Good work by the young man Kaz
Good work by the young man Kaz
btw, yall ease up on the personal stuff...revealing names, ages etc...or I might have to close this thread
kp posted:Baseman it's time you stop this personal thing between you and Bibi on GNI, move on with your life, don't be so bitter. Your posting has become an organ that is out of tune, over and over again.
Listen banna, alyuh funny rass. I donât know if you follow the trail and how I ended up back on this site. As long as that b1tch keeps with her lies and derogatory statements about me, I will give it back in full glory. So get used to it! I ainât going nowhere. I did not start this!!
Baseman posted:ksazma posted:Nehru posted:Bibi Darling, keep on doing great things. God bless you.
Bai, soon as you see Bibi gat good aspects, yuh leh leh ah drip
Nehru is not allowed, and he knows what I mean!!
What happen Dog bite Uncle Nehru??):
Some people dont know when to stop
Nehru posted:ksazma posted:While y'all quarrel, check this out. My boy took a PSAT last week and scored 1340 out of 1440 points. He got 650 of 720 in math and 690 of 720 in reading. He scored in the 99 percentile range nationwide. He is a HS freshman.
Congrats to your son. This is a great achievement. Treat the Kid to a Maxima/Toyota.
Bai, de bai is only 14.
Like Florida gat good schools. I am sure he will do even better on the real thing.
Riff posted:Good work by the young man Kaz
Very good
maybe I drink too much, become power drunk, and close all GNI threads
Prince posted:Please nominate your most admired poster to be crowned "GNIer-2017" in the following categories.
1. For the most cuss words used
2. The most Racist - on both extreme
3. Gentlemen/women with impeccable character
4. Pretty Woman with good/bad character
5. The best Gossiper (men or women)
The winner and follow-ups will be announced before Christmas 2017.
Cuss Words - Nehru
Racist - close between kp and yugi
Impeccable Character - Gilbaka
Woman (don't know how they look) with character: tie between Curly Sue and Marcy
Best Gossiper: Bibi
Wait, Namakaram Crabdaag ah cuss words???):
Riff posted:Prince posted:Please nominate your most admired poster to be crowned "GNIer-2017" in the following categories.
1. For the most cuss words used
2. The most Racist - on both extreme
3. Gentlemen/women with impeccable character
4. Pretty Woman with good/bad character
5. The best Gossiper (men or women)
The winner and follow-ups will be announced before Christmas 2017.
Cuss Words - Nehru
Racist - close between kp and yugi
Impeccable Character - Gilbaka
Woman (don't know how they look) with character: tie between Curly Sue and Marcy
Best Gossiper: Bibi
You definitely inviting trouble. Good choice, anyway.
Al Yuh leave my Girl Bibi in peace nah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nehru posted:Al Yuh leave my Girl Bibi in peace nah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Princess Di was entertaining and intolerable but not as bad madam secretary.
Riff posted:Prince posted:Please nominate your most admired poster to be crowned "GNIer-2017" in the following categories.
1. For the most cuss words used
2. The most Racist - on both extreme
3. Gentlemen/women with impeccable character
4. Pretty Woman with good/bad character
5. The best Gossiper (men or women)
The winner and follow-ups will be announced before Christmas 2017.
Cuss Words - Nehru
Racist - close between kp and yugi
Impeccable Character - Gilbaka
Woman (don't know how they look) with character: tie between Curly Sue and Marcy
Best Gossiper: Bibi
You calling me a racist, let's settle this outside.
Django posted:ksazma posted:While y'all quarrel, check this out. My boy took a PSAT last week and scored 1340 out of 1440 points. He got 650 of 720 in math and 690 of 720 in reading. He scored in the 99 percentile range nationwide. He is a HS freshman.
Congrats to your son.
One of the kids,i gave a second chance just finished her Bachelors Degree at UCONN,heading towards Masters next semester.
That's real cool. Congrats to her. I too would like my daughter to finish soon. The past year has been slower because of scheduling difficulties.
Baseman posted:ksazma posted:While y'all quarrel, check this out. My boy took a PSAT last week and scored 1340 out of 1440 points. He got 650 of 720 in math and 690 of 720 in reading. He scored in the 99 percentile range nationwide. He is a HS freshman.
Congrats to the boy. I got a call from my nephew in Ga few days ago, elated, got admitted to Harvard.
He never went to Guyana but wants to do work there. I might need to pull my PNC connections!! Spoke to Barbra Atherly for his Guyana passport!!
Congrats to your nephew. Harvard offer is quite impressive. I would advise him to stay away from Guyana though. Not worth it.
ksazma posted:While y'all quarrel, check this out. My boy took a PSAT last week and scored 1340 out of 1440 points. He got 650 of 720 in math and 690 of 720 in reading. He scored in the 99 percentile range nationwide. He is a HS freshman.
Smarty pants son. My little one took it too, but I think it is out of 1520. She has started SAT prep classes and surprisingly her SAT scores are better than the PSAT on the practice SAT tests. Sometimes it's all about the art of test taking, I also am a firm believer that no single test is an accurate measure.
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