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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I don't know about this jine family thing, but I learned is that my mother's uncle and Ralph Ramkarran are first cousins.  Originally from De Kendren but lived most of their lives in Bel Air.

So then you are related to Kali who owns Fairfield Pavilion.  His grandmother and Ralph Grandmother are two sisters.  That’s the DeKendren/Fairfield/DeHoop side of the family.

Are you not also related distantly to Nehru?

If you keep digging, you might uncover Django related to Dr Jagdeo, or worse yet, Dr Irfan PhD!!  πŸ˜

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

You prappa lucky, first you met Rumjaat and now Nehru, what you talk OIL or RUM???

Naah ..about folks i know from his area in the homeland.

All two a dem know Gabadoo.

You know he is jine family .  Me thinks you are also jine family .

Let's work to make Anil , Prezi in 2025 , we will coach him to be cool and less rowdy , he have a majority of followers , he can overcome the hurdles.

Wham to 2020?

Spot taken by the new the house.

Amral posted:

Meh seh meh going to be in the Bronx next week, anybody wants to buy me a beer lol

Have to attend a Cowboy Birthday Party the coming Sat Night .

You have WhatsApp , will call you and possibly we can meet up Sunday, will buy how many beers you can drink. Will take 1 hrs 45 mins, to the Bronx from my neck of the woods, no heavy traffic.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Django wants to JOIN Bibi's family?? First was Nehru now the Bibs.

Bibi , is jine family thru my  Mamoo spouse, me think suh.

All awe ah one family, open the door leh the man come in!!!

Seriously most of the East Indians in Guyana are related by joined families.

Just for the record, I ain't related tuh any ah y'all lagu bagu. 

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:

Bibi , is jine family thru my  Mamoo spouse, me think suh.

All awe ah one family, open the door leh the man come in!!!

Seriously most of the East Indians in Guyana are related by joined families.

Just for the record, I ain't related tuh any ah y'all lagu bagu. 

And look what the cat 🐈 dragged in!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Django wants to JOIN Bibi's family?? First was Nehru now the Bibs.

Bibi , is jine family thru my  Mamoo spouse, me think suh.

All awe ah one family, open the door leh the man come in!!!

Seriously most of the East Indians in Guyana are related by joined families.

Just for the record, I ain't related tuh any ah y'all lagu bagu. 

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

All two a dem know Gabadoo.

You know he is jine family .  Me thinks you are also jine family .

Let's work to make Anil , Prezi in 2025 , we will coach him to be cool and less rowdy , he have a majority of followers , he can overcome the hurdles.

Well, now I’m sure the PNC bais realize Django is a rotten rope.  He ready to throw his weight behind his PPP family.  

Blood thicker than water dem seh!!

Sean posted:
alena06 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I don't know about this jine family thing, but I learned is that my mother's uncle and Ralph Ramkarran are first cousins.  Originally from De Kendren but lived most of their lives in Bel Air.

Hmmmm. πŸ˜€

More jine family now. Look what DJ and Nehru started here. 

So now you can start cuss BRB about his family.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sean posted:
alena06 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I don't know about this jine family thing, but I learned is that my mother's uncle and Ralph Ramkarran are first cousins.  Originally from De Kendren but lived most of their lives in Bel Air.

Hmmmm. πŸ˜€

More jine family now. Look what DJ and Nehru started here. 

So now you can start cuss BRB about his family.

Le me keep me mouth shut bhai! I does go around and mix with many GNI people and remain anonymous at the same time.  I want to keep that anonymity for more than one reason. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:
kp posted:

I wonder if everything is ok with Django, I see him making amends with all his enemies.  Or is he crossing the floor to join a winner.  Good luck deh, you see the light. Better late than never.

Keep ayuh finger crossed , not sure about that.

So Django, how was your lil pow wow with nehru? U find him to be an ok chap?

Sheik101 posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

I wonder if everything is ok with Django, I see him making amends with all his enemies.  Or is he crossing the floor to join a winner.  Good luck deh, you see the light. Better late than never.

Keep ayuh finger crossed , not sure about that.

So Django, how was your lil pow wow with nehru? U find him to be an ok chap?

Seems like a cool guy .


It was a real pleasure speaking to Bhai DJ. I have come to realize that people has different experiences and therefore can only relate to their experiences and knowledge at the time I have  not just experiences but FACTS about the atrocity, Barbarism, Undemocratic principles and a appetite for violence and thuggery of the PNC. So Bhai DJ is conversing based on his experience and knowledge and not only do I respect that but can understand his approach. As such, Bhai DJ will be able to express how he feels and what he thinks. I know his heart is in the right place and he means only good things for the Guyanese people.

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

He also attended boarding school in England like Stormy. Lol

Most Amerindians live their entire school lives in boarding schools. Boarding schools are not fun....unless the girls school is up the street!

The Catholic Church did that to re-educated them away from head-chopperism!

I do not know what you are saying...but then again I seldom do!

Nehru posted:

It was a real pleasure speaking to Bhai DJ. I have come to realize that people has different experiences and therefore can only relate to their experiences and knowledge at the time I have  not just experiences but FACTS about the atrocity, Barbarism, Undemocratic principles and a appetite for violence and thuggery of the PNC. So Bhai DJ is conversing based on his experience and knowledge and not only do I respect that but can understand his approach. As such, Bhai DJ will be able to express how he feels and what he thinks. I know his heart is in the right place and he means only good things for the Guyanese people.

Through you, can you arrange a meeting of DJ with Dr.Jagdeo and Dr.Ali, I think he would like that arrangement. Give him that as a Xmas gift.

kp posted:
Nehru posted:

It was a real pleasure speaking to Bhai DJ. I have come to realize that people has different experiences and therefore can only relate to their experiences and knowledge at the time I have  not just experiences but FACTS about the atrocity, Barbarism, Undemocratic principles and a appetite for violence and thuggery of the PNC. So Bhai DJ is conversing based on his experience and knowledge and not only do I respect that but can understand his approach. As such, Bhai DJ will be able to express how he feels and what he thinks. I know his heart is in the right place and he means only good things for the Guyanese people.

Through you, can you arrange a meeting of DJ with Dr.Jagdeo and Dr.Ali, I think he would like that arrangement. Give him that as a Xmas gift.

Sorry , will never accept, any others from the party will be fine.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Nehru posted:

It was a real pleasure speaking to Bhai DJ. I have come to realize that people has different experiences and therefore can only relate to their experiences and knowledge at the time I have  not just experiences but FACTS about the atrocity, Barbarism, Undemocratic principles and a appetite for violence and thuggery of the PNC. So Bhai DJ is conversing based on his experience and knowledge and not only do I respect that but can understand his approach. As such, Bhai DJ will be able to express how he feels and what he thinks. I know his heart is in the right place and he means only good things for the Guyanese people.

Through you, can you arrange a meeting of DJ with Dr.Jagdeo and Dr.Ali, I think he would like that arrangement. Give him that as a Xmas gift.

Sorry , will never accept, any others from the party will be fine.

If you contact Cde Nehru then Ali and Jagdeo looks like Saints. I never see or hear either of the two insulted you soon bad as the Big Mouth and yet you reached out.

alena06 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I suspect this Alena person is actually another character on this forum who has been in self-imposed exile for a while now.i

One Alena here since 15 years.  Go back and read my posts to clarify.  

Alena is one of the original members here. She lost her password a few years ago and re-registered under a similar nick. She is who she says she is. Never been suspended, speaks her mind and is a decent poster here.

Amral posted:
alena06 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I suspect this Alena person is actually another character on this forum who has been in self-imposed exile for a while now.i

One Alena here since 15 years.  Go back and read my posts to clarify.  

Alena is one of the original members here. She lost her password a few years ago and re-registered under a similar nick. She is who she says she is. Never been suspended, speaks her mind and is a decent poster here.

Thank you sir!! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

kp posted:

I wonder if everything is ok with Django, I see him making amends with all his enemies.  Or is he crossing the floor to join a winner.  Good luck deh, you see the light. Better late than never.

Django playing the political game guys he is a real politician. He has expressed an interest in taking over ownership of the Forum next July. So yall play nice

Amral posted:
kp posted:

I wonder if everything is ok with Django, I see him making amends with all his enemies.  Or is he crossing the floor to join a winner.  Good luck deh, you see the light. Better late than never.

Django playing the political game guys he is a real politician.

He has expressed an interest in taking over ownership of the Forum next July. So yall play nice

Bhai, why you had to leak the interest.


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