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Muslim Religious Leader says Saying “Merry Christmas” is Worse than Murder [VIDEO]

By all means, let's bring more Muslim "refugees" who are unwilling to assimilate to America.|By 100% FED Up
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ba$eman posted:

Anyone who looks/dresses like that should not be given a visa to visit!

How much more nutty than this can you get?  You will ban someone based on looks and dress?  I can understand if they say something that sounds like a terrorist.

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:

Anyone who looks/dresses like that should not be given a visa to visit!

How much more nutty than this can you get?  You will ban someone based on looks and dress?  I can understand if they say something that sounds like a terrorist.

At the present moment, beware of radical Islamists!  I would not go so far though, just set up that registry!

ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:

Anyone who looks/dresses like that should not be given a visa to visit!

How much more nutty than this can you get?  You will ban someone based on looks and dress?  I can understand if they say something that sounds like a terrorist.

At the present moment, beware of radical Islamists!  I would not go so far though, just set up that registry!

I do not disagree that there are some really whacky people out there that need to be monitored including the KKK.

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:

At the present moment, beware of radical Islamists!  I would not go so far though, just set up that registry!

I do not disagree that there are some really whacky people out there that need to be monitored including the KKK.

The KKK says they are no longer anti-Black, just pro-White.  The KKK is not an existential threat to Western values and civilization, Islamist are!

ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:

At the present moment, beware of radical Islamists!  I would not go so far though, just set up that registry!

I do not disagree that there are some really whacky people out there that need to be monitored including the KKK.

The KKK says they are no longer anti-Black, just pro-White.  The KKK is not an existential threat to Western values and civilization, Islamist are!

Until they are ready to take out a building in Oklahoma.

ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:

At the present moment, beware of radical Islamists!  I would not go so far though, just set up that registry!

I do not disagree that there are some really whacky people out there that need to be monitored including the KKK.

The KKK says they are no longer anti-Black, just pro-White.  The KKK is not an existential threat to Western values and civilization, Islamist are!

you one ah dem Jim Jones kool aid drinkers


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