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If Jagdeo were to disappear, you realize that the majority of Corentyne  East Indians will have no one to speak on their behalf. In Jagdeo/Ramotar Presidency, it was us and them. Now, Granger took over, the us and them changed sides. I hope u r seeing the Granger us.


Granger did promise a change. Unfortunately, he din tell the people the change. Everyone think it was going to be inclusive.


We can never move away from divisional politics, the politicians won't let us. The us, that should really count.

Originally Posted by seignet:

If Jagdeo were to disappear, you realize that the majority of Corentyne  East Indians will have no one to speak on their behalf. In Jagdeo/Ramotar Presidency, it was us and them. Now, Granger took over, the us and them changed sides. I hope u r seeing the Granger us.


Granger did promise a change. Unfortunately, he din tell the people the change. Everyone think it was going to be inclusive.


We can never move away from divisional politics, the politicians won't let us. The us, that should really count.

Thank you Sir.  But people like Chief who stood by Burnham and sold the Snakeoil to the POOR Guyanese People to give the Coalition a chance and you will see Inclusiveness, shared responsibility and other goodies. Today these Shameless People are trying to tell us all their expectations are being fullfilled.  Will you Trust such individuals with a black Jill???/

Originally Posted by seignet:

If Jagdeo were to disappear, you realize that the majority of Corentyne  East Indians will have no one to speak on their behalf. In Jagdeo/Ramotar Presidency, it was us and them. Now, Granger took over, the us and them changed sides. I hope u r seeing the Granger us.


Granger did promise a change. Unfortunately, he din tell the people the change. Everyone think it was going to be inclusive.


We can never move away from divisional politics, the politicians won't let us. The us, that should really count.

Too early to make the above  call.

Give it some time before we start talking about exclusions.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Buddy Nehru this month is  30 years sine Mr. Burnham died.

Let's address the crrent crop of leaders that we have today.

The people of Guyana voted race in the last elections and by a mere point the coalition won. Let's stop the divisional game that the PPP loved to play and move on in making Guyana a better place.

I thought that is what the coalition was suppose to bring to the Table.  Most non PNC Guyanese I talked to that voted for the coalition ARE DEEPLY DISAPPOINTED!! 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by seignet:

If Jagdeo were to disappear, you realize that the majority of Corentyne  East Indians will have no one to speak on their behalf. In Jagdeo/Ramotar Presidency, it was us and them. Now, Granger took over, the us and them changed sides. I hope u r seeing the Granger us.


Granger did promise a change. Unfortunately, he din tell the people the change. Everyone think it was going to be inclusive.


We can never move away from divisional politics, the politicians won't let us. The us, that should really count.

Too early to make the above  call.

Give it some time before we start talking about exclusions.

Is not so much the exclusions. It is representation, and the Corentyne East Indians wants Jagdeo to speak for them. Whatever chance Nagamoottoo and Ramjattan had has flown-in Ramjattan's own words, dead meat-both those men.


They can turn things around on the Corentyne, but it must come as a clear cut initiative from their intellect.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Buddy Nehru this month is  30 years sine Mr. Burnham died.

Let's address the crrent crop of leaders that we have today.

The people of Guyana voted race in the last elections and by a mere point the coalition won. Let's stop the divisional game that the PPP loved to play and move on in making Guyana a better place.

I thought that is what the coalition was suppose to bring to the Table.  Most non PNC Guyanese I talked to that voted for the coalition ARE DEEPLY DISAPPOINTED!! 

I have to agree with you on this quite a number of folks who voted against the PPP are not satisfy with the pace of how things are moving and secondly the the quality of Ministers that was chosen.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by seignet:

If Jagdeo were to disappear, you realize that the majority of Corentyne  East Indians will have no one to speak on their behalf. In Jagdeo/Ramotar Presidency, it was us and them. Now, Granger took over, the us and them changed sides. I hope u r seeing the Granger us.


Granger did promise a change. Unfortunately, he din tell the people the change. Everyone think it was going to be inclusive.


We can never move away from divisional politics, the politicians won't let us. The us, that should really count.

Too early to make the above  call.

Give it some time before we start talking about exclusions.

Is not so much the exclusions. It is representation, and the Corentyne East Indians wants Jagdeo to speak for them. Whatever chance Nagamoottoo and Ramjattan had has flown-in Ramjattan's own words, dead meat-both those men.


They can turn things around on the Corentyne, but it must come as a clear cut initiative from their intellect.

if the indians in corentyne feel that only bar--rat can represent them they need to form a collie state it will be fun to see who will thief from who 


Ramsammy says all Indian Guyanese insulted

Leader of the Opposition and former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Leader of the Opposition and former President Bharrat Jagdeo

“Coolie Bully” racist slur

 â€Ķdemands Nagamootoo resigns

 â€œPrime Minister Moses Nagamootoo cannot excuse himself – he insulted not only the Leader of the Opposition, he insulted all Guyanese East Indians and East Indians everywhere. Calling former President Bharrat Jagdeo a “coolie bully” is not only derogatory to Jagdeo, but is deeply injurious to all East Indians and is a fatal blow to the efforts of many to promote unity of Guyanese people.” This is according to former Health Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy in the wake of the comment made by the Prime Minister on Friday during the Budget debate.

He said even as the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) continued to “self-righteously proclaim that they want a unified nation and they are willing to work for unity, Moses Nagamootoo exposes the racist slant of APNU/AFC. In case anyone thinks I am going overboard and I am being too sensitive, imagine someone from the PPP/C calling any of the prominent African Guyanese leaders in APNU/AFC a “****** bully”. There will be such an outrage and vigorous calls for him or her to be charged for racist remarks. The call for that person’s resignation from Parliament would blare on all TV stations and radio stations and would occupy the headlines of all our newspapers.”

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ramsammy says all Indian Guyanese insulted

Leader of the Opposition and former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Leader of the Opposition and former President Bharrat Jagdeo

“Coolie Bully” racist slur

 â€Ķdemands Nagamootoo resigns

 â€œPrime Minister Moses Nagamootoo cannot excuse himself – he insulted not only the Leader of the Opposition, he insulted all Guyanese East Indians and East Indians everywhere. Calling former President Bharrat Jagdeo a “coolie bully” is not only derogatory to Jagdeo, but is deeply injurious to all East Indians and is a fatal blow to the efforts of many to promote unity of Guyanese people.” This is according to former Health Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy in the wake of the comment made by the Prime Minister on Friday during the Budget debate.

He said even as the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) continued to “self-righteously proclaim that they want a unified nation and they are willing to work for unity, Moses Nagamootoo exposes the racist slant of APNU/AFC. In case anyone thinks I am going overboard and I am being too sensitive, imagine someone from the PPP/C calling any of the prominent African Guyanese leaders in APNU/AFC a “****** bully”. There will be such an outrage and vigorous calls for him or her to be charged for racist remarks. The call for that person’s resignation from Parliament would blare on all TV stations and radio stations and would occupy the headlines of all our newspapers.”

the only collie that feel insult is the ppp losers 

 hours ago

Nagamootoo’s self hateâ€Ķ

â€Ķand the Indian “N” word

Your Eyewitness was shocked – but not surprised – that Moses Nagamootoo, Vice President and Prime Minister of Guyana used the racially offensive term “Coolie” to describe former President BharratJagdeo. And of all places – the National Assembly of Guyana. But US President Barrack Obama did say, “you can put lipstick on a pigâ€Ķbut it’s still a pig”, no?

Nagamootoo always presented an image of crassness and crudeness and even as he hurled accusations of the same at Jagdeo, his Neanderthal intonations and hate-contorted face made it clear he was projecting his tortured inner demons. Here in the 21st century, with the charges of ethnic and racial discriminations flying furiously in our country – and the same beamed in from the U.S. daily, – what kind of man would descend into such despicable gutter language?

A man who could boast in the same hallowed halls of Parliament, that he yelled at his grandson, “shut yuh so-and-so mouth!!”. That’s who. A man who could gratuitously inform a New York audience that, honoured by the Global Organisation of People’s of Indian Origin, he told them, “I am not an Indian”. That’s who. A man who is so lacking in self esteem that he projects his self hate on the group he came out of. That’s who.

Nagamootoo tried to share blame for the use of the odious term “Coolie” by noting that it had been used by Joey Jagan, who was in the visitor’s gallery as he spewed his hatred at Jagdeo. It was true that DrJagan’s prodigal son had uttered the words “Coolie Bully” to Jagdeo during the last elections. But most folks dismiss Joey Jagan with a rueful shake of the head and a muttered “Da chap head na good”! What’s Nagamootoo’s excuse?

Well, he could always say he was singing for his supper! Guyanese know that with even neutral observers like Clairmont Lye condemning the ethnic discriminatory actions of the APNU/AFC government, it’s two Indians -Nagamootoo and Ramjattan who’ve been tasked to rebut. But it’s more than that. Nagamootoo (and Ramjattan) are so filled with self-hate that they hope their Uncle Tom’s behaviour will redeem their lost psyches.

Then there’s what Nietzsche described with the French term, “ressentiment”. “The man of ressentiment is neither upright nor naive nor honest and straightforward with himself. His soul squints; his spirit loves hiding places, secret paths and back doorsâ€Ķhe understands how to keep silent, how not to forget, how to wait.”

The “Coolie” slur is only the beginning: the ressentiment of Nagamootoo will continue to boil over. Beware!!


â€Ķand obsessive comparison with others

For the man of low self-esteem and self hate like Nagamootoo, he’ll constantly be comparing himself with those around himâ€Ķas he constantly looks for “slights and put downs” – which sadly are all mostly in his own fevered mind. Take his “explanation” as to why he insisted that he get a raise – which is not ACTUALLY a 100% raise so it’s OK!!

The man (OKâ€Ķyour Eyewitness knows he’s taking liberties with the term!!) actually had the temerity to announce that he just wanted $100 (doesn’t matter is its U.S. or GY) more than the AG!!!

Can you believe it? This is straight from the psychiatrist’s couch! Why does his salary have to be greater than the AG’s. Why does this irk him so? HE IS PM and VP!!

And for a man with no self esteem, the salary discrepancy eats away at his mental equilibrium like a canker.

Nagamootoo’s one sick dude!


â€Ķand pitiful self denial

And why was Nagamootoo so pi55ed at Jagdeo? Well that’s his default state since Jagdeo accepted to return to Parliament as Opposition Leader. How’s you feel, dear reader, to see the fella who bitched slapped you senseless for a decade right in front of you!!



Rohee endorses Jagdeo statement that PPP is a ‘coolie people’ party

March 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

–    Says Afro Guyanese should welcome statement


General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, yesterday supported the statements made by his comrade, Bharrat Jagdeo, to the effect that the incumbent party is a “coolie people” party.


PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee


As he hosted the PPP’s weekly press conference at Freedom House Robb Street, Georgetown, Rohee said that he saw nothing wrong with former President Jagdeo’s allusion to the PPP as a coolie people party.

Jagdeo made this statement on Sunday when he spoke at the memorial service held in honour of former President and founder member of the PPP, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan at Babu Jaan, Corentyne, Berbice.
Jagdeo, who is known to speak rashly at this yearly forum, told thousands who gathered at the event that the “opposition” whispers to its supporters, “Let us throw out the coolie people.”

Jagdeo added that the opposition “consistently shouts about the racism of the PPP but they practice racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro villages and beat some drums at six in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up and go out and vote.”

Yesterday Rohee was questioned as to whether he supported the statements made by his comrade and he responded in the affirmative.
Rohee said that PPP is indeed a “coolie people” party as it is “overwhelmingly supported by Indians.”

Asked if he considered the impact such a statement can have on PPP supporters who are of another race, Rohee said that he doesn’t see that any harm can be caused.

He even told media operatives that PPP supporters who are Afro-Guyanese should welcome the statement as it is forthright.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

De Cheese Thief

get the PPP Crab Louse

The Arrival [Stabroek News photo) 

to overturn the

The Brown Paper Bag: No Love for Donald

Decision of the PPP Voters

Just Imagine 100% PPP supporters Voted for

Donald Ramotar - to be

The PPP Presidential Candidate,


Elizabeth Harper - to be

De PPP Prime Ministerial Candidate,


Donald Ramotar - to be

The PPP Head of the Electoral List....


and De Cheese Thief say....


Donald & Elizabeth Harper

Must not be..... 




"â€Ķand obsessive comparison with others

For the man of low self-esteem and self hate like Nagamootoo, he’ll constantly be comparing himself with those around himâ€Ķas he constantly looks for “slights and put downs” – which sadly are all mostly in his own fevered mind. Take his “explanation” as to why he insisted that he get a raise – which is not ACTUALLY a 100% raise so it’s OK!!"


"Nagamootoo tried to share blame for the use of the odious term “Coolie” by noting that it had been used by Joey Jagan, who was in the visitor’s gallery as he spewed his hatred at Jagdeo. It was true that DrJagan’s prodigal son had uttered the words “Coolie Bully” to Jagdeo during the last elections. But most folks dismiss Joey Jagan with a rueful shake of the head and a muttered “Da chap head na good”! What’s Nagamootoo’s excuse?"

Originally Posted by yuji22:

"Nagamootoo tried to share blame for the use of the odious term “Coolie” by noting that it had been used by Joey Jagan, who was in the visitor’s gallery as he spewed his hatred at Jagdeo. It was true that DrJagan’s prodigal son had uttered the words “Coolie Bully” to Jagdeo during the last elections. But most folks dismiss Joey Jagan with a rueful shake of the head and a muttered “Da chap head na good”! What’s Nagamootoo’s excuse?"

forget about Joey Jagan u eliding klown . . . why don't you want to talk about the "coolie" statements of:



Originally Posted by yuji22:

"Nagamootoo tried to share blame for the use of the odious term “Coolie” by noting that it had been used by Joey Jagan, who was in the visitor’s gallery as he spewed his hatred at Jagdeo.

It was true that DrJagan’s prodigal son had uttered the words “Coolie Bully” to Jagdeo during the last elections.

But most folks dismiss Joey Jagan with a rueful shake of the head and a muttered

“Da chap head na good”!

What’s Nagamootoo’s excuse?"

Jagdeo Lo-lo Fuse Tripping......


Why did he put Varshnie out de Bed?

Why did he get in bed with Kwame?


Originally Posted by redux:

Rohee endorses Jagdeo statement that PPP is a ‘coolie people’ party

March 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

–    Says Afro Guyanese should welcome statement


General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, yesterday supported the statements made by his comrade, Bharrat Jagdeo, to the effect that the incumbent party is a “coolie people” party.


PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee


As he hosted the PPP’s weekly press conference at Freedom House Robb Street, Georgetown, Rohee said that he saw nothing wrong with former President Jagdeo’s allusion to the PPP as a coolie people party.

Jagdeo made this statement on Sunday when he spoke at the memorial service held in honour of former President and founder member of the PPP, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan at Babu Jaan, Corentyne, Berbice.
Jagdeo, who is known to speak rashly at this yearly forum, told thousands who gathered at the event that the “opposition” whispers to its supporters, “Let us throw out the coolie people.”

Jagdeo added that the opposition “consistently shouts about the racism of the PPP but they practice racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro villages and beat some drums at six in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up and go out and vote.”

Yesterday Rohee was questioned as to whether he supported the statements made by his comrade and he responded in the affirmative.
Rohee said that PPP is indeed a “coolie people” party as it is “overwhelmingly supported by Indians.”

Asked if he considered the impact such a statement can have on PPP supporters who are of another race, Rohee said that he doesn’t see that any harm can be caused.

He even told media operatives that PPP supporters who are Afro-Guyanese should welcome the statement as it is forthright.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by redux:

Rohee endorses Jagdeo statement that PPP is a ‘coolie people’ party

March 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

–    Says Afro Guyanese should welcome statement


General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, yesterday supported the statements made by his comrade, Bharrat Jagdeo, to the effect that the incumbent party is a “coolie people” party.


PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee


As he hosted the PPP’s weekly press conference at Freedom House Robb Street, Georgetown, Rohee said that he saw nothing wrong with former President Jagdeo’s allusion to the PPP as a coolie people party.

Jagdeo made this statement on Sunday when he spoke at the memorial service held in honour of former President and founder member of the PPP, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan at Babu Jaan, Corentyne, Berbice.
Jagdeo, who is known to speak rashly at this yearly forum, told thousands who gathered at the event that the “opposition” whispers to its supporters, “Let us throw out the coolie people.”

Jagdeo added that the opposition “consistently shouts about the racism of the PPP but they practice racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro villages and beat some drums at six in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up and go out and vote.”

Yesterday Rohee was questioned as to whether he supported the statements made by his comrade and he responded in the affirmative.
Rohee said that PPP is indeed a “coolie people” party as it is “overwhelmingly supported by Indians.”

Asked if he considered the impact such a statement can have on PPP supporters who are of another race, Rohee said that he doesn’t see that any harm can be caused.

He even told media operatives that PPP supporters who are Afro-Guyanese should welcome the statement as it is forthright.




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