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Chief posted:


Second time for the day you are addressing my respose and fail to address what I am responding to.

GO find your reading glS and read lowly what Wally posted.

Please note that both Wally aND Gilly were insiders.

Insiders who are false prophets!   The nonsense I see coming from some of these guys is mind boggling.  

Bibi Haniffa
Chief posted:


There is a difference when you have a spouse.

Further she's looked upon by both educated and uneducated InDian women as a God. She not only betrayed them she also betrayed herself for she preaching how blackman bad and in the meantime she was taking Lar from them including LFSB.


Joey and Nadira Jagan need to slap you with a character defamation lawsuit about their mother. You are beyond shameless just like that Jalil who wasted his crazy ass life telling lies about people.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:
 Didn't you see that? Regarding Miles, you're hereby advised not to perpetuate a malicious rumor.

Oh this is new.  In fact rumor had it that she had liaisons with Burnham at the sea wall and was terrified when she got pregnant with Joey.

Deprived of access to black men with the PPP split, no wonder she developed extreme hatred to the community.

I thought this racist liar said he was quitting GNI.  Now the board is going to be contaminated again.

Going to be contaminated? This board is contaminated by some who do not believe in Democracy..they are pissed at any Indian who did not vote for their beloved moron.

ball posted:

Man ayo know whey who lar hit who poke like ayo know bin dey now tell abby who lar lar hit ayo poke and who poke gee way fo free, who knows not what they know not, people too busy wid who poke getting lar, bess them get poke fo them own self. Peel plantain if not banana or yam.. (0)-(0)

I don't understand what this means. Write English Balwinder Simgh.

Last edited by Prashad
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:


Second time for the day you are addressing my respose and fail to address what I am responding to.

GO find your reading glS and read lowly what Wally posted.

Please note that both Wally aND Gilly were insiders.

Insiders who are false prophets!   The nonsense I see coming from some of these guys is mind boggling.  

Wally should tell you about his famous clash with Comrade Janet in the Torani ferry. That brouhaha reportedly caused a tsunami in the Berbice river.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:


Second time for the day you are addressing my respose and fail to address what I am responding to.

GO find your reading glS and read lowly what Wally posted.

Please note that both Wally aND Gilly were insiders.

Insiders who are false prophets!   The nonsense I see coming from some of these guys is mind boggling.  

Wally should tell you about his famous clash with Comrade Janet in the Torani ferry. That brouhaha reportedly caused a tsunami in the Berbice river.

I suspect and strongly believe that Wally had the hots for Mrs. Jagan and he was rudely rebuffed and rejected. That's the reason for his hate and accusing the great lady of infidelity. Shame on you Wally. Maybe Brother Keith needs to sermon you up on "fleshly desires and its downfall".

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:

Skeldon man says that is corrupt and dishonesty.

No.  He never said that about Janet.  He said that about the new cronies who are about to become billionaires.

What foresight, Guyana should have been reaping this oil 15 years ago but the communist blue eye bousjie was the one who was stalling this american investment.

skeldon_man posted:
I suspect and strongly believe that Wally had the hots for Mrs. Jagan and he was rudely rebuffed and rejected. That's the reason for his hate and accusing the great lady of infidelity. Shame on you Wally. Maybe Brother Keith needs to sermon you up on "fleshly desires and its downfall".

Far from that, bai. It was simply a clash between a political leader and her follower.

KishanB posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:

Skeldon man says that is corrupt and dishonesty.

No.  He never said that about Janet.  He said that about the new cronies who are about to become billionaires.

What foresight, Guyana should have been reaping this oil 15 years ago but the communist blue eye bousjie was the one who was stalling this american investment.

Do you still live in the Bahamas, MN, NY or Guyana bai? did your faddah seh dis about the blue eye boujie?

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
I suspect and strongly believe that Wally had the hots for Mrs. Jagan and he was rudely rebuffed and rejected. That's the reason for his hate and accusing the great lady of infidelity. Shame on you Wally. Maybe Brother Keith needs to sermon you up on "fleshly desires and its downfall".

Far from that, bai. It was simply a clash between a political leader and her follower.

Arite. Me believe you.

Chief posted:


Read this thread once again.

PPP insiders are say that our Mai took it from anyone who wanted to give.

I do not know anything aout Mai or your Pa.

THE late Jalil was very closed to them so he knew their inner runnings.

Jalil was a mentally ill imposter who pretended he knew people he didn't now, and made up crazy stories for some of the hyenas on GNI to jump up and down.  Maybe he drank too much raw blood from the butcher shop and his brain got infected.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prashad posted:

Even in death Janet Jagan life's work continues to help the nation of Guyana. Janet Jagan is the mother of the Guyanese Nation.

From her grave she is making the PNC boys billionaires!

And what good is this?  Was this her plan all along when she was humping Burnham - to make the PNC bwoys into billionaires and make them PPP crouulie into paupers?

Georgie posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prashad posted:

Even in death Janet Jagan life's work continues to help the nation of Guyana. Janet Jagan is the mother of the Guyanese Nation.

From her grave she is making the PNC boys billionaires!

And what good is this?  Was this her plan all along when she was humping Burnham - to make the PNC bwoys into billionaires and make them PPP crouulie into paupers?

Georgie, My faddah seh I should go and visit you in St. Martin MN. Me faddah seh he nah know no coolie man livin in St Martin MN. Or maybe he said the Bahamas. I'll have to ask him.


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