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Annandale PPP group distributes 350 kites


MINISTER of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall yesterday distributed 350 kites on behalf of the Annandale group of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to children for Easter.

Nandlall as he presented a kite to a child yesterday at Freedom House at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara

Nandlall as he presented a kite to a child yesterday at Freedom House at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara

The event took place at the PPP’s office at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, where Nandlall was on hand to share out the colourful kites to the long lines of children, who had gathered. He said that they have acquired 350 kites in varying sizes and colours from the PPP group and members of the business community of Annandale and it is an annual event which dated back to 15 years ago since President Bharrat Jagdeo was in office. Nandlall added that last year President Donald Ramotar under the Office of the President made the donation of kites to children in the community but this year the budget was slashed so there is an unavailability of funds.

These boys extremely happy with their new kites

These boys extremely happy with their new kites

The children, who received kites are from Buxton, Annandale and Lusignan, also on the East Coast Demerara. Some of the children, who received kites, told the Guyana Chronicle that every year they look forward for the occasion in which they are gifted kites for the Easter holidays and were very pleased with t

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Originally Posted by Chief:

Any good act must be commended, regardless of the organization.

So yes God do bless the PYO.

really now? . . . the PPP tief day and night, and continue to plot and inflict all manner of evil upon the people; and then . . .


@ Easter, these cynical, wicked men (and their proxies) shower and walk among the oppressed, staging an INSUBSTANTIAL photo-op handing out kites; and y'all rub y'all eyes, line up with the GINA crowd and scream "God Bless, God Bless . . ."


this is the kind of behavior u expect from the beaten-down subjects of Herod in the time of Jesus


what's your excuse?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

Any good act must be commended, regardless of the organization.

So yes God do bless the PYO.

them PPP tiefman giving back pittance is god's work? 350 paper kites they possibly paid some other PPPIte to make at a handsome profit? Get real.

Last edited by Former Member

It's time for government to allow the private sector breathe. Leaders will come from academia and industry. Guyana needs a PYO like a sore lip. Do we need a PYO to train leaders? C'mon this is the 21st century. God has other things to go bless. Nehru, shut yuh behind and grow to to the modern world. PYO my ass....yuh just spewing clap trap from an old age.

Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time for government to allow the private sector breathe. Leaders will come from academia and industry. Guyana needs a PYO like a sore lip. Do we need a PYO to train leaders? C'mon this is the 21st century. God has other things to go bless. Nehru, shut yuh behind and grow to to the modern world. PYO my ass....yuh just spewing clap trap from an old age.

Seriously, sometimes I does wonder if you really educated as you claim. Why is there Young Democrats and Young Republicans Party. Why every bloody College has a Mini Democratic and Republican Party????   Bannas, if shit eat out yuh brains it will be advisable to take your time before you post!!!

Originally Posted by Stinger:
Like Redux said, couple papuh kites excite dese GNI PPP louses

Why OhNandalala dint share out lil milk & cookies instead?

Compare to a stinking Batty Boy like you, a louse is like a Diamond!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time for government to allow the private sector breathe. Leaders will come from academia and industry. Guyana needs a PYO like a sore lip. Do we need a PYO to train leaders? C'mon this is the 21st century. God has other things to go bless. Nehru, shut yuh behind and grow to to the modern world. PYO my ass....yuh just spewing clap trap from an old age.

Seriously, sometimes I does wonder if you really educated as you claim. Why is there Young Democrats and Young Republicans Party. Why every bloody College has a Mini Democratic and Republican Party????   Bannas, if shit eat out yuh brains it will be advisable to take your time before you post!!!

Now what in the above from you is "educated"? Do you think the giving away of paper kites ( usually from the OP budget!) is to alleviate any basic need? It is " see the beneficence of the great PPP in action; is giving you kites".


It is to elicit the latent need  in people to feel a sense of reciprocal obligation and return the favor with votes. They are hitting Amerinds and areas where they need help. This strategy of giving up pittance and gaining trust is invidious.


It dilutes what would be normal, an examination of the permanency of oppressive poverty among these groups and instead they succumb to  pluralistic ignorance. Nandalal even has the gall to suggest that the budget cutting prevents them from doing more! Imagine that, a 50 cent paper kite is affected by those brutes in the Opposition!


The point is you idiot, you are the one taking the blue pill. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time for government to allow the private sector breathe. Leaders will come from academia and industry. Guyana needs a PYO like a sore lip. Do we need a PYO to train leaders? C'mon this is the 21st century. God has other things to go bless. Nehru, shut yuh behind and grow to to the modern world. PYO my ass....yuh just spewing clap trap from an old age.

Seriously, sometimes I does wonder if you really educated as you claim. Why is there Young Democrats and Young Republicans Party. Why every bloody College has a Mini Democratic and Republican Party????   Bannas, if shit eat out yuh brains it will be advisable to take your time before you post!!!

Now what in the above from you is "educated"? Do you think the giving away of paper kites ( usually from the OP budget!) is to alleviate any basic need? It is " see the beneficence of the great PPP in action; is giving you kites".


It is to elicit the latent need  in people to feel a sense of reciprocal obligation and return the favor with votes. They are hitting Amerinds and areas where they need help. This strategy of giving up pittance and gaining trust is invidious.


It dilutes what would be normal, an examination of the permanency of oppressive poverty among these groups and instead they succumb to  pluralistic ignorance. Nandalal even has the gall to suggest that the budget cutting prevents them from doing more! Imagine that, a 50 cent paper kite is affected by those brutes in the Opposition!


The point is you idiot, you are the one taking the blue pill. 

I wonder if many are obligated to read the shit you post daily???


Any by the way D2, if you check with Amral you will find out I am a Canecutter so I never claimed to be Heducated. But dis canecutter nah stupid. Common sense sometime better than Heducation and GNI is proving dat daily.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time for government to allow the private sector breathe. Leaders will come from academia and industry. Guyana needs a PYO like a sore lip. Do we need a PYO to train leaders? C'mon this is the 21st century. God has other things to go bless. Nehru, shut yuh behind and grow to to the modern world. PYO my ass....yuh just spewing clap trap from an old age.

Seriously, sometimes I does wonder if you really educated as you claim. Why is there Young Democrats and Young Republicans Party. Why every bloody College has a Mini Democratic and Republican Party????   Bannas, if shit eat out yuh brains it will be advisable to take your time before you post!!!

Now what in the above from you is "educated"? Do you think the giving away of paper kites ( usually from the OP budget!) is to alleviate any basic need? It is " see the beneficence of the great PPP in action; is giving you kites".


It is to elicit the latent need  in people to feel a sense of reciprocal obligation and return the favor with votes. They are hitting Amerinds and areas where they need help. This strategy of giving up pittance and gaining trust is invidious.


It dilutes what would be normal, an examination of the permanency of oppressive poverty among these groups and instead they succumb to  pluralistic ignorance. Nandalal even has the gall to suggest that the budget cutting prevents them from doing more! Imagine that, a 50 cent paper kite is affected by those brutes in the Opposition!


The point is you idiot, you are the one taking the blue pill. 

I wonder if many are obligated to read the shit you post daily???

does the big market whore need to be inculcated in the finer attributes of social discourse to excel at in her effectiveness at a 'buse down? I do not write  for the likes of you.


Politicians are the same everywhere. They all use tactics to buy votes. After-all "politics is who gets what, when and how". When Obama was running for president, his people found me and asked me to help him win. Outside of those two campaigns when he needed me, I have not heard from him or his people on how he can help me. They are all crooks. The problem is that in Guyana, the system is not set up to prevent abuse. And that goes for all parties.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Politicians are the same everywhere. They all use tactics to buy votes. After-all "politics is who gets what, when and how". When Obama was running for president, his people found me and asked me to help him win. Outside of those two campaigns when he needed me, I have not heard from him or his people on how he can help me. They are all crooks. The problem is that in Guyana, the system is not set up to prevent abuse. And that goes for all parties.

This is a good lesson fuh dem Bhias.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time for government to allow the private sector breathe. Leaders will come from academia and industry. Guyana needs a PYO like a sore lip. Do we need a PYO to train leaders? C'mon this is the 21st century. God has other things to go bless. Nehru, shut yuh behind and grow to to the modern world. PYO my ass....yuh just spewing clap trap from an old age.

Seriously, sometimes I does wonder if you really educated as you claim. Why is there Young Democrats and Young Republicans Party. Why every bloody College has a Mini Democratic and Republican Party????   Bannas, if shit eat out yuh brains it will be advisable to take your time before you post!!!

Now what in the above from you is "educated"? Do you think the giving away of paper kites ( usually from the OP budget!) is to alleviate any basic need? It is " see the beneficence of the great PPP in action; is giving you kites".


It is to elicit the latent need  in people to feel a sense of reciprocal obligation and return the favor with votes. They are hitting Amerinds and areas where they need help. This strategy of giving up pittance and gaining trust is invidious.


It dilutes what would be normal, an examination of the permanency of oppressive poverty among these groups and instead they succumb to  pluralistic ignorance. Nandalal even has the gall to suggest that the budget cutting prevents them from doing more! Imagine that, a 50 cent paper kite is affected by those brutes in the Opposition!


The point is you idiot, you are the one taking the blue pill. 

I wonder if many are obligated to read the shit you post daily???

does the big market whore need to be inculcated in the finer attributes of social discourse to excel at in her effectiveness at a 'buse down? I do not write  for the likes of you.

Wait you are also a man whore????

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Politicians are the same everywhere. They all use tactics to buy votes. After-all "politics is who gets what, when and how". When Obama was running for president, his people found me and asked me to help him win. Outside of those two campaigns when he needed me, I have not heard from him or his people on how he can help me. They are all crooks. The problem is that in Guyana, the system is not set up to prevent abuse. And that goes for all parties.

Latent above is the classic logical fallacy post hoc ergo procter hoc. It matters not what obama did else where to you or others. It matters that the PPP, in distributing cheap paper kites, tells the people that they could have done better if not for the budget cuts. Worse, it links the cuts in the OP directly to this kite distribution as if it is ever legal for the PPP to use OP funds to campaign.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Politicians are the same everywhere. They all use tactics to buy votes. After-all "politics is who gets what, when and how". When Obama was running for president, his people found me and asked me to help him win. Outside of those two campaigns when he needed me, I have not heard from him or his people on how he can help me. They are all crooks. The problem is that in Guyana, the system is not set up to prevent abuse. And that goes for all parties.

Latent above is the classic logical fallacy post hoc ergo procter hoc. It matters not what obama did else where to you or others. It matters that the PPP, in distributing cheap paper kites, tells the people that they could have done better if not for the budget cuts. Worse, it links the cuts in the OP directly to this kite distribution as if it is ever legal for the PPP to use OP funds to campaign.

I love the way you just solved 20 World problems with a few sentences. The UN should employ you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time for government to allow the private sector breathe. Leaders will come from academia and industry. Guyana needs a PYO like a sore lip. Do we need a PYO to train leaders? C'mon this is the 21st century. God has other things to go bless. Nehru, shut yuh behind and grow to to the modern world. PYO my ass....yuh just spewing clap trap from an old age.

Seriously, sometimes I does wonder if you really educated as you claim. Why is there Young Democrats and Young Republicans Party. Why every bloody College has a Mini Democratic and Republican Party????   Bannas, if shit eat out yuh brains it will be advisable to take your time before you post!!!

Now what in the above from you is "educated"? Do you think the giving away of paper kites ( usually from the OP budget!) is to alleviate any basic need? It is " see the beneficence of the great PPP in action; is giving you kites".


It is to elicit the latent need  in people to feel a sense of reciprocal obligation and return the favor with votes. They are hitting Amerinds and areas where they need help. This strategy of giving up pittance and gaining trust is invidious.


It dilutes what would be normal, an examination of the permanency of oppressive poverty among these groups and instead they succumb to  pluralistic ignorance. Nandalal even has the gall to suggest that the budget cutting prevents them from doing more! Imagine that, a 50 cent paper kite is affected by those brutes in the Opposition!


The point is you idiot, you are the one taking the blue pill. 

I wonder if many are obligated to read the shit you post daily???

does the big market whore need to be inculcated in the finer attributes of social discourse to excel at in her effectiveness at a 'buse down? I do not write  for the likes of you.

Wait you are also a man whore????

your workable vocabulary and mine does not match up.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Politicians are the same everywhere. They all use tactics to buy votes. After-all "politics is who gets what, when and how". When Obama was running for president, his people found me and asked me to help him win. Outside of those two campaigns when he needed me, I have not heard from him or his people on how he can help me. They are all crooks. The problem is that in Guyana, the system is not set up to prevent abuse. And that goes for all parties.

so, if common sense tells u all that . . . what does it say about the idiots who hold this nonsense up to the light and see virtue


btw, i hear granga dem also distribute kites in Buxton . . . weh de hossanahs fuh APNU?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yall want to take away them cherin kite and bad mouth the PPP for their generosity?

are u responding to something or just adding to the imbecile dung heap u cultivating hay?

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Politicians are the same everywhere. They all use tactics to buy votes. After-all "politics is who gets what, when and how". When Obama was running for president, his people found me and asked me to help him win. Outside of those two campaigns when he needed me, I have not heard from him or his people on how he can help me. They are all crooks. The problem is that in Guyana, the system is not set up to prevent abuse. And that goes for all parties.

so, if common sense tells u all that . . . what does it say about the idiots who hold this nonsense up to the light and see virtue


btw, i hear granga dem also distribute kites in Buxton . . . weh de hosannas fuh APNU?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Any good act must be commended, regardless of the organization.

So yes God do bless the PYO.

really now? . . . the PPP tief day and night, and continue to plot and inflict all manner of evil upon the people; and then . . .


@ Easter, these cynical, wicked men (and their proxies) shower and walk among the oppressed, staging an INSUBSTANTIAL photo-op handing out kites; and y'all rub y'all eyes, line up with the GINA crowd and scream "God Bless, God Bless . . ."


this is the kind of behavior u expect from the beaten-down subjects of Herod in the time of Jesus


what's your excuse?



They will answer for their  sins.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's time for government to allow the private sector breathe. Leaders will come from academia and industry. Guyana needs a PYO like a sore lip. Do we need a PYO to train leaders? C'mon this is the 21st century. God has other things to go bless. Nehru, shut yuh behind and grow to to the modern world. PYO my ass....yuh just spewing clap trap from an old age.

Seriously, sometimes I does wonder if you really educated as you claim. Why is there Young Democrats and Young Republicans Party. Why every bloody College has a Mini Democratic and Republican Party????   Bannas, if shit eat out yuh brains it will be advisable to take your time before you post!!!

Pavi, forget about education levels of you and I. Let's look at how things work in Guyana. The PYO and YSM are the organizations that the political leaders of whichever party rules the day. Where does that leave the bright minds who are not in any of those youth organizations? They are shut out of nation-building and they emigrate with their human capital. Those in the PYO turn out to be the Robert Persauds. Need I say more?


You also do not understand that young Republicans and young Democrats are not the ones that produce Presidents or Cabinet Members. They sometimes contribute to House of Representatives - and we know what these are. So Pavi, your analogy is misplaced; so too is your rant about "if shit eat out yuh brains it will be advisable to take your time before you post!!!" and "sometimes I does wonder if you really educated as you claim". You see peanut brain, your rants are like boomerang that hit home to you. [Note to self- he might not know what's being conveyed by boomerang. He might not then know that he himself must take time to post as shit eat his brains].

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Any good act must be commended, regardless of the organization.

So yes God do bless the PYO.

them PPP tiefman giving back pittance is god's work? 350 paper kites they possibly paid some other PPPIte to make at a handsome profit? Get real.

The bottom line is they are giving back.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Politicians are the same everywhere. They all use tactics to buy votes. After-all "politics is who gets what, when and how". When Obama was running for president, his people found me and asked me to help him win. Outside of those two campaigns when he needed me, I have not heard from him or his people on how he can help me. They are all crooks. The problem is that in Guyana, the system is not set up to prevent abuse. And that goes for all parties.

Latent above is the classic logical fallacy post hoc ergo procter hoc. It matters not what obama did else where to you or others. It matters that the PPP, in distributing cheap paper kites, tells the people that they could have done better if not for the budget cuts. Worse, it links the cuts in the OP directly to this kite distribution as if it is ever legal for the PPP to use OP funds to campaign.

I love the way you just solved 20 World problems with a few sentences. The UN should employ you.

I am open minded usually and try to meet you more than half ways most of the time but sometimes you do leave me in the weeds with your peculiarity. I was not answering any question much less 20. As the saying goes...i can even believe in six impossible things before breakfast....but seven? Give me a break. One does have to limit ones nonsense.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

 market whore


Did you write that or was yuh Jumbie????

That is easy. I know precisely what is being referenced because it is in the cultural vernacular. However, I know nothing of a man whore and given your peculiar usage it would definitely not line up with a reference in our urban dictionary. You most certainly are in a world of your social clique or your own imagination.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yall want to take away them cherin kite and bad mouth the PPP for their generosity?

Where was it ever about kites and children? It was the opportunistic photo op and PPP messaging in that yellow rag ( ion the nations dime) about opposition cutting budget and depriving citizens of necessary benefits. It has apparently worked because the usual knee bending crew are here in line and giving graces to their sovereign and even likening it to a benediction from heaven.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Any good act must be commended, regardless of the organization.

So yes God do bless the PYO.

really now? . . . the PPP tief day and night, and continue to plot and inflict all manner of evil upon the people; and then . . .


@ Easter, these cynical, wicked men (and their proxies) shower and walk among the oppressed, staging an INSUBSTANTIAL photo-op handing out kites; and y'all rub y'all eyes, line up with the GINA crowd and scream "God Bless, God Bless . . ."


this is the kind of behavior u expect from the beaten-down subjects of Herod in the time of Jesus


what's your excuse?



They will answer for their  sins.

sorry . . . all acts of 'giving' are not created equal


common sense should tell you that


lessee by way of example here . . . a rapist lures a destitute young woman with shelter and food in order to brutalize and ravish her . . . would you call that a "good act"?


banna, a cynical, manipulative, flimsy piece of propaganda at the end of the day remains a a cynical, manipulative, flimsy piece of propaganda



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Any good act must be commended, regardless of the organization.

So yes God do bless the PYO.

really now? . . . the PPP tief day and night, and continue to plot and inflict all manner of evil upon the people; and then . . .


@ Easter, these cynical, wicked men (and their proxies) shower and walk among the oppressed, staging an INSUBSTANTIAL photo-op handing out kites; and y'all rub y'all eyes, line up with the GINA crowd and scream "God Bless, God Bless . . ."


this is the kind of behavior u expect from the beaten-down subjects of Herod in the time of Jesus


what's your excuse?



They will answer for their  sins.

sorry . . . all acts of 'giving' are not created equal


common sense should tell you that


a cynical, manipulative, flimsy piece of propaganda at the end of the day remains a a cynical, manipulative, flimsy piece of propaganda

Do you guys really believe that Guyanese are naive  and they will not read between the lines?

Look let the people enjoy  the free kites.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Any by the way D2, if you check with Amral you will find out I am a Canecutter so I never claimed to be Heducated. But dis canecutter nah stupid. Common sense sometime better than Heducation and GNI is proving dat daily.

Don't put the blame on the cane harvester for your laziness. I had a classmate who actually went to cut cane after high school because he had no option and was later awarded a scholarship by the church of the Nazarene  to attend a church school in Trinidad to be a preacher. He used that chance to moved beyond and become a Cordon Bleu Chef and works in Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Any good act must be commended, regardless of the organization.

So yes God do bless the PYO.

really now? . . . the PPP tief day and night, and continue to plot and inflict all manner of evil upon the people; and then . . .


@ Easter, these cynical, wicked men (and their proxies) shower and walk among the oppressed, staging an INSUBSTANTIAL photo-op handing out kites; and y'all rub y'all eyes, line up with the GINA crowd and scream "God Bless, God Bless . . ."


this is the kind of behavior u expect from the beaten-down subjects of Herod in the time of Jesus


what's your excuse?



They will answer for their  sins.

sorry . . . all acts of 'giving' are not created equal


common sense should tell you that


lessee by way of example here . . . a rapist lures a destitute young woman with shelter and food in order to brutalize and ravish her . . . would you call that a "good act"?


banna, a cynical, manipulative, flimsy piece of propaganda at the end of the day remains a a cynical, manipulative, flimsy piece of propaganda



Do you guys really believe that Guyanese are naive  and they will not read between the lines?

Look let the people enjoy  the free kites.

you now contradict yourself and are (deliberately?) missing the point


nobody wants the people not to enjoy the kites . . .


it is the imbecilic celebration/blessing of PPP cynicism and manipulation by the thread starter and the usual suspect dopes that set off alarms and the heaping of obloquy on the likes of you who should know better

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Politicians are the same everywhere. They all use tactics to buy votes. After-all "politics is who gets what, when and how". When Obama was running for president, his people found me and asked me to help him win. Outside of those two campaigns when he needed me, I have not heard from him or his people on how he can help me. They are all crooks. The problem is that in Guyana, the system is not set up to prevent abuse. And that goes for all parties.

Latent above is the classic logical fallacy post hoc ergo procter hoc. It matters not what obama did else where to you or others. It matters that the PPP, in distributing cheap paper kites, tells the people that they could have done better if not for the budget cuts. Worse, it links the cuts in the OP directly to this kite distribution as if it is ever legal for the PPP to use OP funds to campaign.

I don't have a problem with your argument here. In-fact, I totally agree. I don't see the current government as faultless or deserving of praises. My concern is that what I have seen so far from the opposition is not an improvement.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Politicians are the same everywhere. They all use tactics to buy votes. After-all "politics is who gets what, when and how". When Obama was running for president, his people found me and asked me to help him win. Outside of those two campaigns when he needed me, I have not heard from him or his people on how he can help me. They are all crooks. The problem is that in Guyana, the system is not set up to prevent abuse. And that goes for all parties.

so, if common sense tells u all that . . . what does it say about the idiots who hold this nonsense up to the light and see virtue


btw, i hear granga dem also distribute kites in Buxton . . . weh de hossanahs fuh APNU?

Don't lose sleep with Cobra and Nehru. Most of the time, they don't make sense. As regard the politicians in Guyana. They are doing what every politician do.


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