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Former Member
Folks, being on GNI for x amount of hours, from home, work and play time can cause mental strain, fatigue, stress or addiction to a person to used colored rope to end the happiness of life?         

Or, it's the other way around like irresistible, can't get enough, GNI too hot for me, talk name is good, or Stormy is like bacon on a stick?

What is you GNI experience?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

GNI was much more interactive several years ago when I first started. Many of the departed members were much more interesting than many we have today. Social was bustling with activity compares to now. Say what you wish but Reds left a void when she stopped frequenting GNI. Her youthfulness and courage kept Social alive. Today, Social is barely utilized and Political is mostly made up of PPP whiners and Coalition appeasers and apologists. My guess is that some of the Coalition backers have begun to back off after a seemingly disappointing start to the new government. Even Stormy who used to be so eloquent is showing signs of erosion. But this does not mean that GNI is forever done. Like everything else, new life can be infused into dying matter and the next wave of members may provide the necessary elements to facilitate it. GNI has been around for 20 years and will continue if the owner wishes to.

I think GNI is better than the old days.  The administrators must be thanked for all the upgrades they made to make the forum more user friendly.


When I participated back in the days there was much more personal insults than today.  Of course I used to be a main target because I posted under my real name and people used to attack my family; mostly my brother.  Safraz had to come in and personally ban 2 posters.  One attacked Odeen.  If people use their real names their families should not be brought in and they should not be personally degraded.  Attack the message not the person.  If I had to hide under an alias I would not post; that is just my position.

The problem VVP, is that some people are vicious who have no scruples about victimizing others. I believe someone called Reds' workplace which would be one if the lowest life things that anyone can do. Someone called another's spouse also. Maybe from that standpoint now is better but nowadays interacting is sadly absent. Except from the PPP whiners and Coalition appeasers and apologists. Them you have the snake who has clearly lost mind over the May 11th election results.
Originally Posted by ksazma:
The problem VVP, is that some people are vicious who have no scruples about victimizing others. I believe someone called Reds' workplace which would be one if the lowest life things that anyone can do. Someone called another's spouse also. Maybe from that standpoint now is better but nowadays interacting is sadly absent. Except from the PPP whiners and Coalition appeasers and apologists. Them you have the snake who has clearly lost mind over the May 11th election results.

Somebody (could be more than one) contacted my worked place twice within the last couple months.  I read that TK said that somebody contacted his workplace.  Yes, we do have rotten people reading or contributing here, but that is not going to deter me.  Whenever you are done I put in weeks of extra work free for the people of  NY and this is not "missing on my boss" so the rats could keep scourging. 

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
The problem VVP, is that some people are vicious who have no scruples about victimizing others. I believe someone called Reds' workplace which would be one if the lowest life things that anyone can do. Someone called another's spouse also. Maybe from that standpoint now is better but nowadays interacting is sadly absent. Except from the PPP whiners and Coalition appeasers and apologists. Them you have the snake who has clearly lost mind over the May 11th election results.

Somebody (could be more than one) contacted my worked place twice within the last couple months.  I read that TK said that somebody contacted his workplace.  Yes, we do have rotten people reading or contributing here, but that is not going to deter me.  Whenever you are done I put in weeks of extra work free for the people of  NY and this is not "missing on my boss" so the rats could keep scourging. 

Exactly what I mean. This should not be called Guyana Friends because there are no friends here. There are cohorts and every now and then, those cohorts become ex-cohorts and then the dutty stuff does fly. That is why I don't lose sleep on what happens on GNI. It is where I come to kill some time every now and then. And lately it has been a real circus.


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