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This Board has descended into dialog about what will happen the day after the elections and coercing and beating up of people during the electioneering days.


What I see is that the target of the beating up post-elections is Indians and the coercion and beating up is against Indians.


Can we see some evidence of this please? Or scientific conclusions that the blacks will beat up Indians once they lose (and show scientific evidence that blacks are running as blacks and they have a party in this race -as I believe GECOM has a coalition and not a black party as the other main party)

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Its truly sad to see the lengths that an intelligent person like you has to go to excuse/explain away the PNC's Beat/Kill Nuff Coolie policy.


You must be the only Indian from Guyana who is unaware or unconcerned about PNC anti-Indian violence. Elections and political protests almost always mean beat/rob/molest and sometimes kill coolie people.


The better response would have been to publicly dress down the two APNU morons who took it upon themselves to help APNU-AFC lose some Indian support today (if they had any substantial amount left that is)

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Evidence of what, Indians being beaten, molested and worst after every Election???  Go find it yourself. I did not know you are blind and deaf!!!!!!!!

Pavi, is it not too early to hit the bottle?

A shameless Nemakaram Daag like you will ALWAYS run from FACTS.  All people like you want is to be relevant, which is not something  you are capable of.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



Its truly sad to see the lengths that an intelligent person like you has to go to excuse/explain away the PNC's Beat/Kill Nuff Coolie policy.


You must be the only Indian from Guyana who is unaware or unconcerned about PNC anti-Indian violence. Elections and political protests almost always mean beat/rob/molest and sometimes kill coolie people.


The better response would have been to publicly dress down the two APNU morons who took it upon themselves to help APNU-AFC lose some Indian support today (if they had any substantial amount left that is)

YOu call that fool intelligent???  Bhai, When you are shameless as Kari, even blackpot pun yuh face cannot hide who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by Kari:

This Board has descended into dialog about what will happen the day after the elections and coercing and beating up of people during the electioneering days.


What I see is that the target of the beating up post-elections is Indians and the coercion and beating up is against Indians.


Can we see some evidence of this please? Or scientific conclusions that the blacks will beat up Indians once they lose (and show scientific evidence that blacks are running as blacks and they have a party in this race -as I believe GECOM has a coalition and not a black party as the other main party)

The mere fact that APNU AFC are embarking on an experiment which will FORCE the type of dialogue on ethnic insecurity and a drive to create solutions, is what terrifies the PPP and people like Shaitaan. 


They prefer the PPP led by people like Jagdeo who is currently engaging in Hutu like screams against Afro Guyanese.


Only problem is that as Guyana moves to becoming a land where Indians are 35%, Africans are 25% and almost every one else is mixed (excluding the 10% Amerindians) how does that help.  What it will do is drive the mixed population to the side which is less bigoted towards the notion of a multi ethnic identity.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



Its truly sad to see the lengths that an intelligent person like you has to go to excuse/explain away the PNC's Beat/Kill Nuff Coolie policy.



Now if you had any integrity and any REAL concern for Indians you would ask the following questions.


1.  When last has there been mass attacks on Indians by ordinary PNC supporters?  Answer 14 years ago.


2.  Given that APNU AFC is a multi ethnic constitution why would the PNC leadership hierarchy create an environment which will lead to multi ethnic attacks?


3.  Given that the fastest growing population in Guyana are people of African/Indian, or African/Amerindian mixes, in addition to the old African/European populations, why would the PNC encourage heir people to attack non blacks.


4.  How do you screams help Indians? 


5.  How come you don't see that the long term interests of Indians 9and every one else in Guyana, but you don't care about them) lie in developing some sort of multi ethnic environment where peoples of all ethnic groups feel that they have input. 


You do realize that in about 10 years Indians will be where Africans are today, a minority group, outnumbered by others.  So again how do you screams help Indians protect their interests?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



Its truly sad to see the lengths that an intelligent person like you has to go to excuse/explain away the PNC's Beat/Kill Nuff Coolie policy.


You must be the only Indian from Guyana who is unaware or unconcerned about PNC anti-Indian violence. Elections and political protests almost always mean beat/rob/molest and sometimes kill coolie people.


The better response would have been to publicly dress down the two APNU morons who took it upon themselves to help APNU-AFC lose some Indian support today (if they had any substantial amount left that is)


You must be the only Indian from Guyana who is unaware or unconcerned about PNC anti-Indian violence. Elections and political protests almost always mean beat/rob/molest and sometimes kill coolie people.


Very unintelligent and irresponsible statements.


I was blocking ballot boxes in 1973 and got tear-gassed.

I was in Guyana in January 1998 when the mobs were in Georgetown.


I saw GDF soldiers from Linden who were encamped in the strange land (to them) of Wakenaam and they were like aliens. You know, like Long Island white police terrorizing Blacks in Brooklyn or Coolies in Richmond Hill.


Don't come talking to me about history.


Noe let's talk the present. Which last election did blacks beat up Indians?

Originally Posted by Kari:

Noe let's talk the present. Which last election did blacks beat up Indians?

2001.  The PNC has stayed away from racial violence since then as they learned that it hurt their image.  Indeed the very creation of the AFC came from those mixed and blacks who didn't want to be connected to that thuggish image.  It was the refusal of the PNC to apologize for such behavior that led to Trotman resigning.


What people like Shaitaan and Jagdeo don't answer is how beating their tribal drums helps Indians in Guyana.  Every one can run off and beat these drums.  No one can express interested in discussing the root causes of ethnic angst and how this can be reduced.


And then we go right back to 1962-64. Problem is that Ravi Dev, Jagdeo, and Shaitaan will not be in the middle of that.


As I recall Indians, Africans and others suffered, and indeed Guyana is still locked into that era over 50 years later.


If instead of urinating on the PPP flag and then setting it on fire, that ill-bred, barbaric and uncivilized PNC woman had done the 'deed' on Dirty Moses, then she would have been excused.




* Go back and look at that video.


* Then vote for the PPP on May 11th with a clear conscience.





Originally Posted by Rev:

If instead of urinating on the PPP flag and then setting it on fire, that ill-bred, barbaric and uncivilized PNC woman had done the 'deed' on Dirty Moses, then she would have been excused.




* Go back and look at that video.


* Then vote for the PPP on May 11th with a clear conscience.





i have news for you i will shit on the ppp flag and i am more indian  than you 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Kari is correct the PPP through their semi literate peons have descended into spreading racial bile across all mediums in Guyanese society today, Facebook, GNI, the papers, NCN they are using every possible medium to spread hate.

Sensible Guyanese of all races know two things.


1.  Ethnic distrust has destroyed Guyana.


2.  Replacing discussion of how Guyanese can move BEYOND this distrust, with ethnic screams and demonization of other ethnic groups only helps a small self serving few.



The PPP will LOSE votes as a result of this.  As Kari said yesterday social media is having impact among younger voters.  For those who don't plan to leave Guyana they know full well that ethnic screams will not help their interests.  Intelligent discussion on the reasons for ethnic distrust will.


Why the PPP didn't select the second course of action is what might lead to their demise.  It is the APNU AFC which selected this course of action.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



Its truly sad to see the lengths that an intelligent person like you has to go to excuse/explain away the PNC's Beat/Kill Nuff Coolie policy.



Now if you had any integrity and any REAL concern for Indians you would ask the following questions.


1.  When last has there been mass attacks on Indians by ordinary PNC supporters?  Answer 14 years ago.


2.  Given that APNU AFC is a multi ethnic constitution why would the PNC leadership hierarchy create an environment which will lead to multi ethnic attacks?


3.  Given that the fastest growing population in Guyana are people of African/Indian, or African/Amerindian mixes, in addition to the old African/European populations, why would the PNC encourage heir people to attack non blacks.


4.  How do you screams help Indians? 


5.  How come you don't see that the long term interests of Indians 9and every one else in Guyana, but you don't care about them) lie in developing some sort of multi ethnic environment where peoples of all ethnic groups feel that they have input. 


You do realize that in about 10 years Indians will be where Africans are today, a minority group, outnumbered by others.  So again how do you screams help Indians protect their interests?

Carib,some of the guys here are in la la land

their view is Indos will be pun tap forever.


Originally Posted by caribny:

You do realize that in about 10 years Indians will be where Africans are today, a minority group, outnumbered by others.  So again how do you screams help Indians protect their interests?


carib bai:


* You are free to forecast what the Indian population in Guyana will be in 10 years. But 7 days from now (50+1)% of the Guyanese electorate will re-elect the PPP and PNC supporters like yourself will be bawling for murder.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

You do realize that in about 10 years Indians will be where Africans are today, a minority group, outnumbered by others.  So again how do you screams help Indians protect their interests?


carib bai:


* You are free to forecast what the Indian population in Guyana will be in 10 years. But 7 days from now (50+1)% of the Guyanese electorate will re-elect the PPP and PNC supporters like yourself will be bawling for murder.



Don't you get tired of that same ole tune?


try and lift your contribution to this discourse. If you want to propagandize go do so on Facebook where the bubble is intact and you will preach to the choir.

Originally Posted by Rev:

If instead of urinating on the PPP flag and then setting it on fire, that ill-bred, barbaric and uncivilized PNC woman had done the 'deed' on Dirty Moses, then she would have been excused.




* Go back and look at that video.


* Then vote for the PPP on May 11th with a clear conscience.






Originally Posted by Nehru:

Evidence of what, Indians being beaten, molested and worst after every Election???  Go find it yourself. I did not know you are blind and deaf!!!!!!!!

WHO beating the East Indians?


YES, let us hear, the HOUSE of Isreal THUGS and stay with me NEHRU.  WHO owns them since 1999?


Yes, the PPP.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Rev:

If instead of urinating on the PPP flag and then setting it on fire, that ill-bred, barbaric and uncivilized PNC woman had done the 'deed' on Dirty Moses, then she would have been excused.




* Go back and look at that video.


* Then vote for the PPP on May 11th with a clear conscience.






Or better yet attack any Indian female who dares to support some one other than the PPP.


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