feeble minded thing to do. Not following you into that territory. Walk that path alone bai.

Bai you are using some big word there above you pay grade.  Like you also got wan PHD

You hear Peter Ramsaroop have wan PHD and Visnu Bisram got wan PHD.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Maybe you're right....history probably has decreed that Guyanese Indians are to be obliterated .

All history has decreed is that you are a self hating Indian who believes that Indians are too weak to survive within a multi ethnic society without binding themselves into a bantustan and scaring themselves to death.  The PPP is no more good for Indians than were those chiefs who the whites bribed under apartheid to harrass their own people.


This is GNI. You're entitled to your fantasies about me. I generally refrain from caricaturing my interlocutors. That's a feeble minded thing to do. Not following you into that territory. Walk that path alone bai.

Not fantasies.  The very self hatred which drips from the tip of your fingers.


It prevents you from proper analysis of the situation, and leads you to write nonsense like Indians are doomed in Guyana, as if they are Jews living under Hitler.


Oh I assure you, Indians probably can save themselves. Five more years can be ample time.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

What's up wid dat? AM I missing something here. shaits has this theory that people like Jalil and other Moses "magical" worshippers () will rape Guyana's rice industry once the coalition wins.


Can somebadee explain to my simple (not the poster) mind how to connect Shaits dots (the figurative one mind you)?

Shaitaan is having difficulties again.


Yea I have difficulties every time the PNC reminds me of their historic Beat/Kill Nuff Coolie Policy.


Making peasant coolie women cry does have an effect on me. Similarly a poor Black woman in tears would have an effect on me and I'd be here keyboarding my outrage.

 Ok shitty so hear is your opportunity please do explain how the mechanism works.


I would love to understand how the mechanics of how exactly this scam in your mind will work.


I am absolutely intrigued please do share details.

Shitty whenever you get around to answering my question please do.....thx bud.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Maybe you're right....history probably has decreed that Guyanese Indians are to be obliterated .

All history has decreed is that you are a self hating Indian who believes that Indians are too weak to survive within a multi ethnic society without binding themselves into a bantustan and scaring themselves to death.  The PPP is no more good for Indians than were those chiefs who the whites bribed under apartheid to harrass their own people.


This is GNI. You're entitled to your fantasies about me. I generally refrain from caricaturing my interlocutors. That's a feeble minded thing to do. Not following you into that territory. Walk that path alone bai.

Not fantasies.  The very self hatred which drips from the tip of your fingers.


It prevents you from proper analysis of the situation, and leads you to write nonsense like Indians are doomed in Guyana, as if they are Jews living under Hitler.


Oh I assure you, Indians probably can save themselves. Five more years can be ample time.

five more yrs running to other countries 


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