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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Mara, Please check "Dialogs".

Mits,   Checked   two  pages  but couldn't  find  "Dialogs"


In  any  event,  how  hypocritical can one  be! During  the dog  days of  he  Kabaka's  era,  it  was the  few moral  and upstanding officers  who  dared  to  buck  the  trend and stood  up against  tyranny & injustice that  give   'Mr. Goat-aint-bite-me' and  his  ilk  a fighting  chance. As  HA Minister, Rohee ought to  know the  difference    between   Standing  Orders  and  Force  Order of  an unethical and   morally  bankrupt oaf  of a COP. In any  event when Public  interest ,  accountability, ethics and moral decency  are  at  stake only  a  robotic fool  would  seek  refuge  in ' Standing  Orders. 

Originally Posted by kidmost:

if Rohee is a tiefman how come he does dress like a poor man ? PPP Deception ? or just plain cheap skate ?

That is learned behaviour from days spent around in the areas around Metropole and Strand.  Always trying to blend into the environment so that business can get done without alerting anyone.


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