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So what is your angst?  Are you really trying to tell us that the PPP has done well by rice farmers.


Put it this way the rice farmers will have more clout with the APNU AFC coalition as they, together with middle class professionals, will form the core of any Indo support which APNU AFC gets.  APNU doesnt have the confidence to believe that they can win any national election without an alliance with a party which can get Indian votes.


The PPP doesnt think that it needs Indo votes, and has the belief that they are entitled to their support and believe that all they need to do is scream "black man baad" and they will get it.


I am amused that a supposedly intelligent man like you is falling for their histrionics.  You claim that you respect Granger.  How can you if he condones blatant bigotry towards Indians, or plans to renege against Moses.


Understand one thing.  When the more militant elements within the PNC begin to bark, its Granger's use of Moses which will allow him to keep them in check.  He merely needs to tell them that the "party done if Moses gets angry and leaves".


If the APNU AFC coalition collapses there will be a wooshing sound from APNU to the PPP as all the little rats try to jump on a ship that is going some where.  Granger isnt going to take that chance by risking his APNU AFC coalition gov't.


Intelligent people identify problems, analyze them, and develop solutions.  Stupid people identify problems and wail, and are used by others in the nefarious goals.  Which are you?


FACT.  An APNU AFC gov't gives Guyana a break from an entrenched heirarchy. APNU and the AFC on their own are weak.  Together theyu will receive a honey moon period if they win.  If not they will be bashed in the LGE and might even be forced into an early election.


THIS will be the time when civil society in Guyana will be able to advance ideas to positively impact ALL Guyanese.  An arrogant PPP will spit in their faces and scream that "Guyana belongs to us (PPP top dogs), and no one can tell us what to do".  Apparently this is who you want.

Last edited by Former Member

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